Logotypes for an impulse

Logotypes for an impulse

We, António Sérgio Simões and Paulo Martins, are two young portuguese designers who, driven  by our ambition and a strong willingness to grow, decided to create our own com...

  • 570


    114% of 500€

    15 backers

  • 10/06/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

We, António Sérgio Simões and Paulo Martins, are two young portuguese designers who, driven  by our ambition and a strong willingness to grow, decided to create our own com...

We, António Sérgio Simões and Paulo Martins, are two young portuguese designers who, driven  by our ambition and a strong willingness to grow, decided to create our own company . For that, we need an initial start up support. 
With the intetion of carrying this idea forward  by means of our work and effort, we decided to create the project : “Logotypes for an impulse”       


The idea is simple.  We thought it would be fun and a challenge to start a project under the concept of creating a lot of different logotypes to different people, based on a personal or a corporate name. Each supporter will receive at a very low cost an original logotype, professionaly designed, representing his personal or corporate name.For that we will ask each supporter to present a brief description about himself, or about the company, in order to have a basis to collect references and create the logotype.Depending on the number of supporters, it can become a great project.


We are very demanding and strict concerning consistency and coherence in our work.If this project  receives a lot of supporters, we want them to know in advance that the number of working hours spent by us to create each logotype can be confined  or limited to two or three hours.Suppose that for some good reason there were 300 persons supporting this project. It would mean that it could take three months, having involved eighty working hours  per week. It would be great!This will be the greatest challenge part of the project: to conceive and design  strong and top logotypes within  a short period of time. It will not be easy! But we are eager to take our creativity to another level – to think outside the box!Then the logotype  will be delivered to the client in a  EPS, AI, PSD, PDF, JPG file format or in any other file format required.We thank you for your time analysing and evaluating our project.We can’t wait to see how far we can go!      

About the author

Paulo Martins was born in Braga, Portugal , in 1989.
He graduated in Design at the University of Évora, in 2012. During that period, and under the Erasmus programme, he studied for one semester at Avans University - AKV|St.Joost - School of Fine Art and Design, in Breda, Netherlands.

António Simões was born in Braga, Portugal , in 1988.
He graduated in Design at the University of Évora, in 2012. He worked as a designer at the architecture office Nuno Capa, Arquitecto Lda  where he developped several works in the field of architecture and design.

Having a long story of jointprojects we realised that this was how we wanted to work.
As a result, emerged the idea of creating a multidisciplinar and multitaskng design company which will embrace: Graphic Design; Product  Design; Industrial Design; Interiors Design; Design Management and 3D modeling.     

Budget and due dates

Necessitamos deste pequeno impulso para: registar o nome e imagem da empresa, criar um domínio e pagina web, e ajuda para as despesas iniciais da empresa. Não temos um valor mínimo bem definido, pois todo o que conseguir-mos juntar ao que já temos é uma grande ajuda. Orçamento detalhado (estimativa) -registo de marca (Nacional, mista) - (+/-) 250€ -pagina web (construção e manutenção) - (+/-) 400€ -aluguer de espaço (1º mês) - (+/-) 300€ Somo exigentes quanto a consistência do nosso trabalho. No caso deste projecto receber um monte de apoiantes, queremos que saibam de antemão que o numero de horas gasto em cada logótipo pode ser limitado (para os logótipos pessoais) a duas ou três horas. Imaginem que por algum bom motivo havia 300 pessoas a apoiar este projecto, ele poderia demorar três meses, com oitenta horas de trabalho semanal. O que seria fantastico! Esta será a parte desafiante, projectar logótipos consistentes e de qualidade num curto espaço de tempo, não vai ser fácil, mas estamos desejosos para levar a nossa criatividade a outro nível. O valor de mercado dos serviços que oferecemos nas recompensas variam entre os 100€ e os 800€. -Logótipo pessoal (com duas propostas) - de 150€ a 250€ -Logótipo empresarial PME (com acompanhamento) - de 600€ a 800€ -Estacionário (cartão de visita, envelopes, papel de carta) - de 200€ a 300€ Esta é a primeira vez que prestamos estes serviços, pelos valores referidos nas recompensas, pois estes estão muito abaixo dos valores médios de mercado. Por este motivo pensamos ter uma grande adesão.

Sat, 05/10/2024 - 12:11


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


15 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 8
    new backers

  • 7
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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