KANDIA - The Video, The Album

KANDIA - The Video, The Album

Active in the music business since 2007, Kandia have always worked and invested alone. Created from scratch & based on the drive and creative minds of André and Nya Cruz, they h...

  • 550


    110% of 5 000€

    127 backers

  • 25/03/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Active in the music business since 2007, Kandia have always worked and invested alone. Created from scratch & based on the drive and creative minds of André and Nya Cruz, they have released two discographic works that speak for themselves: the "Light" EP (2008) and the 2010 album "Inward Beauty | Outward Reflection". In 2012 their third album started to get written together with friend and producer Daniel Cardoso (Anathema) mind-set on a unique and avant-garde sound. As this goal was achiev...

Active in the music business since 2007, Kandia have always worked and invested alone. Created from scratch & based on the drive and creative minds of André and Nya Cruz, they have released two discographic works that speak for themselves: the "Light" EP (2008) and the 2010 album "Inward Beauty | Outward Reflection".

In 2012 their third album started to get written together with friend and producer Daniel Cardoso (Anathema) mind-set on a unique and avant-garde sound.

As this goal was achieved, it is now time to work and get this new sound and image to the fans.

Guided by the desire of always being one step ahead when it comes to production and image, the concept of their first single, "Scars" is created, which will be, as usual, directed by the crafty hands of Ricardo Teixeira.

But this video is just the first step. The single and the album must be available to the masses and concerts to promote it must happen both in Portugal and abroad.

Entitled "All is gone" and with an enlightened, simple and straightforward image, Kandia’s third album consists of 12 electrifying songs.

Help KANDIA give birth to this work & show the World that Portugal has just a little something more to show for.
Make your contribution and get fantastic rewards in return, some of it exclusive and you will NOT get it anywhere else other than here.
This is a project made by the hands, minds and hearts of three dedicated musicians that live & breathe music and have been struggling to get their music across.

About the author

Nya Cruz: Date of Birth: May 13, 1982

Began dancing at the age of 8, an art that  she would later leave to join a theater group.

At 18 she discovers her true passion: singing. Something that allows her to combine dance, theater & writing in a single performance.

Love Lies Eternal: Vocalist - 2000-2004

Love Lies Eternal begins in 2000 with their first demo "ACT 1", later on a single entitled "Paintings" is released and draws the attention of the Portuguese record label Ethereal Sound Works that signs and publishes the first and only work "Never Ends". The band eventually split up even before the release.

Y?: Vocalist - 2004-2007

Y? is born in 2004 from the ashes of LLE. With a more raw and aggressive sound, they count Nya as a vocalist until 2007, when they win the contest SUPER BOCK PRELOAD which allows them to walk on the same stage that METALLICA  at SBSR Festival that year.

Kandia: Vocalist - 2007 - 2012 ...

Creates the project with André Cruz from scratch, assuming the duo as the only official members of the project. Kandia count  concerts in Spain and Latvia, and shared the stage with Guano Apes and Within Temptation and Danny Cavanagh (Anathema)

André Cruz: Founder of Kandia and composer, André was born August 6, 1981. Guitarist since his teenage years the peak of garage bands, took part in projects like "Innocence" and "Broken Hourglass", as well as his solo project "Backlit", and would eventually join Nya in Y? in 2006.

Responsible for the graphic work of KANDIA, all albums and web platforms have his signature. With experience in Design since 1999, he is guided by the constant search for something innovative and suprising to the consumer.

Daniel Cardoso: For his extensive CV, we would ask that you please visit  Daniel’s page on Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Cardoso

Budget and due dates

Os valores apresentados são estimativas aproximadas do valor real necessário, com base nos anteriores projetos levados a cabo pelos promotores. Edição de 200 Single Ed físicos: 320€ Videoclip: 3000€ (incl) Realização / Produção / Edição / Fotografia / Espaço / Cenário / Guarda-Roupa / Cabeleireiro e Make-up / Catering / Geradores / Transporte / Aluguer de: Luz e Som, Gruas, Charriots, Câmara de Time-Warp / Equipa Técnica de apoio como Assistente de Câmara e de Produção Edição de 1000 cópias LP: 2000€ em Super Jewel Case Edição Digital de LP: 35€/ano Merchandise: T-shirts a 3 cores Quantidade: 250 a 3.49€/unidd Palhetas Personalizadas Quantidade: 500 a 0.35€ /unidd Pins 38mm: Quantidade: 1000 a 0.26€/ unid Neste momento a banda, constituida por André e Nya Cruz não conta com qualquer apoio financeiro de nenhuma entidade, tendo apenas recebido por parte do seu publishing um advance de 3000€ que foi utilizado para pagar 50% da gravação do álbum que se encontra terminado. Trata-se de um projeto duas pessoas que vivem dos seus rendimentos de trabalho sendo que um deles se encontra desempregado. Esta foi a forma que idealizamos para não deixar morrer este nosso projeto, contando com a ajuda de fãs, amigos e família para tal, sendo que de outra forma não nos será possível fazê-lo. Pusemos a nós mesmos a meta de 1 Abril como final de angariação de fundos. Até à edição física do CD contar-se-á 3 semanas, dependerá da fábrica que fará a duplicação mas essa é normalmente a estimativa dada. O videoclip ficaria pronto 1 mês (no máximo) após o final da campanha. Contamos portanto até meio de Maio de 2013 ter todo o material disponível para envio aos apoiantes do nosso crowdfunding.
  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Candlelight Pack

    Candlelight Pack: Pin + "Inward Beauty | Outward Reflection" album

    21 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Torch Pack

    Torch Pack: Previous Pack + "Scars" autographed Single Ed.

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Light Bulb Pack

    Light Bulb Pack: Previous Pack + New Album "All is Gone" Autographed +Crowdfunding Exclusive T-shirt

    55 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Spotlight Pack

    Spotlight Pack: Previous Pack+ 50x70 Autographed Poster +Gt Pick + Official T-shirt

    24 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    Lighthouse Pack

    Lighthouse Pack: Previous Pack+ Listening Party VIP Pass (PT) + Guestlist for 2 on a tour concert of your choice w/ backstage access

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    350€ or more

    Sunlight Pack

    Sunlight Pack: Previous Packs+ LP handwritten lyrics + Mention on Booklet / Privileged access to the Video online before off. launch + Hangout w/ the band

    3 backers

Mon, 24/02/2025 - 15:58


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Robert Rodrigues


    Feito com atraso,mas feito :)
    agora,quero vos ver em França :p

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  • Paula Granada

    You did it!!!

    Mas que sprint espectacular a malta fez hoje! :D Parabéns Kandia!!! Ficamos a aguardar ansiosamente pelo nascimento! :D

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  • Pedro Granada


    Finalmente!!! O que interessa é que conseguiram. Parabéns!!!

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  • Luis Pedro Mota

    PARABÉNS !!!

    Este projecto não podia ficar pelo caminho...
    Ainda bem que conseguiram atingir o vosso objectivo.
    Desejo-vos muito sucesso !!!
    Até breve !!!

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  • TheLuminousLegionLuis Pedro Mota

    É verdade!!! Hoje foi um dia

    É verdade!!! Hoje foi um dia em grande!!
    Kandia vence mais uma batalha!

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  • Nya CruzLuis Pedro Mota

    Obrigado pela enorme ajuda!!!

    Obrigado pela enorme ajuda!!!!
    Vamos continuar a lutar para chegar a todos! :)

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  • Nuno Santos

    Mais um esforço! Bora lá malta :)

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  • Matt Owens

    Support from TX, USA!

    After falling in love with your music, I wanted to do all I could to help you reach your goal! This album deserves to be heard by the world, and your band deserves to reach new ears along new shores! Can't WAIT to see that album arrive in the mail!

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  • Nya CruzMatt Owens


    Thank you so much! :) Means a lot!!!

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  • Marlene Carvalho


    cada vez mais proximos da realizaçao de um sonho!!!!! mais um sonho que todos nos queremos ver realizados!!!
    eu fiz a minha parte!!!!
    tenho pena de nao puder ser com mais.... mas foi de coraçao....
    estamos quase!!!! XD

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  • Nya CruzMarlene Carvalho


    e achas que foi pouco? :)
    obrigado minha querida, significa muito! estamos tão perto!!! :D
    ansiosos por largar a fera!

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127 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 105
    new backers

  • 22
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Sara Salvador

    25/03/2013 - 23:18

  • Robert Rodrigues

    25/03/2013 - 11:17

  • Rui Ferraz

    25/03/2013 - 10:00

    Só para ser o 100 eh eh eh Como prometido

  • Hortense José

    25/03/2013 - 00:39

    Mais um bocadinho, vocês merecem :-) Hortense e Domingos

  • Lúcia Correia

    22/03/2013 - 12:45

    "You'll rise, take control and rise again!" Cada vez mais perto!! Go Kandia! Go Kandia! =D <3 Vamos lá então pôr isto com um numero redondinho =D em nome da Marina Neto, da Clara Patricia Carvalho e em meu nome também... BORA!!!

  • Sandra Fonseca

    21/03/2013 - 13:48

  • CL_6

    21/03/2013 - 11:01

  • Daniela Merav

    19/03/2013 - 18:15

    Congratulations! - Daniela

  • Joop De Rooij Magion

    19/03/2013 - 17:11

    Gap closed ...Joop ;-)

  • Nuno Santos

    19/03/2013 - 17:08

    Siga! Queremos ver a luz... ao fundo do túnel :) 97 :)

  • Mariana Peki

    19/03/2013 - 17:05

    Best band of the world :)

  • Raquel Senra

    19/03/2013 - 15:42

    Valor símbolico. Infelizmente não posso fazer uma grande contribuição. Boa sorte! :)

  • SandraSNunes

    19/03/2013 - 15:29

  • Susana Goncalves

    19/03/2013 - 15:21

    Uma pequena ajuda para a melhor banda do mundo...e arredores ;) From my best friend... Ana Luisa Lourenço ;) Bora lá para o sprint final ;)

  • TheLuminousLegion

    19/03/2013 - 15:00

  • Luis Pedro Mota

    19/03/2013 - 14:26

    Não desistam de perseguir os vossos sonhos... Vivam os vossos sonhos...

  • basilio5150

    18/03/2013 - 20:36


  • hmcampos

    18/03/2013 - 12:05

    Não é muito mas é de boa vontade.

  • Bruno Sá Lee

    18/03/2013 - 11:47

    Keep Rocking, Guys! õ/ Let's do this!

  • Antonio Angonese

    17/03/2013 - 17:36

    :-) ;)