Intensive training at Taoist Temple

Intensive training at Taoist Temple

I will make an intensive training which will run from September until the end of the year. In the mountains of Wudang (China).

  • 520


    135% of 2 572€

    117 backers

  • 09/09/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

I will make an intensive training which will run from September until the end of the year. In the mountains of Wudang (China).

A 3,000 years old temple with a philosophy older than written history. With a Taoist sage, rare to find nowadays. In the remote mountains of Wudang, it’s inaccessibility as been protecting it from the upheavals of China's recent history, which has endangered this precious and ancient wisdom. 

This return to the temple will deepen my knowledge in Taoism and its valuable techniques. My trip will coincide with a rare period when the temple receives people with chronic and severe to treat. Being a unique learning opportunity in a real context. 

I will make an intensive training which will run from September until the end of the year. In the mountains of Wudang (China) I will train for 12 hours per day arts like Qigong, Taiji, Martial Arts internal, Meditation, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Tuina massage, Qigong Healing , Sound Healing, Taoist philosophy, I Ching, etc. And accordingly seek support to withstand the high investment to be made. 

I intend to collect and integrate this knowledge to put it at the service of all those who hardly have access to it and that may also benefit from this. 

Since I know myself I seek understanding of the nature of man, health, happiness, and theology on this world in which we live. 

I truly believe that this Taoist temple contains answers and valuable tools for solving many of these issues. Having already served as root to Zen Buddhism in Japan, the Macrobiotic, practices such as Qigong, Taiji, Meditation, Sun-Gazing, Internal Martial Arts, Reiki, Healing and Longevity practices such as Traditional Chinese Medicine with Acupuncture Tuina massage, Reflexology, Herbal Medicine and more. And interestingly, has also served as inspiration in modern physics and other natural sciences. 

I believe this is a primary source and is an invaluable opportunity to drink from a fountain pure and full of wisdom. 

My goal is to integrate and streamline all these teachings, teaching them next year in return. I think we’re passing by a time of transition, crisis in which several revolutions occur and that a return to the roots has a crucial role to find the answers to essential through in these times of greatest challenge. Above all I want to bring stability and tools to assist in these more difficult times, helping to regain the balance in this period of tightrope. 


About the author

Write about us is quite a challenge ... Each word or definition seems nothing. 

Should we point out the achievements or the temperament? Experience or education? What we consider good or vulnerabilities that we insist on keeping in the shadow? 

Could describe what I like and do not like and still it would be like looking at the finger pointing the sun. 

I grew up in Sintra (Portugal). My favorite fruit is the loquat, although it is rare to find a good one. I've ride on a camel before riding a horse, flew by helicopter before boarding an aircraft. I walked over hot coals because someone asked me if I wanted to try. Read a free universal at 10 years writing then my theological view of the world. At 11 I was drawing mandalas on paper because I liked the symmetry between the traits, the relationship between things and finding proportions. With 13 I made my first 1000 pieces puzzle. At age 15, after reading a number of books of Buddhism decided that I would one day live at a temple in the East to "find myself." 14 years later I went. At the same age I started practicing Muay Thai and continued for two years thinking that I would discover something profound about myself, having learned that fear is greater than the reality, and that vanishes when we look ahead with courage. I graduated in computer engineering because I didn’t knew a thing about physics and mathematics and wanted to combine skill and art. Developing as final project a CD-ROM teaching History to children that I offer to anyone that wishes it. 

I worked in a large multinational and realized that "make money" or "get more" could not be the only reason to engage half the time we are awake in life. Learned macrobiotics for 2 years and so many formations that I felt interest and appreciation. Given training in all age groups and gained experience over the years working as a therapist, shopkeeper, project manager, communications adviser, meditation teacher, web designer, painter, janitor, counselor, travel guide and cook. I believe everything that I dedicate interconnects with everything to which I devote myself. The impossible is a result of the inability to see the possible. 

When I do not know if something is possible, I try. If something seems impossible I experience. I believe in dreams becoming true if we strive wide awake in these and with the help of other dreamers. 

Budget and due dates

Como principais despesas tenho a viagem para Oriente, as viagens internas dentro do país, a estadia e alimentação ao longo dos meses. Estou a investir o dinheiro que tenho e coloquei o que tenho de valor à venda, no entanto, só consigo suportar cerca de 50% pelo que necessito de apoio para suportar o elevado investimento. Tenho como meta integrar e simplificar todos estes ensinamentos e ensiná-los no próximo ano, como retorno. Acredito que passamos uma época de transição, de crise em que diversas revoluções ocorrem e que o regresso às raízes tem um papel fundamental para encontrar as respostas essenciais para atravessar estes tempos de maior desafio. Acima de tudo quero trazer estabilidade e ferramentas para auxiliar nestes tempos mais difíceis, auxiliando o reencontrar do equilíbrio nesta época de corda bamba.

Thu, 13/02/2025 - 12:51


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 15/07/2013 - 20:11


Bem hajas! e podes crer que partilharei o melhor possível tudo aquilo que aprender. Se conseguir ultrapassar algumas questões logísticas tentarei dar actualizações de como vai ...

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  • Casimiro Machado

    Eu apoio

    Boa Viagem. Um grande abraço

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  • Elsa Gonçalves

    Já está:)

    beijinhos e muito boa aprendizagem!

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  • cmsa

    Boa viagem

    Sempre vos considerei grandes amigos e inspiração de vida!!
    Espero que consigas fazer aquilo que muitos de nós gostariam de ter a coragem e iluminação de fazer!!

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  • Vasco Baiãocmsa

    E tu também! Sentimos um

    E tu também! Sentimos um enorme carinho quando falamos de vocês. Sabe então que nos inspiras também!
    Um grande abraço grande Miguel!

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  • Miguel Silva

    Força Vasco!

    Força Vasco!

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  • Vasco Baião


    Bem hajas! e podes crer que partilharei o melhor possível tudo aquilo que aprender.
    Se conseguir ultrapassar algumas questões logísticas tentarei dar actualizações de como vai correndo a formação e a vida pelo templo.
    Um abraço!

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  • lmsbaiao


    Fantástico a tua dedicação e a integridade na vida ... Vai ser fantástico depois quero saber tudo ... Boa sorte...

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117 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • rita.isabel.oliveira

    09/09/2013 - 19:22

  • a_antunes

    09/09/2013 - 18:10

  • Lourenco de Azevedo

    09/09/2013 - 15:15

  • abarbot

    09/09/2013 - 15:05

    Boas viagens :)

  • Leonilda Silva

    09/09/2013 - 11:14

  • macrodiana

    09/09/2013 - 10:27

  • Ruben Pedro

    08/09/2013 - 20:50

    Vai e volta mais rico em conhecimento!

  • Tatianaperdigao

    08/09/2013 - 01:19

  • Alexandre Martins

    07/09/2013 - 03:02


  • dgaspar

    06/09/2013 - 19:48

  • João Santos

    06/09/2013 - 14:26

    És um exemplo amigo Vasco, segue o teu caminho e espero poder caminhar a teu lado um dia, mesmo que por breves momentos.

  • João Dinis

    06/09/2013 - 10:05

  • Catarina s rosa

    05/09/2013 - 14:47

  • ClaraGomes

    04/09/2013 - 16:28

    Um pedacinho de mim segue contigo. Força Vasco, aproveita cada momento. ;) <3

  • Rui Aguiar

    04/09/2013 - 12:34

    Boa Viagem!

  • telmabaole

    04/09/2013 - 11:29

  • Joana Rita

    04/09/2013 - 08:42

    Gostava de apoiar com muito mais porque acho um projecto fantástico, mas neste momento é o possível! :) Muita energia, força, alegria e amor para esta caminhada

  • Paula Margarido

    03/09/2013 - 15:44

    Boa sorte Vasco

  • mlaetitia

    03/09/2013 - 14:44

    Boa sorteee! Espero que corra tudo beem!

  • verasousa

    03/09/2013 - 11:41

    That all your dreams come true***