“The evaporation of Birds” is a dramaturgical experience around the concepts of power and freedom. A man and another man, to whom we have decided to call Sir and Servant, are captive to a place from which it seems they can’t get out.
“The evaporation of Birds” is a dramaturgical experience around the concepts of power and freedom. A man and another man, to whom we have decided to call Sir and Servant, are captive to a place from which it seems they can’t get out. That place, drawn from the circumscription of the public, an imperfect arena taken as scenic space, is as it is to be found, an interior prison that each of them settles for themself. “The evaporations of Birds”, originally “Yes, Sir!” (version of September 99, released by Grupo de Teatro do Sport Clube de Mem Martins, with a public reading directed by Glicínia Quartin, Pedro Tavares and Pedro Martinez, included in the Reading Cycle conducted by Jaime Salazar Sampaio at SPA), was written in 1988 and re-written in 2000. The version of the actual show was adapted by Colectivo Prisma.
The crowdfunding’s purpose is for the publication of the book, production of promotional materials, communication and support to scenography.
Text/staging: Joaquim Paulo Nogueira
Dramaturgy: Colectivo Prisma (Paulo Tavares, Sara Felício, Cláudio Henriques, Hugo Magro e Rosa Azevedo) e Joaquim Paulo Nogueira e Rui Ferreira
Actors: Cláudio Henriques e Rui Ferreira
Executive Production: Rosa Azevedo
Image and Sound: Hugo Magro
Isabel Resgate
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