We're a group of young people who intend to create a space that will give voice to the national artists of different areas, especially those in the beginning of their career.
We are well aware of the importance that culture has and the difficulties that artists face in the course of their careers. We think that there is a gap in the quantity and quality of spaces for the presentation of these same artists to the public. There are some small/medium spaces that occasionally feature some artists but there is no space dedicated exclusively to catapult artists from different areas - theater, dance, music, plastic arts, cinema, etc. This is the gap we want to fill. This would require a broad and central space, a well-designed and solid project, motivated people behind it and finally capital. Although it has appeared in last, the truth is that without money it is not possible to leverage this project.
That is why we are using all means to make this project possible. The most important thing is to guarantee space rent in the first two months so we can develop events that allow us to gather more money and guarantee the sustainability of the space. We thank you for all the help you can give us, making this dream possible. Lisbon is a city with enormous potential and growing tourism is "forcing us" to grow, to provide more cultural offers, to galvanize the national culture.
Let's work for it!