Fontão EcoTransition Project Startup
  • Green
  • Amarante, Portugal

Fontão EcoTransition Project Startup

A project of hands-on learning and environmental education for a sustainable, low-impact living: organic farming, permaculture and bioconstruction.

  • 805


    134% of 600€

    21 backers

  • 13/02/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

A project of hands-on learning and environmental education for a sustainable, low-impact living: organic farming, permaculture and bioconstruction.

It's been a while now since I started to feel the need to move back to the country. After a few years of search for a piece of land, where I could develop my sustainable and self-sufficient life project, the universe became in sync and gifted me with a beautiful piece of land that, although not mine, I can care for as my own. With this project I intend to learn and share the knowledge, being the pedagogical aspect one of the main pillars. One of the medium-term challenges will be to receive groups of children and young people, in order to promote a sustainable and creative lifestyle.

With this initial campaign ‘Fontão EcoTransition Project Startup’, promoted by PPL Crowdfunding Portugal, the aim is to improve the living conditions in the house since the current roof consists in asbestos-cement plates. The collected funds will allow the purchase of a wood range cooker and wood heating stove and possibly a heater (all second hand) and all the accessories for its fitting. It will also allow putting some isolation in the bedroom floor since it is still in cement.

Exceeding this campaign goal will allow investing on the ongoing or next projects, the nursery, green roof, dry toilet, etc.

I would very much like to count on your participation, not only in monetary terms, but with your involvement in this project. There are many ways you can help. If you can, believe and would like to be a part of this adventure, please give your contribution to this campaign. Thank you.

About the author

My name is Mónica Santos, I am 35 years old, born and raised in Braga, Portugal. Had the huge privilege of growing up in a rural area (nowadays suburbs). Only a few years ago I could be sure that the idea of a happy life in the country wasn’t only longing or nostalgia but is actually a way of life that fulfills me. It was thanks to WWOOF that I had the chance to live in organic farms where much more than agriculture we learn how to live in a community and to develop environmental friendly techniques. Those were life experiences that changed my life and made clear that this is my purpose. It was Isabel Teixeira, the mentor of one of the farms where I had the pleasure to WWOOF, Mimos de Arnoia Farm in Celorico de Basto, who showed me Fontão Farm and opened up a world of possibilities. Isabel is part of the team despite her home base is on the other side of Tâmega River. Other member of the team is Martina who is not yet physically present but her strength is already felt hundreds of miles away.

Other wwoofers that I have had the pleasure of meeting along the way will certainly collaborate with the project, not to mention family and friends who have always supported me, even though they do not understand why I want to live in the countryside, and will for sure collaborate in this project as much as they can. The team will be vast and will certainly include wwoofers that I will be happy to receive as soon as I can. It is a growing community that includes everyone who wants to be a part of it. Welcome to Fontão Farm.

Budget and due dates

Wood range cooker and wood heating stove (all second hand) and accessories for fitting - 400€

Isolation in the bedroom floor - 100€

PPL commission and rewards - 100€ (+-)

 Total - 600€

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    3 Kg of Seasonal Fruit (to be picked at Fontão Farm in Amarante, Portugal - a great excuse to come and visit)

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    6 Kg of Seasonal Fruit (to be picked at Fontão Farm in Amarante, Portugal - a great excuse to come and visit)

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    9 Kg of Seasonal Fruit (to be picked at Fontão Farm in Amarante, Portugal - a great excuse to come and visit). Fontão Farm postcard with a personalized thank you (to be sent up to two months after the conclusion of the campaign).

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    12 Kg of Seasonal Fruit (to be picked at Fontão Farm in Amarante, Portugal - a great excuse to come and visit). Fontão Farm postcard with a personalized thank you (to be sent up to two months after the conclusion of the campaign). Tree adoption.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    15 Kg of Seasonal Fruit (to be picked at Fontão Farm in Amarante, Portugal - a great excuse to come and visit). Fontão Farm postcard with a personalized thank you (to be sent up to two months after the conclusion of the campaign). Tree adoption. Rural camping, all included, with star viewing offer and possibility to work the land (it can be done any time of the year but advised between June and September for thermal comfort).

    2 backers

Wed, 26/06/2024 - 13:05

Fri, 10/03/2017 - 16:00

Cancelamento/Alteração do Projeto

Caríssimos, depois de tanto entusiasmo o projeto EcoTransição Fontão está cancelado. Os objetivos do projeto chocam com os interesses dos proprietários. Continuo, no entanto, à ...

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Tue, 14/02/2017 - 14:37

Projeto financiado :)

Obrigada a todos <3 Conseguimos ultrapassar o objetivo :D Fiquem atentos que irei manter-vos atualizados dos progressos. Espero receber a vossa visita em breve na Quinta d...

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Tue, 14/02/2017 - 11:24

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Mónica Sofia Santos

    Cancelamento/Alteração do Projeto

    Caríssimos, depois de tanto entusiasmo o projeto EcoTransição Fontão está cancelado. Os objetivos do projeto chocam com os interesses dos proprietários. Continuo, no entanto, à procura de novo espaço para desenvolvimento do Projeto EcoTransição, se souberem de algum espaço agradeço que me enviem informações. Agradeço a vossa compreensão. Até já, obrigada

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  • Mónica Sofia Santos

    Projeto financiado :)

    Obrigada a todos <3 Conseguimos ultrapassar o objetivo :D

    Fiquem atentos que irei manter-vos atualizados dos progressos.

    Espero receber a vossa visita em breve na Quinta do Fontão ;)

    Até já

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21 members of the PPL community
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  • 6
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