Dazkarieh 7th Album

Dazkarieh 7th Album

And suddenly fifteen years passed in Dazkarieh’s life! Fifteen years where we worked hard to bring our music to all of you. Therefore, in a celebration mood, we decided to produ...

  • 7900


    122% of 6 500€

    224 backers

  • 16/06/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

And suddenly fifteen years passed in Dazkarieh’s life! Fifteen years where we worked hard to bring our music to all of you. Therefore, in a celebration mood, we decided to produ...

And suddenly fifteen years passed in Dazkarieh’s life! Fifteen years where we worked hard to bring our music to all of you. Therefore, in a celebration mood, we decided to produce our 7th album with your help, raising money to be able to materialize one more creative adventure.

In fifteen years we released 6 albums. The first two, “Dazkarieh I” and “Dazkarieh II”, were a kind of music laboratory in which we have mixed many world influences with ours, trying to find our own identity. In 2006 we published “Incognita Alquimia” and finally feel that, when we turn to the portuguese tradicional music, we began to find our musical path. Followed “Hemisférios”, “Ruído do Silêncio” and at last “Eterno Retorno”, released in 2012.

During all this time we run length and breadth of Portugal and we traveled a lot around the World. Besides our country we’ve made great tours in Germany, which welcomes us almost every year. We also played at festivals and venues in Mexico, Canada, Malaysia, Spain, Estonia, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Cape Verde.

We always released our albums with a lot of willpower and a lot of investment, not only financial as emotional, and with much support from our friends and family. We have tried, over the years, to give as much as we can to our fans. We make music with all our heart and invest a lot in the sound of our records, the artwork, the videos, merchandising, etc.. We do everything we can so our Art comes to you with the highest quality possible.

After the composing process, the most important part in this story of making an album is the recording process. We must confess: we always loved this part and we did it with great dedication. Our recording process has been evolving, always recording in our own studio and every year acquiring more gear to meet the ambitions of a better new sound. In 2012 we recorded the "Eterno Retorno" in Praça das Flores Studio and we were very happy with the result.

For those unaware, many albuns are recorded instrument by instrument, and layer by layer will the songs gets their final shape. But now we want to make it a different way: we want to record all together in studio, live and with audience like it was a concert. We always felt that in concert lies much of our strength and we want to implement all this energy and complicity for this new album.

As it's known to all, it takes money and currently crowdfunding is a solution that can allow us to record the album in one of the best studios in Europe: the Atlantic Blue Studios in Lisbon - Portugal. We also want to make a nice video of the whole event and the recording process and to produce the discs with a very cool design.

For this we will have several rewards ranging from the digital download to the physical CD, merchandising, exclusive entry to the album presentation concert and dinner with the band, watch the disc's recording in studio and be immortalized in the video we'll made that day. If you are an amazing fan you can also participate in disc or have a private concert! Each of you will choose what amount you will invest in us. You will have a central and decisive role in our album and with your help we'll get embark on another recording adventure.


And because we want you to know exactly where your money goes, here's the album's budget:

Studio fees: 1300€

Copyrigth fees: 200€

Video fees: 1500€

Photos and make up: 500€

Artwork design: 700€

CD factory fees: 1300€

Exclusive T-shirts: 300€

Diverse expenses (reward shipping costs, etc.): 300€

Administrative expenses (PPL/ Paypal/ Multibanco/ Credit Card): 400€

TOTAL: 6500€


Funding round: 21 March to 15 June.

Execution phase: from 15 June to 1 September.


The album will be recorded in the second half of June and all other materials produced until September 1st, the date on which delivery of rewards will be taken (note that some rewards happen soon while recording the disc itself). 

The purpose of this crowdfunding is to make the whole process of making an album more transparent and close  to who wants to acquire it. Instead of all the investment done in front by Dazkarieh and recover it by selling the discs (as already done several times in the past), the investment is done by you when acquire the disk and be aware of all the steps and progress while this is being done.

All the value we can get beyond the € 6,500 will be used to cover the costs of promotion and touring. We expect much beyond this value in order to play more near you....


We count on your support!

* All supporters will be forever immortalized with their name in the credits of the disc.

* If you do not want to spoil the beautiful graphic work of the CD with our signatures, do not hesitate to let us know!

* To all rewards requiring shipping, the costs are included to Portugal (International supporters please contact the band: contact@dazkarieh.com)

About the author


With an unique sound, Dazkarieh are one of the most original bands in the portuguese traditional music scene. With 15 years and more than 350 concerts around the world, the band has reinvented and embraced different sonorities but always remaining true to its roots.

In 2014 they present themselves in trio and in concert, besides traditional portuguese instruments (cavaquinho, braguesa, adufe, portuguese bagpipes, percussions), instruments from other places like the swedish nyckelharp and custom ones like the portuguese bouzouki they also do live looping and sound processing to achieve unique and powerful sound textures to each they blend the warm and smooth voice of Joana Negrão.

With 6 records and preparing their 7th, Dazkarieh are one of the most active bands in this new generation that embraces portuguese tradition and bring it to nowadays.


Joana Negrão: Vocals, Adufe (Portuguese Square Drum), Pandeireta (Portuguese Tambourine), Portuguese Bagpipes;

Vasco Ribeiro Casais: Braguesa, Portuguese Bagpipes, Nyckelharpa, Portuguese Bouzouki, Portuguese Drums;

Rui Rodrigues: Cavaquinho, Guitar, Portuguese Drums; 

Budget and due dates

Fase de financiamento: de 15 Março a 15 Junho. Fase de execução: de 15 de Junho a 1 de Setembro. O disco será gravado na segunda quinzena de Junho e todos os restantes materiais produzidos até 15 de Agosto data a partir da qual será feita a entrega das recompensas. (nota que algumas recompensas acontecem logo durante a gravação do próprio disco) Orçamento: 6500€ Despesas de estúdio: 1300€ SPA - execução mecânica: 200€ Gravação de Video: 1500€ Fotografias e make up: 500€ Design gráfico: 700€ Duplicação de Cds: 1300€ T-shirts exclusivas: 300€ Despesas diversas (envio das recompesas, etc.): 300€ Despesas administrativas (PPL/ Paypal/ Multibanco/ Cartão de crédito): 400€ Este apoio serve para tornar todo o processo do disco mais transparente e próximo de quem o quer adquirir. Em vez de serem os Dazkarieh a avançar com este dinheiro e a recuperarem o investimento com a venda dos discos (como o já fizeram várias vezes no passado), são as pessoas a adquirir o disco e a estarem conscientes de todos os passos e do seu progresso enquanto este está a ser feito. Plano de divulgação: Para além de todas as campanhas online, há toda uma promoção a ser feita nas rádios e televisões assim como acções especificas em vários concertos dos Dazkarieh. Os Dazkarieh são uma banda com 15 anos de carreira e com 6 discos editados. O seu âmbito de actuação abrange todo o mundo (por onde já actuaram - Portugal, Espanha, Bélgica, Suíça, Alemanha, Áustria, Polónia, Cabo Verde, México, Canadá, Malásia...). A banda conta com um número considerável de fãs fieis em todos esses países.
  • Invest with
    7€ or more


    Digital new album and artwork download

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    12€ or more


    Signed new album in CD digipack

    84 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more


    2 tickets for the album release concert (Portugal) + Signed new album

    39 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more


    Exclusive crowdfunding t-shirt + Extra disc with old rearranged songs download + Signed new album

    31 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more


    USB pen disk with exclusive content: All our digital version albums, extra disc with old rearranged songs, all our music videos, new album "Making of" video, studio album recording video, exclusive interviews, exclusive bonus track, pictures and photos

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    75€ or more


    Watch the album recording live in studio + Signed new album (20 supporters limited)

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more


    5 instrument lessons of your choice (Cavaquinho, Braguesa, Guitar, Bagpipes, Nyckelharpa, Vocals, Adufe, Pandeireta, Eletronica) teached by one of Dazkarieh members, in Lisbon + Signed new album

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    300€ or more


    Be heard on the new album! - We rehearse together before the recording session and then you record your voice or instrument in one song + Signed new album

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    500€ or more


    Unplugged private concert without comercial purposes. Bring your friends and we will play at your home! (Portugal main land only) + Signed new album

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more


    All the rewards listed above + Dinner with the band on the album release concert + Free entrance in all new album tour concerts (there may be exceptions on third party produced concerts)

    1 backer

Fri, 07/03/2025 - 02:52

Mon, 16/06/2014 - 23:09

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


224 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 128
    new backers

  • 96
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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