Comunicate we must!

Comunicate we must!

We need an HD Video Camera and a computer, to carry out image and sound recording and broadcast through the various channels, a Video Projector for material availability, and a ...

  • 1641


    131% of 1 250€

    89 backers

  • 16/06/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

We need an HD Video Camera and a computer, to carry out image and sound recording and broadcast through the various channels, a Video Projector for material availability, and a printer.

Círculo do Entre-Ser is a non-profit organization that aspires to bring meditation to all areas where it can be beneficial in order to contribute to the cultivation of self-knowledge and the development of the best potential of man in a more cooperative and kind way.Through the expansion of our activities in the area of Mindfulness, we intend to initiate and in other cases extend the work we already do to support people in the areas of health, education, social and environmental action, conscious entrepreneurship, among others, as well as providing access to this work, in particular, by persons living outside the centers where most of the activities are carried out, who have dificulties in traveling or have scarce economic resources. To this end, we seek to find the appropriate means to disseminate useful and relevant information in this area, as well as the dissemination of non-face-to-face training.

 In order to give body and extension to the lectures, seminars, courses or retreats, among other activities that we regularly carry out, we need support material that we do not yet have. The material we need consists of an HD Video Camera and a computer, to proceed with the recording of image and sound and dissemination through the various channels and virtual platforms where we are present, a Videoprojector to make material relevant to future events, and a Printer that assists us in the administrative management of the entire process.

 We need your help to promote a Culture of Peace and Solidarity on a planetary scale, in the relation of the human being to himself, to other living beings and to Nature.

 As Thich Nhat Hahn teaches us, our existence is interdependent of all and everything around us, visible or invisible, air, water, earth, fire and space, present, past or future.

 We are Interbeings.

 Get to know us through and contact us at

 We ask for a minimum value, € 1, although we accept and equally appreciate any value, because we believe that small gestures made by many people can change the world.

 Warm regards

 Paulo Borges

Chairman of the Board

Condições actuais de gravação :)

About the author

Paulo Borges - President of the Direction of Circulo do Entre-Ser

Professor of Philosophy and Meditation, Oriental Thinkingt and Philosophy of Religions in the Department of Philosophy of the Faculdades de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Professor of Meditative Techniques at Escola Superior de Enfermagem in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. Former president and member of the Agostinho da Silva Association. Founder and former president of the Portuguese Buddhist Union. Founding partner and president of Círculo do Entre-Ser.

 Practitioner of meditation and of the path of the Buddha since 1983, at the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, integrating from 2012 the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, having been a member of the Linji (Rinzai) school of Ch'an / Zen Buddhism since 2015. Co- Organizer of the two comings of the Dalai Lama to Portugal. Meditation instructor since 1999, having held hundreds of conferences, workshops, courses and retreats all over the country, also in companies and institutions such as the Ministry of National Defense, as well as several Universities in Lisbon.

Author of hundreds of conferences and articles in scientific journals and collective works, published in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Romania, Germany and Brazil, as well as 43 books of philosophical essay, poetry, fiction and theater. Latest Works: It's Time! The Message of Fernando Pessoa Message, Lisbon, Themes and Debates / Círculo de Leitores, 2013; Who is my neighbor? Essays and texts of intervention by a global conscience and ethics and a new cultural and civilizational paradigm, Lisbon, Mahatma Editions, 2014; The Heart of Life. Vision, meditation, integral transformation, Lisbon, Mahatma Editions, 2015 (practical guide to meditation); Agostinho da Silva. A thematic and chronological anthology, Lisbon, Âncora Editora, 2016, 3rd edition.

Budget and due dates

  • 400 € - HD Video Camera
  • 500 € - Videoprojector
  • 300 € - Laptop computer
  • 50 € - Printer

In the total value of the campaign (€ 1250) is included the commission value of the platform.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Offer of a single class that can be converted into a gift card for a family member or friend

    31 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Offer of three single lessons (one per month) that can be converted into a gift card for a family member or friend

    27 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Offer of five single lessons (one per month) that can be converted into a gift card for a family member or friend

    36 backers

Thu, 17/10/2024 - 03:52

Mon, 19/06/2017 - 18:16

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 14/06/2017 - 12:54

Amigos, ao Círculo! (e pedido a Anónimos que solicitaram recibo)

Car@s Amig@s Aproximando-se o final da campanha, convidamos todos os que quiserem fazer sugestões sobre o que iremos adquirir a escreverem para o email: circuloentreser@gmail...

Read more

Mon, 05/06/2017 - 15:41

Agradecimento e convite a continuarmos a campanha

Car@s Amig@s Em meu nome e do Círculo do Entre-Ser venho agradecer a todos os que deram um precioso contributo para que os objectivos deste crowdfunding fossem rapidamente at...

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Campaign launched


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  • Circulo do Entre-Ser

    Amigos, ao Círculo! (e pedido a Anónimos que solicitaram recibo)

    Car@s Amig@s

    Aproximando-se o final da campanha, convidamos todos os que quiserem fazer sugestões sobre o que iremos adquirir a escreverem para o email:

    O material a comprar é:
    - Câmara de video HD
    - Videoprojector (relativamente a este equipamento necessitamos de muita ajuda!! Apenas temos a referência de um modelo que sabemos funcionar muito bem...)
    - Computador portátil
    - Impressora
    - Microfones
    - Quadros brancos para escrever e projectar

    Aproveitamos também para perguntar se há (ou se conhecem) alguém da área da comunicação/redes sociais e informática com disponibilidade para se voluntariar e ajudar a expandir progressivamente este trabalho.

    Por último, pedimos aos Anónimos que indicaram o número de contribuinte e solicitaram recibo o favor de nos contactarem, porque não temos acesso ao seu respectivo nome e email.

    Um enorme bem-hajam!

    O Círculo do Entre-Ser

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  • Elisabete SalgueiroCirculo do Entre-Ser

    área da comunicação/redes sociais e informática

    Olá, que tipo de ajuda precisam em concreto nessas áreas?

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  • Circulo do Entre-SerElisabete Salgueiro

    Boa tarde, Elisabete

    Boa tarde, Elisabete

    Necessitamos de saber se o actual site (construído em joomla) tem potencial para vir a apresentar os vídeos e em que formato, por exemplo. Ou se será melhor optar por outras plataformas.

    Por outro lado, o Círculo do Entre-Ser necessita bastante de uma equipa de comunicação que ajude na divulgação dos eventos, pois certamente que esta área beneficiaria muito de alguém mais especialista.


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  • Circulo do Entre-Ser

    Agradecimento e convite a continuarmos a campanha

    Car@s Amig@s

    Em meu nome e do Círculo do Entre-Ser venho agradecer a todos os que deram um precioso contributo para que os objectivos deste crowdfunding fossem rapidamente atingidos. Como ainda restam alguns dias até ao fim da campanha, são bem-vindos contributos adicionais, que nos permitirão adquirir material que nos esquecemos de considerar, como microfones e quadros brancos, para escrever e para projectar.

    Muito gratos por confirmarem que a solidariedade e a cooperação funcionam e que pequenos gestos fazem a diferença.

    Bem hajam!

    Paulo Borges

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89 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 68
    new backers

  • 21
    recurrent backers

  • 51
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Maria João Pereira

    31/05/2017 - 17:09

  • Anonymous

    31/05/2017 - 16:57

  • Mariana Pereira

    31/05/2017 - 16:56

  • Anonymous

    31/05/2017 - 16:56

  • Anonymous

    31/05/2017 - 16:56

  • Anonymous

    31/05/2017 - 16:55

  • Anonymous

    31/05/2017 - 12:21

  • Anonymous

    30/05/2017 - 11:33

  • Anonymous

    30/05/2017 - 11:21

  • Micael Areia Inês

    30/05/2017 - 10:02

  • Luís Manuel Lopes Ascensão

    29/05/2017 - 16:38

  • Damiana de Andrade Buosi

    29/05/2017 - 16:29

  • Anonymous

    29/05/2017 - 15:36

  • Teresa Afonso

    29/05/2017 - 14:57

  • Anonymous

    28/05/2017 - 22:13

    Comunicar é partilhar e chegar onde é preciso! Parabéns pela iniciativa!

  • Anonymous

    28/05/2017 - 20:32

  • Anonymous

    28/05/2017 - 17:11

    Boa sorte parag eeeste incentivo

  • Anonymous

    28/05/2017 - 14:39

    É enorme a Disponibilidade de Todos os que fazem parte do Círculo

  • Anonymous

    28/05/2017 - 11:15

  • Anonymous

    28/05/2017 - 11:00