Classic meets Africa
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  • Porto, Portugal e Huambo, Angola

Classic meets Africa

The Classic Festival meets Africa , the Intercultural Festival , aims to promote communication between classical music and African dance through two annual events . The festival...

  • 15


    7% of 4 000€

    16 backers

  • 29/01/2016

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The Classic Festival meets Africa , the Intercultural Festival , aims to promote communication between classical music and African dance through two annual events . The festival aims to raise funds for the Youth Orchestra Bonjóia and Okutiuka Community Center in Huambo .

Classic meets Africa



Ana Maria Pinto | Zé Beato

Eliseu Silva | Joana Peres | Miguel Gullander


1st Event

12 December, 2015 | 21:30

Auditório Municipal de Gaia


Orquestra Bonjóia . Lusitanae Ensemble . Allatantou Dance Company . Xinganje & Kaviula

- The 'Classic meets Africa' Festival is a two-branched platform infusing Classical Music with African Diaspora Dances intended on gathering artists from distant cultures around the world. It promotes cultural enrichment by participating in the shows, workshops and other events. This festival will take place twice a year, during July and December.

- Another objective of this Festival is to raise funds for the Orquestra Juvenil Bonjóia (Portugal) and for the Centro Comunitário Okutiuka (Angola), in order to develop and strengthen musical projects in Portugal focused on social inclusion and the creation of dance companies and their respective artistic ateliers in african poverty aflicted locations.

- The 'Classic meets Africa' fundamental principles are Intercultural and Social Inclusion. It will act as a vehicle to create awareness and a higher conciousness of the the existing reality.  It will provide the creative tools to support and build large sustainable communities interlinking different cultures.

- The first 'Classic meets Africa' concert will be held at the Auditório Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia on 12 December 2015, and will have the intervention of Orquestra Juvenil Bonjóia, Lusitanae Ensemble, Companhia de Dança Allatantou and the musical duet Xinganje & Kaviula. The concert is organized in three parts, the first of which devoted to classical music, the second with African Diaspora Dances, and the third part constituted by a fusion between two cultural trends in the piece 'A Dança de Xinganje & Kaviula' for orchestra, capoeira groups and vocal ensemble. During the show all the above intervinients will share the stage in a real and strong artistic interaction.

- The platform 'Classic meets Africa' will also host talks and debates about the essence of classical music and respective artistis in real life and society, as well as to encourage the rediscovery of african cultural heritages, chant documentation and other texts passed on through the generations by oral tradition and that which could be lost through time.

About the author

Ana Maria Pinto (soprano and composer), who received a three year scholarship from the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Fundação Walter Kaminsky (Munich), besides her professional activity on principal portuguese stages, studied and lived in Berlin for 7 years. The highest point in her career to date was the participation in the motion picture “Casanova Variations” in which she acted alongside  John Malkovich and sang with Jonas Kaufman, currently one of the most acclaimed tenors. Ana Maria Pinto is the creator of Método Azul, which uses elements of nature to promote musical learning, and of the project “Clube dos poetas em flor”, which will be held in the Ateneu Comercial do Porto and that serves as a connection between young poets and composers to promote creativity. Ana Maria Pinto along with Zé Beato forms the musical duet Xinganje & Klaviula.

Joana Peres is the president of Allatantou Associação Cultural, a social intervention platform that acts through clutural and artistic manifestations. It promotes activities for all ages within performance, visual and practical arts for an healthy lifestyle. In order to attain its objectives the association organizes cultural and social events such as gatherings, exhibitions, concerts, as well as learning and education events like workshops, conferences, symposiums and others. The main concerns of the Allatantou Associação Cultural are the defence of human rights and ethnic and social minorities, the study of cultures and traditions with a solidarity intervention component.

Eliseu Silva is a violinist with an international career, currently a PhD student in performance as well as a teacher at ESMAE and Curso de Música Silva Monteiro. He is also conductors an orchestra project within Curso de Música Silva Monteiro in partnership with the public education system, Câmara Municipal do Porto, Porto Social, BPI bank and the Laboratórios Bial, named Orquestra Juvenil da Bonjóia.

Zé Beato, the artistic name of Yvanov Guardado, is a co-founder of the Festival de Rock do Huambo, Odley. His musical parents are the Semba and the angolan war. His piece “O Guerrilheiro da Calçada” constitutes one the most played songs in the angolan capital's cabs. Yvanov Guardado constitutes a musical miracle of the Luanda's musseques and Huambo's bars.

Miguel Gullander, reader at Instituto Camões, is a scandinavian-portuguese that has been working in Africa since he left Sweden in 2001. He has lived in Cape Verde, Mozambique, Angola, South Africa and, since two years ago, in Namibia. He is a co-founder of the brasilian african musical festival Back2Black. He has a degree in literature (Lisbon), in linguistics (Portsmouth), a master in development pedagogics (Stockholm) and a PhD in literature (Pretoria). Some of his published works are: Através da Chuva, Perdido de Volta, Idem, Balada do Marinheiro-de-Estrada, Kalunga.

Budget and due dates

Amount - 4000 euros.

1000 euros - Orquestra Juvenil da Bonjóia

1000 euros - Centro Comunitário de Okutiuka em Huambo, Angola

1000 - Allatantou Associação Cultural

1000 - Marketing, Imagem e Som (Concerto), viagens e alimentação de artistas.

First event on the 12 de Dezembro de 2015.
The two anual events happen on Jully and December.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Published name on the July 2016 Concert

    The pledgers of this project will have their name published on the July 2016 Concert.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    CD "Meet Xinganje & Kaviula" autographed

    The duo Xinganje & Kaviula, composed by Ana Maria Pinto (Soprano) and Zé Beato (Angolan musician), release their first album in February 2016 - "Meet & Xinganje Kaviula " merges two musicians in remote cultural currents , creating a completely new musical spectrum . Delivery by mail included for Portugal .

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    T-Shirt Classic meets Africa

    This award gives you a t -shirt with the design created for the first concert of the Classic meets Africa Festival. By mail postage included for Portugal

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Drawing created in December 2015 Event

    In the first 2015 event, the artists involved will make drawings depicting the objectives of this campaign . This reward will guarantee you one of those drawings . Delivery by mail included for Portugal .

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Place reserved in the front row for July 2016 + concert autographed CD "Meet Xinganje & Kaviula

    Entrance to the Classic Festival Concerts meets Africa is free . The Festival will reserve seats for special guests . This award ensures a reservation in the best place of care and an autographed CD Xinganje & Kaviula duo. By mail postage included for Portugal

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    80€ or more

    Sheet music autographed by all stakeholders

    This award guarantees the score ( piano reduction ) of the piece " The Dance Xinganje & Kaviula " Ana Maria Pinto, for Orchestra , groups of Capoeira and vocal Ensemble , autographed by all players in the first concert of the festival. Delivery by mail included for Portugal .

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 13/03/2025 - 09:16


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


16 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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  • 6
    recurrent backers

  • 5
    anonymous backers

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