We intend to raise this money to help pay the costs of construction and communication of our next play.
We intend to raise this money to help pay the costs of construction and communication of our next play: Bzura
There was a war that lasted 100 years. Peace never lasted that long.
Text and directed by Ricardo Alves
Sandra Neves Plastic Steering
Original music of Rodrigo Santos
Light design of Pedro Vieira de Carvalho
Costumes by Inês Mariana Moitas
Interpretation of Ivo Bastos, Nuno Preto and Rodrigo Santos
God does not play dice. Playing playing strategy games, but in fact already have who play for him.
And strategy games are two-stroke. Every time a player plays and in each move, a player has the time to move the troops and the time of firing. And then there's the time to get the soldiers removed into storage of toys. But this isn't even a game time. It's just a time of inconsequence. So the strategy games in model 1:18 are a slow play. Think, ponder the options and then decide. There's still time to change parts, roll the dice and define – querying tables – the result of the shooting.
And then wait for the opponent to make your move. No time soon. And the time spent chatting is earned in the exchange of ideas. And when they join lovers of strategy games the conversation might be weird but what is certain is that within each of us there is a strange screaming for freedom.
Carla Pinto
Tomei a liberdade de também
Tomei a liberdade de também divulgar o vosso projeto, para ver se todas as campanhas que estão no site conseguem o seu objetivo.
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Carla Pinto
Peço desculpa por estar a
Peço desculpa por estar a incomodá-la(o), mas a data está a apertar e estou a tentar reunir todos os contatos que ajudaram a Quinta de São Francisco e outros, que também possa ajudar o seguinte projeto em que o fim é até dia 4 de setembro:
Muito obrigada pela vossa atenção,
Carla Pinto
Vá lá! Vamos embora contribuir! Se todos os que já viram, podem contribuir com 1€. O prazo da campanha está a acabar, vamos embora ajudar. Quem já viu, pode ajudar com a parte monetária. Basta só um euro! não é preciso muito mais! Vamos lá! Sejam generosos!
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