BloC Party - Former Students Party of José Gomes Ferreira Secondary School

BloC Party - Former Students Party of José Gomes Ferreira Secondary School

We are alumni of the José Gomes Ferreira Secondary School, and we intend to raise funds for an event, recreating an annual event organized by the Students' Association, where th...

  • 2705


    108% of 2 500€

    133 backers

  • 14/05/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

We are alumni of the José Gomes Ferreira Secondary School, and we intend to raise funds for an event, recreating an annual event organized by the Students' Association, where the students lived and celebrated the school.

Almost 20 years after we left José Gomes Ferreira Secondary School, we find that all the unforgettable moments that we live there are not a thing of the past, but of the present. We not only made friends; we kept them for life. Not only did we keep memories; we relive them for everything we learn from teachers and peers, applying it daily - for what we have become and effectively are. Memories arise as solid and happy foundations of what we construct, rather than scattered and nostalgic fragments.

All remember for certain the Amphitheater (block C) and the mythical parties that we performed there. There we meet countless times to attend lectures, concerts or plays. There we live days and nights of student glory, but also of bohemia. There were held thematic parties organized by the Association of Students and there we did the Ball of Finalists.

Bloco C

For all this and more, that each will have its story to tell (or not!), We, a group of alumni José Gomes Ferreira High School, decided to organize an event to remember and celebrate the friendship that unites us since childhood and adolescence.

To this end, we intend to raise funds to support the great "BloC Party" event, which, besides celebrating music and school, will honor artists who have already left and, of course, serve as a supreme pretext for us to meet again. The initiative finally counts on the auspices of the esteemed Professor Manuel Esperança, who, as before, once again unconditionally and affectionately supports the event.

About the author

This school was quite special for everyone because it accompanied our childhood and adolescence. We would like to relive it and be with the people who frequented it, where many bonds of friendship have taken place and continue to this day.

The members that make up the team are:

Ricardo Girão - former student of Escola Secundária José Gomes Ferreira - 1990/1998, collaborator of the radio nucleus and organizer of the event

Rui Bruno Mendes - former student of José Gomes Ferreira High School - 1991/1997, project collaborator

Pedro Marques - former student of José Gomes Ferreira Secondary School, event producer, sound and light technician, project collaborator.

Bloc Party

Budget and due dates

The event will take place on May 26, 2018. The deadline for fundraising was set for April 30, 2018, four weeks before the event.


€ 1.850 - Event production (sound, light, support technicians)

€ 650 - Staff (security, cleaning, production assistants)

All funds raised beyond the budget will be channeled to a charity to be defined with Professor Manuel Esperança.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Sponsorship without participation

    Help make this event happen without participating in the party

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Entrance ticket with a drink

    Right to enter the party, with the offer of an beer

    95 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Entrance ticket with a drink + photo on mural

    Right to enter the party, with the offer of a beer. And also: send us a photo of your school days, and it will be posted on the mural of the event!

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Double entrance ticket with two drinks

    Right to enter the party with an accompanying person, with the offer of two drinks.

    22 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Double entrance ticket with two drinks + wall photo

    Double entrance ticket with two drinks. And also: send us a photo of your school days, and it will be posted on the mural of the event!

    21 backers

Fri, 07/03/2025 - 02:38

Wed, 23/05/2018 - 10:54

Detalhes sobre a BloC Party

Bom dia pessoal, O grande dia aproxima-se! O sonho de muitos de nós está prestes a realizar-se, e tudo graças a vocês! Sem o vosso apoio, como sabem, não era possível realiza...

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Wed, 16/05/2018 - 12:09

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 26/04/2018 - 10:16

Última chamada

Caros amigos, Desde já um muito obrigado por acreditarem no projecto e por terem contribuído. Faltam apenas quatro dias e basta conseguirmos chegar aos 80%, que a festa irá re...

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Campaign launched


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  • blocparty

    Detalhes sobre a BloC Party

    Bom dia pessoal,

    O grande dia aproxima-se! O sonho de muitos de nós está prestes a realizar-se, e tudo graças a vocês! Sem o vosso apoio, como sabem, não era possível realizar este evento.
    Estamos a entrar em contacto com todos vocês para vos dar mais detalhes sobre a festa, nomeadamente como vão funcionar as entradas:

    - À entrada da festa irá haver uma guestlist composta pelos apoiantes da campanha PPL. É só identificarem-se com o vosso nome e endereço de email, e terão pulseiras de entrada consoante o número de bilhetes que adquiriram;

    - Para os apoiantes que optaram pelo anonimato da sua contribuição, pedimos se possível que se retirem do anonimato para ser mais fácil a vossa identificação (é possível fazer isto pela plataforma PPL, já houve várias pessoas a fazê-lo). Ainda assim, será sempre possível terem direito às vossas entradas se apresentarem o email de confirmação do pagamento à PPL, ou que consigam precisar a data, hora e valor do pagamento para nós podermos cruzar com os nossos registos;

    - Irá ser possível adquirir bilhetes à entrada para quem não contribuiu para a campanha PPL. O preço é de €10,00, mas não terá direito a bebida de oferta. Tragam mais amigos e ex-colegas!!!

    Muito obrigado!

    Abreijos e até já!!!

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  • blocparty

    Última chamada

    Caros amigos,
    Desde já um muito obrigado por acreditarem no projecto e por terem contribuído. Faltam apenas quatro dias e basta conseguirmos chegar aos 80%, que a festa irá realizar-se. Por isso peço-vos que convençam entre 4-5 pessoas para contribuir, pois não consigo fazer muito mais. Insistam! Espero ver-vos muito em breve. Um caloroso abraço!
    Ricardo Girão

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133 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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  • 19
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  • 15
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