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Knorgan – Knowledge + Organization – a free interactive interface that takes the studying experience to another level.

  • 97


    9% of 1 000€

    5 backers

  • 17/06/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Knorgan – Knowledge + Organization – a free interactive interface that takes the studying experience to another level.

What is Knorgan?

Many students struggle with the efficiency of their studying hours. Hence arose Knorgan – Knowledge + Organization – a free interactive interface that takes the studying experience to another level. We propose to break the inertia of tradition and take the next technological step in education.


-        Allows students to share their knowledge, notes, and organization skills with each other in a highly interactive user friendly platform;

-        Suggests study guidelines (directly in its layout and indirectly through its features);

-        Prompts students to create visual aids and to make clique references in between chapters or subjects;

-        A simple, intuitive Tutorial tool, where students can build a step-by-step solution of an exercise;

-        Encourages the correction of errors, imprecisions, or loopholes in each other’s reasoning.


Users will immediately notice the relevance of structuring their study material (books, notes etc.)  in a systematic manner and Knorgan provides the means to do so successfully. Above all we have the conviction that our project is a mission.

Whether you find studying hard or easy, boring or interesting, or even if you are done with studying for life but still care for the improvement in education, join us and invest in Knorgan.

What is the financial need?

We intend to build a prototype – in an initial fase of the development of the interface. We want to sustain the construction of a client base with an initial free service, in view of the cost of servers and web Hosting.

About the author

This team was formed during the BET24h event. A random combination of people resulted in a fantastic group of recently acquainted partners who complement each other with their strengths. This has given us the utmost optimistic vision of our team and we have all our faith in it. So, without further ado, it is our pleasure to present you:

  • Bernardo Galvão - Student in Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics (Undergraduate)

Clearly, the Dreamer. The initial vision for this project was his. He likes to immediately put things in action, which can sometimes make him impatient. He feels the need to give it all he has got to make our ideas a reality.

  • Francisco Pereira Coutinho - Student in Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics (Undergraduate)

The Calculist. He is the element of the team who is capable of thinking beyond the foreseeable, detecting all the potential problems, which allowed us to identify the problems before finding the solutions. Not a single detail eludes him, except perhaps the fact that he is calculist.

  • José Pedro CostaStudent in ISCTE-IUL, Business Management and Computer Science (Undergraduate)

The Computer Guy. The designer of the interface. He had had a similar idea and he realized early on that he should join the project, for sharing the same vision – to put technology at students’ service.

Let us revolutionize the experience and the perception of studying!

Budget and due dates

Ao longo do verão pretendemos desenvolver o protótipo da interface (programação feita por membro da equipa) e lançar no começo do próximo semestre (1º período de testes do website). Pretendemos financiar o uso de servidor(es) e a capacidade da base de dados dos apontamentos (com orçamento exacto ainda por definir).

Wed, 03/07/2024 - 20:35


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


5 members of the PPL community
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  • 4
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