Anatomia de uma Falsa Felicidade

Anatomia de uma Falsa Felicidade

We all share an enormous desire to make this movie happen and we need your help!"Anatomia de uma falsa felicidade" will show a different perspective of such an actual and curren...

  • 611


    122% of 500€

    25 backers

  • 02/05/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

We all share an enormous desire to make this movie happen and we need your help!"Anatomia de uma falsa felicidade" will show a different perspective of such an actual and curren...

We all share an enormous desire to make this movie happen and we need your help!

"Anatomia de uma falsa felicidade" will show a different perspective of such an actual and current subject in our society: Domestic violenceWe want to be heard and we want to give a new voice to this problem. 

Somehow, most of us, have already lived relationships which lost themselves mid-way. This is the story of Lola, a woman who remembers her happy and dedicated relationship with Nuno. A close view of the woman´s body and its marks of violence, seeing through each mark a moment in the past when she lived happily with her boyfriend. It´s a story about courage, where emotions are confronted with reason. It´s a story about the chase of liberation; not only exterior but also interior.

 We intend to appeal to your emotional capacity to this subject, and it´s our desire to raise awareness about this reality.


 A young woman, Lola, is alone in the bathroom, in front of her mirror, naked. This woman is a victim of domestic violence. She has bruises all over her body caused by her boyfriend´s constant aggressions. She observes her body, reflected in the mirror. She has a mobile in her hand and she is about to call someone but she hangs up before it´s time. The story unfolds around this woman´s body and the bruises in it. The zoom in each bruise will make memories surface, in which, each body part is the protagonist of a happy moment forgotten in the past.

Finally, her boyfriend, Nuno, arrives at home and he walks in and kisses her; she smiles and her facial expression is calm and peaceful. She is not afraid of him. This is the very last loving gesture he is gonna do because she has made up her mind: when this man walks out of the bathroom, Lola closes the door and she tries to call once again; only this time, she finishes the call; this time she asks for help.

At the moment we are supported by APAV - Victim support association, and we have already some brands and sponsors standing on our side. We need you to help us making this project see the light of the day; with a simple donation we can make the difference and give these women the voice they deserve.

About the author

Our team is composed by aspiring workers in the field of cinema. We are very much the ideal team because we all share the same passion for cinema, and this particular film we want to make.


Lola - Marlene Barreto


The directors are Alberto Paz Calo e Carla Pérez Vázquez. They attend the Communication and Audiovisual school, in Pontevedra, and they are Erasmus students, studying now in Lisbon.

 Since the age of 8, Alberto has grown his interest for plastic arts, painting and dance, but apparently neither of these were enough to fulfill him. Since he was a child he knew that his world would be in the audiovisual arts and that what he really wants to do is cinema.

Carla Vázquez claims that cinema is her absolute passion and that her life would be forever bounded to the audiovisual; a world that has always fascinated her. She has already directed and animated "Luar na Lubre, banda sonora das nossas vidas", among others. She loves to write and she chases the opportunity to write and direct her projects and keep up their passion: Cinema.

Photography Direction:

Photography is under Diana Amaro´s wing, who states that "the power to create images capable of saying something and being able to manipulate them through the light, showing only what´s necessary for our message, is a constant puzzle to me. A puzzle i don't think will ever bore me, because the combinations are enormous. When I was asked to participate in this project, I was very interested because I think that it has a very different and uncommon approach and perspective towards this subject of domestic abuse. I truly believe this movie should be made and that it can bring something new to the audience. Talking about photography, I think it is a very challenging project to me; it allows me to explore a esthetic which I am not very used to and, being an academic project I think it´s very valuable. Also, the fact that it is a different project and that we are all very excited about it, gives me an additional motivation to embrace this challenge.

 Art direction:

 Art direction is Marta Ribeiro´s to take care of. She attends to Cinema, Video and Multimedia communication at Universidade Lusófona. Marta was always connected to visual arts, and she always knew that art direction and photography direction are what she likes to do in cinema. Why did she agree to take art direction in Anatomia de uma falsa felecidade? Marta says that the story got her interest and because she sees it as a huge challenge to build the main stage (the bathroom).

 Sound direction:

 Vera Correia is in charge of sound direction. She accepted to do this film because "Anatomia de uma falsa felicidade" is about something very important and personal to her and to a lot of women. She felt that she had to be in it! Besides, Vera claims that in the sound department there aren't many women working and it´s her desire to change that!


 The production director is Inês Fonseca. Since a very young age, Inês Fonseca has always been connected to visual arts. It was after participating in a few audiovisual projects that she discovered that the thing she would be most thrilled to do is related to producing cinema and television. She had the pleasure to participate as production manager on a short film called "Utopia", that has already gone to quite a few movie festivals. She took the production of "Anatomia de uma falsa felicidade" because of its screen-play, qualified to transform a very well known subject in our society into something capable of changing people´s susceptibilities.

Budget and due dates

O orçamento total da nossa curta-metragem é de 860€, este orçamento está contabilizado com despesas de refeições de 5 dias para cerca de 30 pessoas, orçamento de arte, deslocações, e outras despesas. Onde teremos mais custos de produção serão na construção de décores. Visto que o nosso filme vai-se passar numa casa de banho e num quarto tomamos como opção filmá-los e construí-los em estúdio logo isto sobe-nos o orçamento com despesas de construção, tintas, adereços, etc Estas são as nossas maiores despesas e é para isso que servirá o apoio do crowdfunding. O resto do dinheiro virá de financiamento próprio da equipa. Precisamos de apoio porque embora a curta-metragem seja um projeto académico, fazer um filme a custos 0 é praticamente impossível, como referi acima as nossas maiores despesas são na arte e é aí onde a produção vai investir mais no filme. Pois a arte e a imagem mostrarão o valor de produção do nosso filme. Teremos um período de estúdio onde gastaremos cerca de 207€, chamado de orçamento de arte onde teremos as maiores despesas, de 11 a 15 de Maio. Na produção contamos com as despesas das refeições e do catering para equipa e actores, deslocações para reperages, testes e equipamento extra, contando com 400€ do nosso orçamento Na promoção teremos algumas acções na rua que nos custarão cerca de 100€ do nosso orçamento inicial onde pretendemos ter esta acção de crowdfunding durante todo o mês de Abril ou seja no dia 1 e 2 de Maio termiatria a promoção do nosso filme. A distribuição será feita a partir de Julho. Quando o filme for estreado no cinema em S. Jorge do qual não teremos custos. promoção e distribuição As nossas rodagens serão de 11 a 15 de Maio, termos cerca de um mês para conseguir os 500€ e aí comprar os materiais necessários para a realização da nossa curta metragem. O filme estrá pronto em finais de Julho onde conta com estreia no cinema S.Jorge. Depois disto segue-se a distribuição do filme onde também contaremos com o apoio da Universidade Lusófona e da instituição da APAV para divulgar o nosso filme.
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Sun, 05/05/2024 - 10:13

Fri, 02/05/2014 - 22:36

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


25 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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