Let's take this out of the paper

Let's take this out of the paper

"Let's Take This Out Of The Paper" is the slogan for the campaign fundraising for the production of costumes and sets from the Dance Spectacle "Peter and the Wolf"

  • 1254


    100% of 1 250€

    26 backers

  • 03/05/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

"Let's Take This Out Of The Paper" is the slogan for the campaign fundraising for the production of costumes and sets from the Dance Spectacle "Peter and the Wolf"

As tradition at this time of year, ADA will produce once again a spectacle to promote the International Dance Day (April 29) that will be held on April 28, Saturday, at 16h00, at Cine-Teatro de Alcobaça - João d'Oliva Monteiro (CTA)  and this time will have as its theme "Peter and the Wolf", the famous children's story composed by Sergei Prokofiev, in 1936.

This is an initiative that attempts to present, again, with the level of production and quality that the ADA has accustomed us in previous events, particularly with the spectacles of International Dance Day (2011 and 2012) and the Year-End Shows (that were integrated in the Dance section of the latest edition of Cistermúsica - Alcobaça Music Festival), putting on stage several choreographies of teachers and students, as well as the work done in the current school year.

In order to raise funds for the production of costumes and sets of the Dance Spectacle "Peter and the Wolf", students of ADA invites all dance lovers to participate in this ambitious project, embracing the campaign slogan "Let's Take This Out of the Paper" that seeks to materialize on stage all the creativity and ideas so far "drawn" by his players, giving reality to one of the most famous stories of childhood imagination through the sublime art of dance.

The International Dance Day, which is traditionally celebrated on April 29 worldwide with numerous initiatives, was created as a tribute to the creator of modern ballet, Jean Georges Noverre (1727-1810), in 1982, by the International Dance Committee of UNESCO, as an attempt to draw attention of general public to the importance of dance and to encourage the support of governments to this art.

About the author

The Alcobaça Dance Academy (ADA) is one of the latest and most active projects of Alcobaça Music Academy (AMA) that admits students of all ages in many different areas of dance, namely, several official courses authorized by the Ministry of Education, such as the Basic Course (Articulate Regime), Initiations (1st Cycle of Basic Education) and the Free Courses (from age 3).

Budget and due dates

O orçamento global dos figurinos e cenários para o espetáculo "Pedro e o Lobo" é de 1250€. Com este projeto, pretendemos angariar pelo menos 60% destes custos (750€), sendo os restantes 40% suportados pelos pais das alunas. Assim sendo, quanto mais conseguirmos angariar, menos valor ficará do lado dos pais. Orçamento detalhado: - figurinos: 14 figurinos a 50€ cada = 700€ - cenário (blocos e árvore de madeira): 410€ - espingardas de madeira: 140€ TOTAL: 1250€ O prazo de angariação de fundos será 03 de maio.

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 05:55


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • PPL Crowdfunding

    Reportagem SIC

    Reportagem da jornalista da SIC, Marta Barreiros, que esteve este último fim de semana no Cine-Teatro de Alcobaça – João d'Oliva Monteiro, no âmbito do Dia Mundial da Dança, para registar algumas imagens dos espetáculos da Academia de Dança de Alcobaça e entrevistar a nossa aluna Mariana Romão, numa peça que destaca a importância desta data.

    A peça pode ser vista em:

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