JMP Summer Academy

JMP Summer Academy

The main goal of this campaign is to gather a total sum of 1500€ in order to cover the estimated costs of food, boarding, travel, and various activities to be performed by 30 as...

  • 1583


    106% of 1 500€

    43 backers

  • 26/08/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The main goal of this campaign is to gather a total sum of 1500€ in order to cover the estimated costs of food, boarding, travel, and various activities to be performed by 30 associates during a weekend in Vila Franca de Xira. Watch our video and learn more about the project!

JMP – Juventude Monárquica Portuguesa, is a youth political and cultural, non-profit and non-governmental association created in 2013, and today has over two thousand associates.

From the very beginning of the association, it has been our main aim and dream to organize a Summer Academy in order to offer, to a minimum of 30 associates, a weekend of various political and civic seminars to further educate and prepare our members to serve the Community in the future.

JMP financial income only results from few donations, symbolic membership annual fees; and that is exactly why your contribution is critical!

We believe that the success of this activity also regards the best interest of the Community, as it allows youth from various political and ideological quadrants to gain and develop critical thinking about their country.  

The goal is to accommodate our activity in Quinta da Subserra, in Vila Franca de Xira, which offers the essential needs intended: a canteen, a dormitory, a conference room, and  public grounds ideal for brakes and interaction.

The location, 30 km distanced from Lisbon, guarantees a perfect environment of focus and commitment to the activity at hand, and does not generate any excessive or unnecessary costs to both promoters and participants.

Quinta da Subserra is a beautiful and peaceful place and full of History. In the 3 day activity, we intend to organize various conferences with lecturers, in and out of the monarchist setting, on subjects regarding sovereignty, culture, language and civics.

On the second day of the activity, we intend to have a sunset and summer dinner with all the participants and supporters that wish to be with us, allowing free interaction of ideas and views, thus encouraging bonds.

About the author

Juventude Monárquica Portuguesa (JMP) is a youth political and cultural non-profit and non-governmental association, that stands for an alternative political representation in Portugal with the reinstitution of the Monarchy.

Our activity though, goes well beyond this main goal, as we try to give various training tools and conferences in order to have youth better informed and prepared to serve our Community in both an individualized and global world that we live in.

We regularly perform this commitment by having several cultural visits, trending and History lectures, conference dinners, popular fairs, among others, aimed to interact with the Community.

The association has members from all the political spectrum, thus the main result of exchanging ideas among the participants in the activity intended, will be an extraordinary contribution for a more informed, plural and tolerant society.  

The video of our first congress. 

Budget and due dates

Our budget is 1.500,00€, which*:

- 502,00€ accommodation

- 332,00€ training room rent

- 591,00€ cafeteria

- 75,00€ campaign commission

*rounded values

We wish our campaign to begin on July, 12th and to end on August, 26th (45 days).

  • Invest with
    1€ or more

    Invitation to our Sunset Party and Free Shipping in our online store

    Starting from 1€ the supporter gets an invitation to our sunset party on the 17th september at 7 p.m. in Quinta da Subserra (Vila Franca de Xira). Confirmation needed until 2 weeks after the end of the crowdfunding campaign. Additionally, the supporter gets one free shipping in our online store.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    "Correio Real" magazine free of charges

    In addition to the invitation to our sunset party on the 17th september at 7 p.m. in Quinta da Subserra (Vila Franca de Xira, confirmation needed until 2 weeks after the end of the crowdfunding campaign), starting from 5€ the supporter gets one "Correio Real" magazine free of charges.

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Pin free of charges

    In addition to the invitation to our sunset party on the 17th september at 7 p.m. in Quinta da Subserra (Vila Franca de Xira, confirmation needed until 2 weeks after the end of the crowdfunding campaign), starting from 10€ the supporter gets one pin with the portuguese royal crest engraved free of charges

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Lighter free of charges

    In addition to the invitation to our sunset party on the 17th september at 7 p.m. in Quinta da Subserra (Vila Franca de Xira, confirmation needed until 2 weeks after the end of the crowdfunding campaign), starting from 20€ the supporter gets one lighter with the portuguese royal crest engraved free of charges.

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    Flag free of charges

    In addition to the invitation to our sunset party on the 17th september at 7 p.m. in Quinta da Subserra (Vila Franca de Xira, confirmation needed until 2 weeks after the end of the crowdfunding campaign), starting from 40€ the supporter gets one portuguese monarchy flag free of charges.

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    The whole package free of charges

    In addition to the invitation to our sunset party on the 17th september at 7 p.m. in Quinta da Subserra (Vila Franca de Xira, confirmation needed until 2 weeks after the end of the crowdfunding campaign), starting from 75€ the supporter gets the whole merchandising package free of charges.

    7 backers

Sun, 06/10/2024 - 13:03

Wed, 31/08/2016 - 15:58

Fundos recebidos, obrigado!

Confirmamos, gratos, a recepção dos fundos angariados na nossa conta bancária. Mais informamos que todos os apoiantes foram alvo de um agradecimento particular, aparte daquele p...

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Mon, 29/08/2016 - 11:19

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 23/08/2016 - 12:21


Temos tido a oportunidade de enviar o nosso sincero agradecimento a (quase) todos os que têm feito o sucesso desta campanha. Mais uma vez, obrigado! No entanto, aos nossos qu...

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Campaign launched


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  • Carmo Pinheiro Torres

    Fundos recebidos, obrigado!

    Confirmamos, gratos, a recepção dos fundos angariados na nossa conta bancária. Mais informamos que todos os apoiantes foram alvo de um agradecimento particular, aparte daquele publicado aqui. As recompensas serão entregues ao longo da primeira semana de Setembro. Até à próxima campanha!!!

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  • Carmo Pinheiro Torres


    Temos tido a oportunidade de enviar o nosso sincero agradecimento a (quase) todos os que têm feito o sucesso desta campanha. Mais uma vez, obrigado!

    No entanto, aos nossos queridos apoiantes anónimos, por desconhecermos a vossa identidade esta é a primeira vez que vos conseguimos dirigir algumas palavras: independentemente do montante que nos confiaram, cada um dos vossos contributos foi maior generosidade que aquela que contavamos. A todos, o nosso sentido obrigado.

    Estamos banzos com as respostas aos nossos apelos, e nunca a JMP esquecerá esta aventura convosco. Faltam apenas 172,00€ e temos motivos para acreditar que no fecho da campanha teremos atingido o nosso objectivo.

    Com amizade,
    A direcção nacional da JMP

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43 members of the PPL community
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