ComTextos : networked magazine for people who like good stories

ComTextos : networked magazine for people who like good stories

ComTextos is helping to resolve the failure of filters to promote journalism patient, good e-books, good multimedia pieces.

  • 836


    38% of 2 200€

    39 backers

  • 04/10/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

ComTextos is helping to resolve the failure of filters to promote journalism patient, good e-books, good multimedia pieces.


'Journalism is no worse today than in my time. There is more bad journalism and is increasingly difficult to find many good examples among the noise of the bad journalism that pollutes society today'.

The phrase is attributed to american journalist and TV anchor Tom Brokaw. It summarizes the problem already identified by Clay Shirky, the new media teacher that writes about the Internet and its culture: information overload isn't the problem,  filters' failure is.

The algorithms help but do not replace the experienced journalist capabilities. Moreover, Silicon Valley does not care for the Portuguese language.


That's why I decided to launch a publication with the sole purpose of promoting good journalism, good e-books , good texts and multimedia pieces.

ComTextos magazine will share long-form journalism, great narratives, important stories, talented writers. Our goal is to find relevant articles and value them and write some originals too. Only in Portuguese, for the Portuguese readers of the 5 continents.


Real-time news is a good thing. The social networks' timelines tell you everything that goes on. But the real-time web created a problem. We now see reality as a puzzle, a small piece at a time. Lost the overall picture.

To understand what goes on, the reader needs not only the facts but also its context. Chained in logic. In a word, he needs a narrative.

But good stories are still there in the wild. Some newspapers, magazines, blogs, books and various publications contextualize the reality in articles thz deserve more attention than they get because the social networks gives us only the titles and summaries.

Can we discover those narratives and put them under your eyes? We believe so.

Discover, filter, share and reward are the four cardinal points of ComTextos.


The ComTextos will be supported by subscriptions, sponsorships and other reward mechanisms characteristic of the network society. But ComTextos need funding for the installation phase. Self-financing is insufficient. Enters crowdfunding. You need to know where your money goes and what you get in return.

The rewards range from the thank you with public mention, being a founder of the project (a minimum ), publishing rights and promotion inside ComTextos (maximum).

The funds raised are intended broadly to cover the next budget, expected to run over 12 months:

900 euros will be allocated to pay the original ordering over the first 6 months

600 euros will be allocated for a year's costs: accommodation and external services.

250 euros cover the costs of developing specific software

250 euros for bureaucratic and official duties

150 euros cover costs of advertising and promotion

About the author

Paulo Querido is a portuguese journalist and writer with a 34-year career, half of it dedicated to Internet. More about him on his english homepage. Or talk to him on Twitter/PauloQuerido and Facebook/Paulo|Querido.

Budget and due dates

A ComTextos será um projeto sustentado pelas assinaturas, patrocínios e outros mecanismos de recompensa característicos da sociedade em rede. Mas ComTextos precisa de financiamento para a fase de instalação. O auto-financiamento é insuficiente. É aqui que o leitor entra. Mas precisa de saber para onde vai o seu dinheiro e o que obtém em troca. As recompensas — ver ao lado — variam entre o agradecimento, com menção pública, por ser um fundador do projeto (a mínima) e direitos de promoção na rede ComTextos (a máxima). A verba angariada destina-se grosso modo a cobrir as despesas do seguinte orçamento, previsto para execução ao longo de 12 meses 900 euros destinam-se a pagar os originais a encomendar ao longo dos primeiros 6 meses 600 euros destinam-se aos custos por um ano: alojamento e mensalidades com serviços externos, como o envio por email. 250 cobrem os custos de desenvolvimento do software específico 250 euros para despesas burocráticas e obrigações oficiais 200 euros cobrem despesas de publicidade e promoção

Sat, 11/05/2024 - 14:03


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Fri, 06/09/2013 - 19:19

Sete fundadores em 2 dias e uma nota

Olá. O começo da fase de financiamento distribuído da ComTextos está num bom ritmo, dentro da expetativa. Nem fulgurante, nem deprimente. É bom. Aos primeiros 7 fundadores uma...

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Campaign launched


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  • Paulo Querido

    Sete fundadores em 2 dias e uma nota

    O começo da fase de financiamento distribuído da ComTextos está num bom ritmo, dentro da expetativa. Nem fulgurante, nem deprimente. É bom.
    Aos primeiros 7 fundadores uma primeira palavra de agradecimento.

    Uma nota: 2 dos 7 financiadores optaram pelo estatuto de parceiro. No final explicarei pormenorizadamente a recompensa respetiva, nomeadamente o espaço de publicação. Mas grosso modo, consiste nisso mesmo: um espaço igual às outras entradas editoriais, com o mesmo espírito, a mesma linguagem e apresentação, mas da responsabilidade do parceiro e identificado como parceria; e que sairá pelos mesmos canais e com o mesmo tratamento dos conteúdos seleccionados para as "primeiras páginas" (a ComTextos terá vários tipos de conteúdos mas só uma parte terá destaque nelas): a front page do site, o canal e-mail, os canais Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Flipboard, e outros ainda não especificados.

    Até já.

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