22nd Cycle of University Theater of Beira Interior

22nd Cycle of University Theater of Beira Interior

Help us hold the oldest University Theater Festival in Portugal. We need support to keep the Theater Cycle alive, in a country where arts are devalued. We count on your help!

  • 521


    104% of 500€

    26 backers

  • 14/03/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Help us hold the oldest University Theater Festival in Portugal. We need support to keep the Theater Cycle alive, in a country where arts are devalued. We count on your help!

The Theater Cycle is a reference in the national and international panorama in the university theater festivals. Held annually and uninterruptedly for 22 years, with scarce resources, it promotes theater and other arts. Bringing to Covilhã a diverse range of proposals, from the most traditional to the most contemporary, nationally and internationally. Being a proof of the dynamics and vitality of the organization.

Throughout the several editions, almost all the university theater groups existing in Portugal have already stepped on the stage. The international presence is a constant, cementing the connection to the world of university theater that is being built. We have had the privilege of counting on the participation of groups from around the globe, namely Brazil, Cape Verde, Costa Rica, Spain, France, Italy, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Romania. One of the objectives being to increase the range of nationalities that visit us and participate in the festival. This exchange of experiences makes this festival unique and gives you great recognition across borders.

This is one of the largest international university theater events, and aims to continue the process of raising awareness of the arts and audiences education, so that you can watch events (theater and not only) and to be awake for something so palpable, profound and liberating in terms of artistic expression. Performing the important task of promoting the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, the region and the country.

This year, the Theater Cycle takes place between the 14th and 24th of March at Covilhã. As usually two pieces of TeatrUBI will be presented: "Different Pulses"; And the debut of the new play of the group, with seven interpreters, created through improvisations and based on the work of Jean Paul Satre – “Nausea”. In addition to the work of the house, we will receive several nacional and international groups, some of whom are already known to the festival and other newcomers in this city and in the country.

Different Pulses (2017)

About the author

This group of university students is aware of the valences that a theater formation has for life and for the world of work, it allows to develop capacities that are almost dead in the academic environment. The work is done in such a way that you can express feelings and ideas, in order to dynamize the university and the city.

Its purpose is to develop extracuricular activities, provide theatrical and cultural training; Encourage and discover artistic skills; Presenting and producing shows; Hosting companies and organizing festivals; Promote other cultural and educational activities, framed in the cultural universe.

Different Pulses (2017)

Several shows are produced each year, giving training to university students and external elements in the various areas of performance and performing arts. In addition to organizing an international festival, TeatrUBI participates in several festivals, in the country and across borders. Countries such as Spain, France, Morocco, Brazil, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Turkey, exerting a function of promotion and dissemination of the university, the city, the language and Portuguese culture. In 2005, TeatrUBI became part of the Ibero-American Association of University Theater. From its history, several awards and distinctions are part of several countries:

Interntional Festival of University Theater of Fez (Morocco):

- 2017 Festival Grand Prix, Awards for Best Scenario, Best Choreograhy, Best Scenography and Best Male Actor for the show “Sangue e Outras Substâncias”

International Festival of University Theater of Tanger (Morocco):

- 2016 Mise en Scene Award and Choreography Award for the show "Sangue e Outras Substâncias"

International University Theater Show of Ourense (Spain):

- 2016 Special Jury Mention for the show "Sangue e Outras Substâncias"

- 2015 Special Jury Mention for the show "A Casa do Vestido Castanho"

- 2014 Award for Best Technical Resolution for the show "Diagnóstico: Desgosto Patológico"

- 2013 Award for Best Technical Resolution Award for the show "Parecia que dançávamos. Tu vestido de príncipe e eu nua."

- 2012 Honorable Mention of the Jury for the spectacle "mata-dor"

- 2011 Jury Prize for the show "son[h]o dor-mente"

- 2010 Honorable Mention of the Jury for the spectacle "empresta-me o teu coração"

- 2009 Jury Prize for the show "marca'dor"

- 2005 Jury Prize for the spectacle "O Corvo"

- 2004 Honorable Mention of the Jury for the show "D. Quixote Revisitado"

- 1999 Prize of the Jury for the show "cada dia sou diferente, cada dia o mesmo"

European Meetings of University Theater of Albi (France):

- 2010 with the show "empresta-me o teu coração" - 2nd place

- 2005 with the show "O Corvo" - 2nd place

International Festival of University Theater in Casablanca (Morocco):

- 2004 Grand Prix of the Festival and Prize for Best Scenography with the show "A Ferida no Pescoço".

Budget and due dates

 Deadline: March 13

Budget (estimated):

Cachets - 14.000 €

Accommodation: 5.000 €

Meals: 5.750 €

Printing material for publicity: 3.000 €

Technical manager of light and sound: 1.000 €

Rent of technic material - 2.500 €

Total budget: 31.250 €


Although the support is only €500, we hope to achieve what we need through the support of other local and national entities. That we will try to reunite until the day before the festival (March 13).


An estimate of the budget is presented because it depends on the number of people that the  participating groups have.

  • Invest with
    1€ or more


    All the help we get is welcome. All donations are a motivation for us to continue our work. Everyone who supports us deserves a "thank you" and, above all, they will remain in our hearts

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    For every 5€ donated, we OFER one ticket to watch a show from de Cycle chosed by you. You will get a "thank you" too, and a place in our hearts. (10€ - 2 tickets; 15€ - 3 tickets; 20€ - 4 tickets; 25€ - 5 tickets)

    20 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more


    You'll get a RESERVED PLACE that's waiting for you at the festival and an offer of 6 tickets, because be with your friends is always better! We thank to you too, and you'll have a place in our hearts

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    50€ or more


    When you'll help us with values bigger than 50€ you wil be one of our bests supporters, and we'll include your name on our promotional magazine, so you could keep it and show it to your friends. You will receive 8 tickets to watch 8 shows from the festival or share with who you want. You will have a reserved place waiting for you and you will get a "thank you" too, and a place in our hearts.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    Nº1 FAN!

    GENERAL TICKET offer, so you can wath every shows from de festival. As our bigger fan, we will include your name on our promotional magazine, so you could keep it and show it to your friends. You'll win a badge or a pin from our theater company. You will have a reserved place waiting for you and we will "thank you" too, and you will have a place in our hearts.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    ONE OF US!

    You'll have right to a backstage visit as well as the general ticket offer to attend every day of the festival. Considered "one of us" we will include your name on our promotional magazine, so you could keep it and show it to your friends. You'll win a badge or a pin from our theater company. You will have a reserved place waiting for you. You will get a "thank you" too, and a place in our hearts.

    1 backer

Fri, 27/09/2024 - 14:09

Mon, 02/04/2018 - 10:54

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


26 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 18
    new backers

  • 8
    recurrent backers

  • 13
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    07/02/2018 - 02:46

  • Cristiana Pereira

    05/02/2018 - 13:21

  • Helena Oliveira

    03/02/2018 - 12:11

  • Anonymous

    26/01/2018 - 19:23

    Espero que seja possível voltar a realizar este importante festival. Apostava muito na publicidade que, nos dias que correm, torna-se essencial.

  • Ana Margarida Tomé

    26/01/2018 - 13:12

  • Anonymous

    25/01/2018 - 10:52

    Não deixem morrer o teatro!! Obrigada por tornarem esta arte ainda mais nobre! Votos de excelente trabalho

  • Anonymous

    23/01/2018 - 20:35

  • Victor Sá

    21/01/2018 - 11:24

  • Anonymous

    17/01/2018 - 18:49

  • Anonymous

    17/01/2018 - 17:26

    Já que quem deveria, não apoia, se todos ajudarem não custa nada! Parabéns pelo vosso trabalh, não desistam!

  • Anonymous

    17/01/2018 - 17:25
