PLATEIA - a record that needs you to happen
  • Music
  • Setúbal, Portugal

PLATEIA - a record that needs you to happen

PLATEIA is my first album, composed alongside with Zé Zambujo and Westah. But we aren't just 3 - PLATEIA tells what I learned about people, so it belongs to the people. But it c...

  • 135


    9% of 1 500€

    11 backers

  • 02/06/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

PLATEIA is my first album, composed alongside with Zé Zambujo and Westah. But we aren't just 3 - PLATEIA tells what I learned about people, so it belongs to the people. But it can only come true with your support. All our gratitude! Help us!

What is this disc?

First, I want you to know what this record is. PLATEIA is an essentially rap album, but with a lot of world music and funk. It has rhythms that go from samba to afro, it proposes to be a journey. It is an album about empathy, equality, sustainability, love and gratitude and, mainly, about freedom. These are the values that you will be financing.

In the last few years I have been able to travel a lot, meet unbelievable places and brilliant people. I learned to see the world differently and, above all, to rediscover myself; I realized that it didn't fit who I thought I was. This record is about that and is called PLATEIA in honor of all the people who were part of that process. Sometimes it is necessary to go down to the middle of the audience to understand what is happening on the stage.

We have been working on this album for over two years. We left our comfort zone, we took a risk and we believe that this work can be a milestone in music in Portugal. To this end, the fact that we work with some of the best musicians in the country, to whom the album also belongs, which I therefore name: Ana Sofia Vilares, André Gravata, Daniel Manata, Gonçalo Mahú, Iuri Oliveira, Ivo Rodrigues, João Lourenço, João Manata, João Motta, Jorge Souto, Pedro Nobre, Rafael Gil, Sandra Pereira, Tiago Martins, Xoto. Other people who contributed with their art deserve thanks, such as Carolina Vicente, Chico Augusto and Eduardo Barradas.

Why crowdfunding?

Because we really want to share this record with you in 2021 and we couldn't do it alone. Despite all the time and money already invested, we are still three artists, independent workers, drowned by a pandemic, without contracts or layoffs, without publishers, sponsorships or patronage. Because releasing a record costs money. There are graphics, copyright, post-editing processes (mix and master), video clips and promotion, among other things that cost money. € 1500 is not all that we will have to spend, but it is what seems reasonable to ask you. It is a realistic and fundamental value for us to leverage this project and to be able to share it with you soon. Thanks for your help! This disc is also yours.

About the author

Ohmonizciente, formerly Moniztico, author of Boca de Cena, mixtape considered by BandCom the 24th best record work in Portugal in 2015. I also authored the soundtrack for theater plays and some international collaborations, namely with the Galician Ricky Hombre Libre. Believer and defender of human and environmental causes, which I intend to value with my music.

I am also a theater actor, where I answer by my name, André Moniz, having started, amateurly, at the age of 14 and professionally at the age of 20. In cinema, among other less prestigious projects, I was the protagonist of "Tagus", film by Miguel Cassiano who won the Best Film 2018 award from Middlesex University, London University of Cinema.

In addition, I am the author of two live podcasts on my Instagram page, I teach movement, dramatic expression and theater to adults and children, I have worked in a trampoline park, a surf school, an Italian pizzeria, a radio and also I've done several less exotic jobs, like factory, call center or door-to-door sales. I don't dream of good cars or a house with a view, I just want to be able to dedicate myself to what I like and know how to do and that will go a long way for the success of this album and, subsequently, for your help.

I'm 26 years old and I'm from Setúbal, but I belong anywhere I feel good.

Budget and due dates

The campaign will be active between April and June 2021.

The contribution we ask for is € 1500, with the following purposes:

Production of video clips that will be released in the second half of 2021. Price: 500 €

Editing and printing of physical formats of the disc, meeting the need to be environmentally friendly. Value: 500 €

Merchandising, namely stickers and t-shirts, part of which will serve as a reward for your support. Value: 200 €

Enrollment in the Portuguese Society of Authors, in order to have the right to enjoy the indispensable copyrights on our work. Value: 150 €

The remaining 140 € corresponds to the fee to be paid to the PPL platform, for hosting and publicizing this campaign.

It should be added that in the first two points, we will certainly have higher expenses, but that this was the distribution that seemed most appropriate and fair for this campaign.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Pack Stickers

    You will receive a pack of personalized stickers, inspired by the design of the album.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Stickers & Signed Album Pack

    You will receive a pack of personalized stickers and a physical copy of the album, signed by me, Zé Zambujo and Westah.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Pack Stickers, Signed Album and T-shirt

    You will receive a pack of stickers, a signed copy of the album and a personalized t-shirt inspired by the disc design.

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  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Pack Stickers, Signed Album, T-shirt, eBook, Pre-listening and Backstage Access

    In addition to the sticker pack, the signed copy of the disc and the t-shirt, you will receive the PLATEIA eBook, in which you will find the lyrics of the songs, the stories that inspired them and what they mean to me, an authentic insight into the composition process the disc. You will be able to listen to the songs before leaving and give us your opinion. You will also have access to the backstage of a concert, to be agreed.

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  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Official Sponsor

    As an official sponsor, you will be entitled to all of the items and privileges listed above. You will also be entitled to 5% of the royalty earnings from each song on the album and your name will appear on the back cover and all credits of the disc as an Official Sponsor. He adds that you will be able to spend a day in the studio with us, in which you will be able to hear firsthand all our projects.

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Sun, 22/09/2024 - 14:28


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 17:38

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


11 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 8
    new backers

  • 3
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

Meet the people helping this dream come true