We are a group of volunteers, members of organizations that are part of PASC.pt who, given the scale of the tragedy that is happening in Ukraine, believed that they could make a difference by sending medical material.
The purpose of this fundraising is to be able to buy medical supplies, send and track their delivery in Poland and Ukraine with the support of local NGOs such as https://togetherinternational.eu and the "Movimento Somos Todos Ucrânia".
The Together Foundation's mission is to design and implement solidarity projects that respond to the socio-economic situation that emerged from the Covid-19 international humanitarian crisis and develops its activity around seven Principles:
Unity: Whatever the goal, whatever the challenge, together we can do more.
Humanity: Protecting vulnerable populations and communities and helping them build their own future.
Universality: An international vocation, because all countries have vulnerable populations.
Childhood: Prioritizing projects to improve living conditions and access opportunities for children.
Education: Promoting the fundamental right to education as the most powerful tool for community development.
Feminism: Presenting perspectives on gender equality and women's empowerment to support change.
Ecology: Introducing sustainability and ecological perspectives to improve urban and rural ecosystems
Somos Todos Ucrânia is a solidarity movement. A humanitarian aid group that develops humanitarian aid actions for Ukrainian refugees arriving in our country as well as necessary and urgent help on the ground. It cooperates with Portuguese and Ukrainian NGOs, in a chain of solidary people who want to help.

This PASC.pt mission is also in contact with other Ukrainian and Portuguese NGOs, seeking to establish aid channels that allow for more continuous support to the Ukrainian population.
To know more:
We are collecting:
first aid supplies
sterile wipes