Parúsia Shortfilm

Parúsia Shortfilm

"Great endings have small beginnings."

  • 1198


    150% of 800€
    Stretch target 1 500€

    15 backers

  • 26/04/2024

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

"Great endings have small beginnings."

Parúsia is a short horror film that follows three students who hangout in a living room. What Hugo and Paulo don't know, however, is that this is not a night like the others. Luís has something to reveal to them, a secret with apocalyptic consequences, which will test their friendship.

"Horror is a useful thing. This is a genre that talks about the things adults don't want to admit." - Guillermo del Toro

A screenplay based on cosmic, or "Lovecraftian" horror, inspired by films like Hereditary (2018, Ari Aster) and Mike Flanagan's body of work, the project tells a story of large-scale consequences, from a microcosmic and personal lens, and addresses themes such as loneliness and the breaking point of a friendship.

We don't lack motivation, but we need your support to cover many of the film's expenses. We count on your participation in Crowdfunding and sharing it!

About the author

Chefes de Departamento

Parúsia is carried out as part of the Final Project of the Degree in Cinema and Audiovisual, at the Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design (ESMAD), and developed with the support of other students and professionals in the area of ​​audiovisual communication.

The Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, based in Vila do Conde, has stood out annually for its excellent projects, which are recognized for their quality and relevance.

It is with enthusiasm that the team seeks to innovate and expand the universe of Portuguese cinema, wanting to tell stories that will enrich the national horror imagination.

Budget and due dates


As this is a project developed in an academic context, our resources are very limited, so its production depends on support, partnerships, donations and fundraising. In this sense, we also count on the participation of our viewers and supporters!

The project will be developed throughout the month of April, however, fundraising will remain active until mid-May, so that we can reach our budget expectations.

  • Thanks!

    Invest with
    5€ or more


    > Thanks on our social networks and in the film credits.

    1 backer

  • Stickers!

    Invest with
    10€ or more


    > Thanks on our social networks and in the film credits. > Set of 3 stickers alluding to the film. (hand delivery in Porto District)

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    6 backers

  • Poster!

    Invest with
    20€ or more


    > Thanks on our social networks and in the film credits. > Set of 3 stickers alluding to the film. > 1 Parúsia poster (A3) signed by the team. (hand delivery in Porto District)

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    6 backers

  • Mug!

    Invest with
    50€ or more


    > Thanks on our social networks and in the film credits. > Set of 3 stickers alluding to the film. > 1 Parúsia poster (A3) signed by the team. > 1 mug alluding to the film. (hand delivery in Porto District)

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Fan Kit!

    Invest with
    100€ or more

    Fan Kit!

    > Thanks on our social networks and in the film credits. > Set of 3 stickers alluding to the film. > 1 Parúsia poster (A3) signed by the team. > 1 mug alluding to the film. > 1 Tote-bag alluding to the film. > 1 T-shirt alluding to the film. > 1 double invitation to a test screening. (hand delivery in Porto District)

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Exclusive Kit!

    Invest with
    200€ or more

    Exclusive Kit!

    > Thanks on our social networks and in the film credits. > Set of 3 stickers alluding to the film. > 1 Parúsia poster (A3) signed by the team. > 1 mug alluding to the film. > 1 Tote-bag alluding to the film. > 1 T-shirt alluding to the film. > 1 double invitation to a test screening. > 1 replica of the Statuette used in the film. (hand delivery in Porto District)

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    1 backer

    Limited to 2 units. Last one available

Fri, 07/03/2025 - 03:23

Tue, 30/04/2024 - 11:24

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sat, 09/03/2024 - 23:21

Obrigada a todas as pessoas

Obrigada a todas as pessoas que nos ajudaram a atingir o nosso primeiro objetivo! Para melhorar as condições de produção, continuamos a pedir o vosso apoio, seja a partir de do...

Read more

Sat, 02/03/2024 - 18:22

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Diana Garcez

    Obrigada a todas as pessoas

    Obrigada a todas as pessoas que nos ajudaram a atingir o nosso primeiro objetivo!
    Para melhorar as condições de produção, continuamos a pedir o vosso apoio, seja a partir de donativos, partilha da campanha ou acompanhamento do projeto nas redes sociais.
    Fiquem atent@s para mais novidades!
    Obrigada mais uma vez!

    - A Equipa Parúsia

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15 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 9
    new backers

  • 6
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

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