Register From Home to Home (home care)

Register From Home to Home (home care)

Fundraising to legally register De Casa em Casa.

  • 1060


    118% of 900€

    35 backers

  • 30/09/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Fundraising to legally register De Casa em Casa.

Since February I have been fulfilling my dream of being a caregiver at the home of dependent people. My aim is to provide personalized, humanized and quality home care in the interior of the country, making them more and more an alternative to internment in homes.

The values of De Casa em Casa are those of respect for private life, autonomy, freedom of decision and choice of the dependent person. It distinguishes the project, the integrated approach to the well-being and physical and emotional comfort of the client and his family / informal caregivers.

I am currently working as a self-employed worker (green receipts) with some families. But I want to reach more people! For that I need to have a team working with me. But in order to be able to enter into employment contracts, I need to legally register De Casa em Casa. So I’m doing this campaign to collect funds for:

  • the commercial register
  • licensing the activity with Social Security

De Casa em Casa does not generate profit, nor is its objective to generate. All incoming receipts are destined: wages, fuel, masks, gloves, aprons, support products, office supplies ... So there is little financial room for maneuver.

So I come to appeal to all family members, friends, acquaintances ... and people who identify with the values of De Casa em Casa, to make a contribution as big as they can. We live in times of uncertainty, which affect us all. So the smallest contribution is welcome and has a much greater value than the monetary.




About the author

My name is Diana.

I have a degree in Anthropology and I was a scientific researcher until 2015. In 2015 I decided to head to the United Kingdom to test what I already suspected was my vocation there: to be a caregiver. In England and Scotland, I was a professional caregiver at home, but also in assisted homes and in a palliative care home. I learned a lot, did a lot of training, and knew a reality that values social care and professional caregivers as essential for a society that respects the dignity of the dependent person. I specialized particularly in caring for people suffering from dementia, with Parkinson's disease and on the Autism spectrum.

In February I decided to start De Casa em Casa alone, a service that provides social care at home to dependent people. The path is being arduous, but I would not exchange it for any other.

  • Tourist experience draw (3 days)

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Tourist experience draw (3 days)

    When you make a donation of at least 10 €, you are automatically eligible to draw an experience on the mythical Estrada Nacional 2. The experience includes: - 2 nights accommodation, in a double room, with breakfast, in units of - Turismo em Espaço Rural or similar; - 1 lunch, for 2 people, in a typical regional restaurant; - 1 Guide Foge Comigo EN2 In partnership with Green Travel -

    15 backers

  • Draw + Tote bag

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Draw + Tote bag

    In organic cotton. National manufacture. Partnership with the Portuguese brand Green Bags

    4 backers

  • Raffle + Vale 2h "Relief of the informal caregiver"

    Invest with
    30€ or more

    Raffle + Vale 2h "Relief of the informal caregiver"

    Worth 2 hours of informal caregiver relief, to use for yourself or to offer to someone. Rest while we take care of those you love. Valid only for the municipality of Abrantes. To claim the voucher, send email to

    3 backers

  • Raffle + Vale 4h "Relief of the informal caregiver"

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    Raffle + Vale 4h "Relief of the informal caregiver"

    Worth 4 hours of informal caregiver relief, to use for yourself or to offer to someone. Rest while we take care of those you love. Valid only for the municipality of Abrantes. To claim the voucher, send email to

    14 backers

Wed, 01/05/2024 - 12:25

Sat, 03/10/2020 - 16:25


Olá a todos Como sabem, existem recompensas para quem contribuiu para o Crowdfunding. 10€ Quem contribuiu com 10€ ou mais, vai receber um email ou sms com um numero (atr...

Read more

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 16:13


Conseguimos! Melhor dizendo, conseguiram vocês, todos os que contribuíram para a campanha de crowdfunding para registar o De Casa em Casa. Muito obrigada pela vossa generosid...

Read more

Thu, 01/10/2020 - 10:51

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sat, 26/09/2020 - 22:00

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sun, 13/09/2020 - 12:26

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Thu, 03/09/2020 - 21:59

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Tue, 01/09/2020 - 22:39

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Diana Tomás


    Olá a todos

    Como sabem, existem recompensas para quem contribuiu para o Crowdfunding.

    Quem contribuiu com 10€ ou mais, vai receber um email ou sms com um numero (atribuído pela ordem da data de doação, de 1 a 31) para o sorteio de uma experiencia turística de 3 dias na N2. O sorteio terá lugar em direto no dia 5 de Outubro, 2ª feira feriado, pelas 15h, no seguinte endereço: Vai ser usado um sorteador online:

    Quem contribuiu com 20€ vai receber um email a solicitara morada para envio da tote bad com o logotipo "De Casa em Casa"

    30€ e 50€
    Quem contribuiu com 30€ ou 50€, irá receber um email a solicitar dados para emissão de vale de Alívio do Cuidador (válido apenas para concelho de Abrantes).

    Obrigada a todos.

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  • Diana Tomás



    Melhor dizendo, conseguiram vocês, todos os que contribuíram para a campanha de crowdfunding para registar o De Casa em Casa. Muito obrigada pela vossa generosidade e voto de confiança. É bom saber que há mais pessoas que acreditam no projeto.

    O financiamento colectivo (crowdfunding) é feito com base na confiança, e para haver confiança, há que haver transparência, por isso, aqui vai a primeira prestação de contas...

    O proposto era alcançar os 900€, que incluem:

    - Criação de empresa online com pacto social pré-aprovado: 220€ (já realizada)
    - Licenciamento (Alvará) da Segurança Social: 596,41€
    - Comissão PPL Crowdfunding: 83,03€

    Mas alcançámos os 1060€ (yaayyyyy), o que significa que, retirando a comissão do site (97,79€), o total real angariado foi de 962,21€.

    O PPL já me enviou a fatura da sua comissão (em anexo) e comunicou que o valor restante será depositado na conta do De Casa em Casa nos próximos dias.

    Em anexo, segue também o comprovativo do pagamento da Criação de empresa online com pacto social pré-aprovado (feita a 13 de Agosto). Pesquisando o NIPC 516107763 em , podem verificar a publicação da constituição da sociedade.

    Se tiverem qualquer dúvida, por favor não hesitem em contactar-me por aqui ou

    Mais uma vez: obrigada, obeigada, obrigada, mil vezes obrigada!

    Em breve, seguirão mais notícias sobre:
    - Recompensas (incluindo sorteio que será feito em direto no Youtube)
    - Licenciamento (Alvará) da Segurança Social

    Beijos e abraços e obrigadaaaaa
    Diana <3

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35 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 22
    new backers

  • 13
    recurrent backers

  • 5
    anonymous backers

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