RaiseUP Sandal - the shoe that grows!

RaiseUP Sandal - the shoe that grows!

RaiseUp shoes- the shoe grows! Self-adjusting sandals of up to 5 sizes, in a single pair of sandals, that accompany the growth of the child foot.

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    0% of 36 500€

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  • 07/08/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

RaiseUp shoes- the shoe grows! Self-adjusting sandals of up to 5 sizes, in a single pair of sandals, that accompany the growth of the child foot.

For every minute that passes, an estimated 250 babies are born each day. - more than 131.4 million in the year 2018. (CIA). If we sell 0.001% of pairs of shoes, that would represent 130,000 pairs each year.

Each year, 26 million babies are born in India, according to estimates (MEdIndiaClock) in 2018, about 51 babies per minute. - If we sell 0.01% pairs of shoes, that would represent 210,000 pairs each year in the EU.

Each year, 5 075 million babies are born in the European community in 2017, according to data from (Eurostat - Fertility Statistics) - If we sell 0.1% of pairs of shoes, that would represent 50 750 pairs per year in the EU.

According to estimates, the population on the African continent of 1.5 billion, to 2.5 billion, (DW News). For every 3 pairs we sell, we propose to offer one pair for free.

To start the opening of templates / Packing / Web Design / and the first Trial Order, 3000 pairs, we need 33,000 Euros.

We will open 2 molds, which will produce sizes 19 to 23 and from 24 to 28, in a first phase. In the next phase, we hope to open 2 more sizes (29 to 33 and 34 to 38), and at the end the final 2 sizes, adult, plus 2 sizes (39 to 43 and 44 to 48)

So for each, we offer the following:

€ 19.00 ---------------------- 1 Pair - Free shipping - EU

50,00 € ---------------------- 3 Pairs - 16,00Euros / 1 Pair + 13% Discount

€ 100.00 -------------------- 7 Pairs - 14.00Euros / 1 Pair + 28% Discount

€ 500.00 -------------------- 40 Pairs - 12.00Euros / 1 Pair + 37% Discount

1000,00 € ------------------ 90 Pairs - 11,00Euros / 1 Pair + 45% Discount

For every 3 pairs sold, we will offer 1 pair to social solidarity institutions ...

About the author

Created in the winter of 2003, this family-run micro-company took its first steps. Early on, we started contact and product development partnerships, in the footwear and textile area. With a know-how in the area of development, funding, and production, we put our services at the disposal of foreign start ups , in order to assist and support in out sourcing these small projects.

In just a few years, in 2007 we were participating in international events such as the World Exhibition, Autosportinternational.com, for many known as “the Mecca of motorsport” in Birmingham, with an extraordinary team of designers, alongside a new brand , which we witnessed its launch, and its owner, Colin McRae.

After 2 years, in 2009 we started a new product development project and with a new partnership, with the Swiss company, Benjie-shoes, footwear for children. We literally started from scratch, and after several advances and setbacks, together with the conductor of World Marketing, Christian Bagnoud, we managed to impose a pace of development of more than 70SKUs, at the time, and when we realized it, we were both there from NOEL, at a major event at the fair, MESS ARROUND in Paris.

Around 2015, we started a new product development, RAISEUP shoes, this personal project, which mixed the technology of a Racing shoe, with the comfort, care and ergonomic dynamics of a child's foot. After realizing the difficulties in finding the best and correct monitoring of the growth of a child's foot, we started the process of creating a product that could solve this problem, while being economical, and ergonomic, multifunctional.

In 2019, after some technical and ergonomic adjustments, we developed the first test in 3D printing, where we can test and visualize the concept in 3D format, as well as its functionality, and operability.

Budget and due dates

Within 6 months, we hope to have the product ready to start production. We will proceed with the delivery of orders and rewards from January 2021, for the first scheduled phase.

In January 2021, we will start a new campaign, for the second level of sizes from 29 to 33 and from 34 to 38, and in June 2021, the final phase completes the entire range of the collection, for sizes, (39 43 and 44 to 48)

Our goal is always for every 3 pairs produced, we will offer 1 FREE pair to social solidarity institutions, with special support to young people and children in need, as well as schools and private institutions that promote support for disadvantaged children.

With this Project, we want to end children “barefoot” on earth, or at least die trying to do that.

The value for this campaign, will be charged, € 3367.13.

Everything else is for the development of templates, 3D presentation mockups, website development, packaging development, an online store, and the first pilot order, 3300 pairs, which will be delivered to the funders of this campaign.

  • 1 Pair of Sandals - RaiseUP - Shipping Cost Offer

    Invest with
    19€ or more

    1 Pair of Sandals - RaiseUP - Shipping Cost Offer

    € 19 ---------------------- 1 Pair - Free shipping - EU

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  • 3 Pairs of Sandals RaiseUP

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    3 Pairs of Sandals RaiseUP

    € 50.00 ---------------------- 3 Pairs - 16Euros / 1 Pair - 13% Discount (Sizes to choose)

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  • 7 Pairs Sandals RaiseUP

    Invest with
    100€ or more

    7 Pairs Sandals RaiseUP

    € 100.00 ---------------------- 7 Pairs - 14Euros / 1 Pair - 28% Discount (Sizes to choose)

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  • 40 Pairs of Sandals RaiseUP

    Invest with
    500€ or more

    40 Pairs of Sandals RaiseUP

    € 500.00 ---------------------- 40 Pairs - 12Euros / 1 Pair - 37% Discount (Sizes to choose from =

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  • 90 Pairs of Sandals - Raise UP

    Invest with
    1000€ or more

    90 Pairs of Sandals - Raise UP

    € 1000.00 -------------------- 90 Pairs - 11Euros / 1 Pair - 45% Discount (Size to choose)

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Fri, 05/07/2024 - 04:23


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 10/06/2020 - 13:03

RaiseUp Sandals

Agradecemos o seu comentário. As Sandálias são de TPR - Rubber , de alta Resistência a abrasão, com tratamento antibacteriano, de forma a permitir uma elevada vida útil do prod...

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Campaign launched


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  • José Brochado

    RaiseUp Sandals

    Agradecemos o seu comentário.
    As Sandálias são de TPR - Rubber , de alta Resistência a abrasão, com tratamento antibacteriano, de forma a permitir uma elevada vida útil do produto, e contacto directo com o pezinho da crianca.

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  • Vanda Abraços

    Parece-me um projecto

    Parece-me um projecto bastante interessante!
    De que material são feitos os sapatos?

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  • José BrochadoVanda Abraços

    Ola Vanda.

    Ola Vanda.
    O Material sera em Borracha SBR de elevada resistencia a abrasao, para que possa ser duravel. ( 2 a 3 anos com utilizacao intensa )

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