This campaign it is about the importance of the intervence near the public to promove health literacy.
This cycle of lectures runs annually and is intended for women with breast cancer as it aims to provide tools for better management of the disease, but also focusing on health literacy aspects and healthier life prospect. These aspects also address the general population to promote a healthier life by always focusing on the fact that we must "treat" health before we need to treat the disease. We can be reached at
About the author
Annual cycle of lectures for women with breast cancer on topics related to the management of the disease. The Association of Women with Breast Disease intervenes with women with breast cancer but also with the general public in awareness campaignson the importance of early breast casncer diagnosis and health education and literacy. It is currently engeged in various national campaigns " I Have Cancer - And Then", "Time to Live", "More participation-Better Health", etc
Budget and due dates
Funds will be used for promotional materials ( flyers, posters) and Cycle suppoot materials ( volunteer shits, participant bags, pads and pens, attendance diplomas for attendess and speakers, ribbons and cards for attendess and speakers, offerings to speakers and lunch offered to speakers).
Tha project will always be implemented during the month of October of each year, the month of the fight againts cancer and apatially the month of the Internacional Day to Fight Breast Cancer.