Um Voo Acompanhado
Giving Tuesday 2020

Um Voo Acompanhado

"A companion flight" reflects well the need and willingness to help those who need it most. APSA promotes the integration of young people with asperger's syndrome into the labor...

  • 75


    1% of 5 000€

    3 backers

  • 27/01/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

"A companion flight" reflects well the need and willingness to help those who need it most. APSA promotes the integration of young people with asperger's syndrome into the labor market through its employability program which is the culmination of all community integration activities and training of social competence and functional autonomy. This program consists of specialized technical mediation between the youth, company, family and community. Without this "accompaniment" it is not possible...

This campaign aims to promote a better understanding by society about the characteristics and qualities of people with Asperger Syndrome (AS), framed in Autism Spectrum Disorders, thus facilitating labor market integration and greater social inclusion. Only in this way, and through some practical success stories, will we be able to demonstrate to more companies and society in general that young people with AS have innumerable skills that can only be extracted through specialized technical mediation and transversal to all phases of the employability program. . This project will allow to address part of the problem of subsidy-dependence that these situations often entail. Not only on the part of young people entering the working life, but also on the part of families that, because they have to take care of young people, need subsidies. With their inclusion in the workplace, they can return to active life again. In this project APSA is committed to giving a better life to young people with SA, integrated in APSA network companies, training their HR, also believing that it will be of greater value to them and the companies. Receptive Company is already a registered trademark of APSA and they are all those that welcome young people and our Employability Program.

APSA has had experience and proven results in the project intervention area since 2014 and since then it has been growing in number of young people with integrated SA and in number of companies. Casa Grande is born to respond to young people who, when they finish their compulsory schooling, would go astray in their lives and go home depressing and relying on state support. This project has already made it possible to place young people in a work context, both in community experiences and in internships, as well as under a contract of employment, and there have already been renewals. This project aims to provide young people with an opportunity to work experience and to build a future life project. APSA's experience is proven not only by company testimonials but also by young people and their families.

Your donation will transform their lives to the extent that it will contribute to the personal enhancement and capacity building of the young / adult with asperger's syndrome in view of their functionality and autonomy, making them the active agents of their own. life.

By donating € 5000 to APSA, you are providing the integration of yet another Asperger's Syndrome Young into the APSA Employability Program, which will take you to the labor market and thus lead a more dignified and autonomous life. It is intended that these young people fly by themselves, but we also know that given their condition will always have to be accompanied by specialized techniques and mediators. Hence the name of this project "The Accompanied Flight".


About the author

APSA - Portuguese Association of Asperger Syndrome is a non-profit Private Social Solidarity Institution (IPSS), which was born in Lisbon on 7 November 2003 at the will of a group of parents. APSA supports and mentors people with AS of all ages and their families nationally. In terms of technical intervention, we have developed a pilot project: Casa Grande since 2014, for young adults in Lisbon, as it was in this age group that we found response gaps. At Casa Grande we train these young people for active life. The Employability Program is the culmination of all the Community Integration, Social Skills Training and Functional Autonomy Activities that all young people go through until they can join it. APSA currently has a network of receptive companies, from Accenture, Santander, REN, Jerónimo Martins, among others, who welcome and integrate our young people.

Our Mission is:
Promote the support and social integration of people with Asperger's Syndrome, favoring the conditions and enabling for an autonomous and dignified life.

Our Vision is:

Having a society that is part of the difference and in which people with Asperger's Syndrome have equal opportunities and feel accepted, respected and fulfilled.

Budget and due dates


Sun, 02/03/2025 - 15:08

Tue, 11/02/2020 - 16:03

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


3 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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  • 3
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  • 1
    anonymous backer

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Denise Batista

    03/12/2019 - 18:48

  • Denise Batista

    03/12/2019 - 15:48

  • Anonymous

    03/12/2019 - 14:51

  • Tiago Lousada

    03/12/2019 - 09:19

    Espero que a adesão ao Giving Tuesday lhes permite angariar bastantes fundos para a vossa nobre causa