Portuguese Contemporary Music for Guitar

Portuguese Contemporary Music for Guitar

Two guitarists want to disclose contemporany music for guitar . After a tour in Portugal they decided to record a CD.

  • 1180


    107% of 1 100€

    45 backers

  • 20/11/2019

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Two guitarists want to disclose contemporany music for guitar . After a tour in Portugal they decided to record a CD.

The project consists in the editing of works of the Portuguese contemporary repertoire circulation through specialized stores as well as digitally and also through the CD's Presentation / Disclosure recitals. MASTERCD, Lda will be in charge of the physical distribution (a renoun company in Portugal). The digital distribution will be done by CDBaby (promoter assigns a barcode and distributes it through digital platforms like Spotify, iTunes, GoogleMusic, etc.). Audio capturing and mixing will be the responsibility of Hugo Vasco Reis, a noted engineer and recognized composer in the Portuguese music scene, while mastering will be handed over to António Manuel Pinheiro da Silva, unanimously considered one of the best sound engineers in Portugal. Radio broadcasting will be carried out through a partnership with Antena 2, through advertising spots and interviews. Fafe TV will be a proeminent digital partner given its reach in social networks and will promote the project also through advertising spots and interviews. Mariana Santiago will be in charge of all the multimedia and audiovisual aspects of the project.

This project proves to be original and necessary as it enhances the work of well-known composers in the Portuguese cultural panorama, such as Tiago Cutileiro, António Pinho Vargas, Sergio Azevedo, Vitor Rua, Fernando Lapa, Paulo Ferreira-Lopes, Victor Castro. , José Mesquita Lopes, Hugo Vasco Reis, Carlos Gutkin and Ricardo Barceló. The diffusion of contemporary Portuguese repertoire for guitar is pertinent since it is rarely interpreted and edited.

Luís Leite, um dos intérpretes

About the author

José Teixeira began his musical studies at the Academia José Atalaya. In 2015, with an average of 19 values ​​in the disciplines of the musical area, he concluded the Secondary Instrument Course (guitar variant). In the same year, he entered the Music Course at the University of Minho and finished his degree in 2018, obtaining the maximum rating in the guitar strand. He performs regularly solo, orchestra and in various chamber music groups. Awarded in the “Paços Premium Competition” (top level) and Honorable Mention in the “Leiria International Guitar Competition” (top level) in 2018, the honorable mention in the “International City of Almada Competition” in 2014, solo and also Honorable Mention in the “Gilberto Paiva Competition” (higher level) in 2014 in chamber music. In 2012 he was invited to join the Orquestra Portugesa de Guitarras e Bandolins (OPGB), working with a variety of conductors and soloists such as Rui Gama and Hauxing Liang. With OPGB participated in the recording of CD Pleiades. In 2018 together with guitarist Luís Leite began a cycle of recitals entitled "Portuguese Contemporary Guitar Music" with the aim of promoting the national music currently produced for the guitar, performing a little across the country. He has been teaching since 2018 at the Academia de Música de Basto.

Responsável pelo audiovisual do projeto está Mariana Santiago

Luís Leite is a guitar player and a native teacher of Fafe. After completing his musical studies at the Academia José Atalaya  with the maximum evaluation to the discipline of Instrument, he entered the University of Minho in the Degree in Music. He finishes his degree and continues his studies entering the Master of Music Teaching at the same university, which finishes in 2019. He was awarded and distinguished in dozens of national and international classical guitar competitions, among which stand out the competition of the International Festival of Luigi Mozzani Classical Guitar (Vibo Valentia - Italy) in 2011, the Juan Crisóstomo Arriaga Guitar Competition (Bilbao - Spain) in 2014, the Luso-Spanish Competition (Fafe - Portugal) in the years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2013, the Competition Nacional de Guitarra (Ourém and Fátima - Portugal) in 2012, the Vila Verde Regional Competition in 2013 and the Gilberta Paiva Competition in 2014, the latter two in chamber music. He recorded with the OPGB (Orquestra Portugesa de Guitarras e Bandolins) the CD entitled Pleiades. In December 2018 he began a series of concerts performing and premiering works by contemporary Portuguese guitar composers. He currently teaches at the Academy of Music of the Sociedade Filarmónica Vizelense. He performs regularly at concerts and has a solo CD titled Guitarra Clássica.

Budget and due dates

The CD´s are budgeted at 5500 € and this amount already includes the amount of Capture, Mixing and Mastering, Payment of copyright to the SPA (Portuguese Society of Authors), Physical duplication of CDs and also the payment of the digital dissemination campaign.

In the project management there is a clear awareness of the management of the support, with the amount requested in the order of 18%. Thus, the remaining amount comes from other grants, own revenues from the sale of CDs, copyrights and related rights. This results in a decrease in the percentage of support requested. The management options thus demonstrate a commitment to financial rigor and sustainability, including expenditure that is absolutely necessary to the project objectives. In December 2019 the fundraising process will begin and it is estimated that the CD will be released in the first quarter of 2020.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more


    With a support of 10 € or more you receive the CD. You can pick it up at the presentation recital!

    18 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    CD and Ticket

    With a support of 20 € you are entitled to a CD and a ticket for the presentation of the disc!

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    CD, ticket and acknowledgment

    Any support of € 50 or more will be entitled to a CD, a ticket for the disc presentation recital and a acknowledgment in the CD layout for the supporter. The CD will also come autographed by the interpreters and with a small dedication! It can be collected at the presentation recital!

    10 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    Recital, ticket and CD

    Medited support of € 200 or more is entitled to the CD, a acknowledgment on the CD layout, a ticket for the disc presentation recital and also the possibility to schedule a recital subject to conditions to be agreed.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 02/05/2024 - 02:29

Wed, 07/10/2020 - 21:14


Boa noite a todos(as) Finalmente podemos anunciar que o CD será lançado! Foram enviados e-mails para todos com instruções relativas às recompensas. Obrigado por o apoio! Se não...

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Mon, 30/03/2020 - 22:10

Adiado lançamento do CD

Cumprimentos senhores(as) É nosso dever colocar-vos a par do adiamento do CD. Estava previsto o primeiro trimestre do ano como data de lançamento do CD e tentamos sempre conclu...

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Thu, 21/11/2019 - 09:49

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Wed, 20/11/2019 - 19:19

Objectivo alcançado!

Caríssimos(as) Vimos por este meio expressar a nossa gratidão pelo vosso apoio. Concluímos hoje uma etapa importante rumo à gravação do nosso CD. Podem e devem seguir o desenvo...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 20/11/2019 - 14:00

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Fri, 08/11/2019 - 16:36

Final da campanha

Boa tarde Aproximamo-nos do final campanha e gostaríamos de agradecer o apoio concedido para concretizar o nosso projeto. Sem a ajuda de todos não estaríamos perto de conclui...

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Wed, 23/10/2019 - 20:40

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Mon, 23/09/2019 - 21:01

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • josemssteixeira


    Boa noite a todos(as)
    Finalmente podemos anunciar que o CD será lançado! Foram enviados e-mails para todos com instruções relativas às recompensas. Obrigado por o apoio! Se não receberam o e-mail podem entrar em contacto connosco através da plataforma PPL ou através do e-mail zemiguel_31@hotmail.com.
    Um grande bem haja!

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  • josemssteixeira

    Adiado lançamento do CD

    Cumprimentos senhores(as)
    É nosso dever colocar-vos a par do adiamento do CD. Estava previsto o primeiro trimestre do ano como data de lançamento do CD e tentamos sempre conclui-lo até ao final do corrente mês. Cenários vários causaram-nos alguns atrasos (acesso a fundos de patronato) que seriam colmatados durante o final do mês de de março e até ao início o mês de abril, não estivéssemos nós passar por esta fase terrível. De momento suspendemos todo o trabalho do CD por tempo indeterminado, esperando retoma-lo assim que possível. Não podemos adiantar datas concretas, mas numa perspectiva otimista pensamos ser possível fazermos o lançamento do CD no mês de junho. Esperamos que todos os apoiantes desta campanha entendam este adiamento e prometemos dar o nosso melhor para o quanto antes vos podermos oferecer todas as recompensas acordadas.
    Daremos mais novidades em breve.
    Desde já agradecemos a compreensão e todo o apoio que deram à nossa campanha.

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  • josemssteixeira

    Objectivo alcançado!

    Vimos por este meio expressar a nossa gratidão pelo vosso apoio. Concluímos hoje uma etapa importante rumo à gravação do nosso CD. Podem e devem seguir o desenvolvimento da campanha e do projeto Música Contemporânea Portuguesa para Guitarra através da rede social facebook na pagina http://www.facebook.com/mcpguitarra e a qualquer momento entrar em contacto connosco através da chat lá disponível. O inicio das gravações está próximo e segue-se o processo de mistura e masterização. Esperamos ainda nos primeiros meses do ano iniciar o processo de duplicação (formato físico) e disponibilização nas plataformas digitais. O recital de apresentação será anunciado brevemente assim como uma tour de divulgação do disco.
    De novo um muito obrigado pelo apoio!
    Voltamos a contacta-los futuramente devido às recompensas!
    José Teixeira e Luís Leite

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  • josemssteixeira

    Final da campanha

    Boa tarde
    Aproximamo-nos do final campanha e gostaríamos de agradecer o apoio concedido para concretizar o nosso projeto. Sem a ajuda de todos não estaríamos perto de concluir o nosso objectivo. Assim sendo estamos muito gratos e gostaríamos que dessem uma última ajuda divulgando entre os vossos conhecidos a campanha para conseguirmos atingir o valor proposto, que está cada dia mãos próximo.

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45 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 31
    new backers

  • 14
    recurrent backers

  • 10
    anonymous backers

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