Livro PubhD Lisboa 2018

Livro PubhD Lisboa 2018

Publishing of a book with texts and illustrations that summarise the 19 conversations about research topics that took place at the PubhD de Lisboa sessions in 2018.

  • 804


    22% of 3 500€

    46 backers

  • 17/06/2019

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Publishing of a book with texts and illustrations that summarise the 19 conversations about research topics that took place at the PubhD de Lisboa sessions in 2018.

In this book we gathered texts and illustrations that summarise the 19 PhD or post-doc research topics - from the sciences, humanities, engineering and arts - presented at the vibrant conversations that took place in a bar, in the ten PubhD de Lisboa sessions of 2018.

The drawings of Cirenia Arias Baldrich (in English), sketched during the sessions, and the texts of Sérgio Pereira (in Portuguese), come together in a book that is an extension in time and in space of the magic of PubhD de Lisboa project.

Marine biology, political science, environment engineering, architecture or astrophysics are only a few of the areas focused in 2018, with the names of the researchers and the research units where they produce their work. Spread the curiosity!


  • Horizontal format, 16 x 11,5 cm
  • 40 pages (19 illustrations)
  • 120 gr/m2 paper
  • Printed in Portugal

Livro PubhD de Lisboa 2018 - interior

About the author

PubhD de Lisboa (pub + PhD) is a free monthly event where people get together in a bar or pub to talk about topics in academic research. In each event, PhD students or post-doc researchers, in whatever research areas in Sciences, Humanities, Engineering or Arts, explain their research to an audience in a bar.

This project started in October 2015, following the idea of PubhD Nottingham. This an initiative run by volunteers, without funding, organised in our free time with a lot of passion by Sérgio Pereira, Carolina Figueira and Inês Leitão.

Cirenia Arias Baldrich is a scientist and sketcher, producing drawings and animations that communicate science topics in a relaxed way. She is on Facebook and Twitter.

The PubhD de Lisboa 2018 book wishes to bring the pleasure of knowledge in the making to those not able to attend these events, and is also an enduring memory for those that regularly meet to drink and toast to human curiosity.


Budget and due dates

The value collected will be used to:

  • Print a minimum of 300 copies of the book;
  • Mailing costs for those not able to pick at the event;
  • Return the challenging work achieved by the illustrator;
  • Offer a copy to each of the 19 speakers represented in the book;
  • PPL 5% commission, and payment systems 2,5% commissions, + VAT;
  • Applicable taxes.

The writing and design costs are supported by the authors.

If more is collected, more copies will be printed. They will be printed in June and distributed in July. The copies will be sent by mail, or delivered in person at the special launch event, or at the regular PubhD de Lisboa events.

Note: The estimated delivery dates may change if the result of the campaign allows many more copies to be printed.

Livro PubhD de Lisboa 2018 - vista geral

  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    - 1 of Cirenia sketches used in the book, in a double-leaf postcard, with the respective text about the researcher inside (sketch chosen by the illustrator).

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    9€ or more

    Book (picked at an event)

    - 1 copy of the book (to be picked at an event)

    20 backers

  • Invest with
    16€ or more

    Book (by mail)

    - 1 copy of the book delivered by mail (* if you live outside Portugal, add €5 to this value - addresses on Mars excluded !)

    23 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Book and two postcards

    - 1 copy of the book - 2 of Cirenia sketches used in the book, in two double-leaf postcards, with the respective texts about the researchers inside (sketches chosen by the illustrator). - Delivered by mail, or picked at an event.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    My name on the book (and the book)

    - Your name will be printed on the acknowledgments section, on the cover of the book. - 1 copy of the book - 2 of Cirenia sketches used in the book, in two double-leaf postcards, with the respective texts about the researchers inside (sketches chosen by the illustrator). - Delivered by mail, or picked at an event. * Limited to the first 40 backers.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    300€ or more

    For institutions

    - Logo of the institution printed on the acknowledgments section, on the cover of the book. - 5 copies of the book. * Limited to the first 5 backers.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 16/05/2024 - 17:25

Tue, 18/06/2019 - 09:30

Obrigado! Não chegámos lá, mas chegámos longe, graças a todos!

Muito obrigado a todos os que acreditaram nesta ideia! E ela será mais do que uma ideia! Vamos esforçar-nos para publicar o livro, ainda que o objetivo tenha ficado além do que...

Read more


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Thu, 13/06/2019 - 12:49

19 histórias de curiosidade: vamos imprimir-lhes futuro?

Ainda não existe, não é real, está no ovo, mas com todos os que já nos apoiaram, e nos vão apoiar, queremos fazê-lo sair da casca. O livro PubhD de Lisboa 2018 expõe a diver...

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Mon, 03/06/2019 - 15:25

Estamos a 15 dias do final da

Estamos a 15 dias do final da campanha! Muito obrigado a todos os que apoiaram até agora. Continuem a partilhar o projeto com os vossos contactos. Juntos faremos com que es...

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Mon, 20/05/2019 - 10:07

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • PubhD de Lisboa

    Obrigado! Não chegámos lá, mas chegámos longe, graças a todos!

    Muito obrigado a todos os que acreditaram nesta ideia! E ela será mais do que uma ideia!
    Vamos esforçar-nos para publicar o livro, ainda que o objetivo tenha ficado além do que alcançámos.

    Ficámos muito felizes com o entusiasmo que todos gerámos à volta deste projeto, e que mostra que ele merece existir.

    Um enorme obrigado a todos os que nos apoiaram! Estejam atentos ao vosso e-mail.

    Entretanto poderão reutilizar o valor contribuído para apoiar outra campanha na PPL, ou pedir a devolução através da plataforma, tal como explicado no e-mail automático que terão recebido, e nas FAQs da PPL.


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  • PubhD de Lisboa

    19 histórias de curiosidade: vamos imprimir-lhes futuro?

    Ainda não existe, não é real, está no ovo, mas com todos os que já nos apoiaram, e nos vão apoiar, queremos fazê-lo sair da casca.

    O livro PubhD de Lisboa 2018 expõe a diversidade da investigação académica em Lisboa e não só, e leva a partilha do conhecimento em construção para fora das paredes do bar.

    Poderá tornar-se realidade se conseguir ser publicado através desta ação de crowdfunding, que é mais uma forma de estreitar a comunidade em torno de um projeto sem fundos próprios e que se mantém com a energia dos seus organizadores voluntários.

    Obrigado a todos os que acreditam que esta deve ser mais do que uma ideia! Contamos convosco, até 17 de junho. Continuem a partilhar. Obrigado!

    A Leuchtturm1917 apoia o livro PubhD de Lisboa 2018 oferecendo à Cirenia Arias Baldrich, autora dos desenhos, cadernos personalizados com o nome dela. Obrigado!

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  • PubhD de Lisboa

    Estamos a 15 dias do final da

    Estamos a 15 dias do final da campanha!

    Muito obrigado a todos os que apoiaram até agora.
    Continuem a partilhar o projeto com os vossos contactos. Juntos faremos com que este livro veja a luz do dia!

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46 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 22
    new backers

  • 24
    recurrent backers

  • 8
    anonymous backers

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