"Stray" is no name for a pet
  • Green
  • Golegã, Portugal

"Stray" is no name for a pet

In order to abolish kill shelters, the Portuguese Government promotes the sterilization of dogs and cats until November 30 ... And after that?

  • 2649


    132% of 2 000€

    63 backers

  • 16/01/2019

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

In order to abolish kill shelters, the Portuguese Government promotes the sterilization of dogs and cats until November 30 ... And after that?

The Law no. 27/2016 that abolishes kill shelters "prohibits the euthanasia of stray animals as a form of population control and favours sterilization instead." It is vital that packs of dogs and colonies of cats do not proliferate in public spaces causing public safety and health problems. As very few municipalities had the necessary conditions to carry out sterilizations, the Government issued an order on March 22, 2018 providing municipalities with a budget to promote a campaign to support the sterilization of dogs and cats, which should be used up until November 30 2018. In this very short period to set up and execute this campaign, APABA has put all its means into action to make the most of this opportunity. By the end of November we had been able to sterilize more than 90 dogs and cats from the municipal kennel of Golegã (which is managed by APABA), from our shelter, from colonies of stray cats, from people who want to sterilize their animals but do not have the financial means to do so.

We would like to take advantage of this impulse to reduce the number of puppies and kittens that come to our hands, abandoned to die or surrendered by those who cannot care for them (in one year, more than 100 puppies), but also to contribute for the change of attitude that is necessary to tackle at the root the problem of the disorderly proliferation of pets, which leads to abandonment, neglect and maltreatment, in addition to enormous pressure on the society resources. 2000€ will allow us to sterilize 45 animals in 3 months.

Of course, everything that exceeds this amount will be used in more sterilizations. We commit to show you the use of the money that you entrust to us. We hope to make a difference this way, both in the unwanted reproduction of the dogs and cats in our county and in the change of attitudes that, in the long run, will lead to the disappearance of stray animals in our country, as it is already the case in other European countries.



About the author

APABA is a legally constituted non-profit association whose main objective is to identify and collect abandoned, ill-treated and neglected animals, to recover them, to sterilize them and to promote their responsible adoption. We also promote good animal welfare practices, including sterilization as a way to prevent unwanted reproduction that results in abandonment, neglect and maltreatment.

Under a management agreement of the municipal  kennel for the past 20 years all rescued dogs receive veterinary care and are prepared to rehoming in the best conditions. Since 2000, APABA has performed, on average, more than 70 sterilizations per year. The association also provides support to people who find it difficult to care for their pets for health or economic reasons, through food aid and veterinary care. In addition, APABA also cares for about 100 cats on a TNR program.

The association is chaired by Ana Baena, has 2 employees and around 50 full members that include Ana Maia, Isabel Pereira dos Santos and Liesbeth Gritter.

Budget and due dates

The cost of sterilizations varies with the species, the sex and the weight of the animal.  Under the Government campaign we received on average around 40€ per animal. We estimate that 2000€ would allow us to sterilize 45 animals in 3 months (January, February and March). Obviously, we would be vary happy if we managed to reach this goal earlier, or if we surpass it thanks to your generosity.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Our heartfelt thank you!

    Thanks and photos of the sterilized animals

    11 backers

  • Calendar

    Invest with
    10€ or more


    Thanks, photos of the sterilized animals and a 2019 table calendar (shipping costs incl)

    35 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Personalized placemats

    Thanks, photos of the sterilized animals, 2 personalized placemats with a photo of your pet or any other photo you will send us (shipping costs incl)

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Personalized video

    Thanks, photos of the sterilized animals, a personalized video edited with photos and videos of your pet or of the APABA dogs

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Guided tour and lunch at Golegã

    Thanks, photos of the sterilized animals, a guided tour of our shelter and a lunch for 2 at Golegã

    8 backers

Mon, 17/02/2025 - 23:53

Fri, 18/01/2019 - 11:18

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Wed, 16/01/2019 - 18:25

Muito obrigado a todos pelo

Muito obrigado a todos pelo apoio que nos deram! Estes 2.649€ vão ajudar-nos a fazer cerca de 60 esterilizações em vez das 45 que tínhamos previsto fazer no princípio do ano, en...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 09/01/2019 - 22:15

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Wed, 09/01/2019 - 21:14


É com imensa alegria que anunciamos que, a uma semana do fim da campanha, só nos faltam 20€ para os 2000€ que nos tínhamos proposto angariar. Isto significa que, graças à vossa ...

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Sat, 22/12/2018 - 12:44


Na rampa do Natal, conseguimos chegar aos 50% do montante pretendido! Um número redondo, 1000 euros que nos permitem acreditar que até ao dia 16 de Janeiro conseguiremos anga...

Read more

Sat, 22/12/2018 - 11:56

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 14/12/2018 - 19:35


De repente, não mais que de repente, chegámos a 1/4 do montante pretendido, umas horas depois 1/3 e agora vamos triunfalmente a caminho de 1/2!

Read more

Wed, 05/12/2018 - 18:24

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Wed, 05/12/2018 - 08:30

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Associação Protectora de Animais "Os Bons Amigos"

    Muito obrigado a todos pelo

    Muito obrigado a todos pelo apoio que nos deram! Estes 2.649€ vão ajudar-nos a fazer cerca de 60 esterilizações em vez das 45 que tínhamos previsto fazer no princípio do ano, enquanto esperamos pela publicação do diploma que regulará a execução do orçamento para a campanha de esterilização de 2019.

    Em breve começaremos a dar contas do nosso trabalho com as fotografias dos animais esterilizados. Contactaremos também rapidamente todos os que têm direito a uma recompensa pelo seu apoio. Mas a todos, mesmo aos que não quiseram deixar o seu nome e aos que contribuíram através dos mealheiros distribuídos, o nosso muito, muito obrigado!

    Thank you, thank you for your support! These 2.649€ will help us make some 60 sterilizations instead of the 45 we were expecting to do in the beginning of the year, while we wait for the legislation on the sterilizations campaign of 2019.

    Soon you will receive news of our work through the pictures of the sterilized animals. Also, those that entitled to rewards for their support will be contacted very soon. But for all that supported us, even those that did not leave their names or contributed through a money box, our heartfelt thank you!

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  • Associação Protectora de Animais "Os Bons Amigos"


    É com imensa alegria que anunciamos que, a uma semana do fim da campanha, só nos faltam 20€ para os 2000€ que nos tínhamos proposto angariar. Isto significa que, graças à vossa generosidade, muito provavelmente conseguiremos esterilizar mais de 45 animais nos próximos meses. Se nos quiserem ajudar falando deste projecto à vossa volta e explicando que todo o dinheiro angariado com esta campanha (mesmo para além do montante previamente definido) será utilizado para complementar o nosso investimento no controlo das populações de cães e gatos, poderemos ajudar muitos mais animais e quem deles trata.

    Muito obrigado por esta prova de confiança!

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  • Associação Protectora de Animais "Os Bons Amigos"


    Na rampa do Natal, conseguimos chegar aos 50% do montante pretendido!

    Um número redondo, 1000 euros que nos permitem acreditar que até ao dia 16 de Janeiro conseguiremos angariar o suficiente para fazer as esterilizações que temos planeadas para os primeiros 3 meses do ano. Continuaremos assim a diminuir as ninhadas indesejadas de cães e gatos na Golegã para que todas as novas vidas sejam uma alegria e não um peso para todos.

    Os nossos agradecimentos e votos de Boas Festas!

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  • Associação Protectora de Animais "Os Bons Amigos"


    De repente, não mais que de repente, chegámos a 1/4 do montante pretendido, umas horas depois 1/3 e agora vamos triunfalmente a caminho de 1/2!

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63 members of the PPL community
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