"Reality Breakers" - My First Book

"Reality Breakers" - My First Book

An action-fiction story inspired by the japanese animation but in real world sceneries and with varied characters. A dream trying to be made into reality.

  • 104


    7% of 1 335€

    6 backers

  • 30/09/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

An action-fiction story inspired by the japanese animation but in real world sceneries and with varied characters. A dream trying to be made into reality.

I'm Ricardo Dias. I'm here to present you my first book: "Reality Breakers", born from my childhood dream of showing my story to the world in an official way.

Nowadays, I'm about to have the first volume published but there a wall that has been very difficult to take down: Sponsoring.

With the economic crisis and the large number of books published every year, it's been quite tough to get support and sponsoring for the deal.

Then a couple friends of mine told me about this site where many projects have achieved the means to become a reality: PPL.

I'd like to include PPL's users in this project and let them know first-hand about my action-fiction story with a new thematic. I believe to be pioneer in Portugal (drawing inspiration on the japanese juvenile literature - Light Novels and animation -Anime but with portuguese contexts, characters and sceneries) through rewards proposed.

Among the chance of having your name in the book's frist edition "Thanks to..." section, the chance of getting an invitation for it's launching event, a copy of the book signed by me and even an exclusive poster with the first volume's character artworks, I believe none of you will feel cheated for contributing to this project to move on.

The story tells how six youngsters, four portuguese (three boys, one girl) and two girls of japanese-portuguese descendancy, see their lives changed forever in 2001's christmas night. After managing to deal with a robbery, that would have tragic consequences to them, with the help of a couple persons from the future, they're thrown into a spiral of events in which they discover they have great powers and that they have been chosen to put an end to a 500-year-old ancient war.

"Reality Breakers" will be available only in printed version.

Hence me emphasizing again that we'd like to count on PPL's users to help this project move on.

Attached for free is an excerpt of the volume's first chapter (before editorial revision).

About the author

Born in Estremoz in 1987 and raised always there, having completed 12th grade in a one-year professional computer course in Beja. 

Since very young, I'm a great fan of japanese anime and that influenced the birth and development of the story that is Reality Breakers.

Not only for the portuguese Anime fan community nor only for the portuguese youngsters but for all those who enjoy reading and like stories different from the usually found on the portuguese market, and of national authorship, I consider this work as a pioneer movement and I dream of it being very welcome by everyone. 



Budget and due dates

Principais despesas e o porquê de necessitar de apoio: Apoio à compra de exemplares. Principais metas e prazos: Conto ter uma maqueta após angariação da verba total e lançamento do livro 2 meses depois.

Sat, 29/06/2024 - 18:12


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Sun, 18/08/2013 - 18:51


Muito obrigado a todos os que até agora ofereceram o seu contributo a esta causa. Tenho esperança que ainda consigamos pôr este sonho, este projeto a avançar...

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Mon, 12/08/2013 - 20:54

Já se tem a primeira

Já se tem a primeira contribuição além da minha. Muito obrigado, Mónica Albino.

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Campaign launched


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  • Ricardo Dias


    Muito obrigado a todos os que até agora ofereceram o seu contributo a esta causa.
    Tenho esperança que ainda consigamos pôr este sonho, este projeto a avançar...

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  • Ricardo Dias

    Já se tem a primeira

    Já se tem a primeira contribuição além da minha.
    Muito obrigado, Mónica Albino.

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6 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • André Lourenço

    31/08/2013 - 22:23

    Do Zé, Francisco e André, desejamos-te sorte com isso. | Olá, espero que consigas realizar este sonho. João Pedro Lacerda Chaveiro, Evoramonte. Abraço

  • Ricardo Dias

    30/08/2013 - 16:48

    Como autor, vou dar a minha contribuição para o futuro deste projeto, rezo para que outros se mostrem interessados em seguir este rumo... | Em nome do meu primo e tios maternos. Muito obrigado pela vossa contribuição.

  • catarina dinis

    29/08/2013 - 12:55

  • Luís M. Dias

    18/08/2013 - 18:49

  • Elisabete Tereso

    17/08/2013 - 23:04

    Espero que alcances o teu objetivo com muito sucesso! Força, Ricardo! Não desistas do teu sonho. Beijinhos

  • Mónica Albino

    12/08/2013 - 20:40