Return to the Origins - School Expedition to the Azores
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Return to the Origins - School Expedition to the Azores

This year, we commemorate the 270 years of the Azorean colonization in SC. In our city, practically all are descendants of Azoreans, we have in the genetics, in the habits and i...

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  • 01/10/2018

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This year, we commemorate the 270 years of the Azorean colonization in SC. In our city, practically all are descendants of Azoreans, we have in the genetics, in the habits and in the architecture traces of this culture, that built our identity.

OF THE PROJECT This year, our State of Santa Catarina celebrates 270 years of Azorean colonization. In our city, Garopaba, practically all are descendants of Azoreans, we have in the blood, in the habits, in the accent, several traces of this culture, that built our identity. For this reason, it was chosen as the main theme of the Pedagogical Project of the Education Department of the municipality. The theme is inserted in the pedagogical content of the whole curriculum, mainly in History and Geography of the 5th year. According to our view, the best way to study is to practice it in person. For this reason, in order to study the Azorean culture, the root of the culture of the city of Garopaba, we would like our students to know the Azores personally. Traveling meets our desire to expand knowledge outside school walls, reinforcing the belief that it is through coexistence and experience that content becomes significant. We understand it to be much more than an exploratory trip for students, as for many this will probably be a unique opportunity, able to open a small door to the great world to be explored by them in the future. It is also not a leisure trip: each proposal in the coronogram is planned according to the objectives outlined, which meet the pedagogical content presented in the classroom. OF THE OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT To work the contents in a multidisciplinary way, in order to acquire higher educational and pedagogical quality besides integrating school contents and practical knowledge. Recognize the responsibility of all in the process of maintaining cultural values; To value the riches of the Historical and Cultural Patrimony of the Azoreans; Stimulus to observation, socialization of ideas and interaction with all members of the group; Develop critical understanding of reality through the past, present and future; Develop research activities in an interdisciplinary and participatory manner; Contribute to the integral development of the human being: Learning, knowledge and fun. OF THE PERIOD October 13 to 20, 2018. OF THE SELECTED CHILDREN Students of 5th grade, with an adult companion and 6 school staffs between director, coordinator and educators. The students of 5th grade were chosen because they had the curriculum in the subject present in several subjects, also because they were the most developed of the school, with an ideal age for assimilation of this type of information. The school believes that parents being together in this adventure will mean an effective change in the student's life as it opens the opportunity to open the horizon of the family and not only the student, fortifying the learning and the bonds between school and family.

About the author

We are a public school in the municipality of Garopaba - Santa Catarina called EMEF Isidro Manoel de Amorim, due to the theme worked in our state and putting into practice everything that Neuroscience presents us, we decided to provide students with a trip to the Azores, consolidating all the contents worked in the school year. In addition we will visit the School of Bridge in Porto, with that we finalized the first Educational Exchange of the school. Your expedition will be documented and will have a pedagogical character, consolidating every theme studied during the academic year of 2018.

Budget and due dates

BUDGET Floripa / Porto Pass 500,000 Accommodation in Porto 15.000 Food Port Lunch / Dinner 27,000 Transportation Port 12,000 Porto / Azores Pass 35,000 Transportation Azores 18,000 Accommodation Azores 45,000 Food Azores Coffee / Lunch / Dinner 40,500
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Thu, 26/09/2024 - 21:33


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