Ajuda de Custos Georeferênciação Trinhão no Mapa

Ajuda de Custos Georeferênciação Trinhão no Mapa

We need your donation to cover the costs of two student interns of Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra on their project of georeferencing. Thank you, Trinhão no Mapa

  • 500


    100% of 500€

    12 backers

  • 13/06/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

We need your donation to cover the costs of two student interns of Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra on their project of georeferencing. Thank you, Trinhão no Mapa

Trinhão no Mapa project came as a result of the great fire that hit, among others, the villages of Trinhão and Vale Porco - villages located in the municipality of Pampilhosa da Serra, in the district of Coimbra - on June 18, 2017. 

Following this event that has occurred in the past (for example in August 2003), the inhabitants and descendants of these villages have joined forces to recover damages and prevent future fires. 

In order to reorganize the forest territory and rustic properties in these two villages, we contacted the Agrarian School of Coimbra to help us georeferencing properties with their professional GPS. The challenge was accepted, we will have the help of Ricardo Fernandes and Rita Carvalho who will be in Trinhão between May 21 and July 6, available to help the land owners of the area. 

[IMAGE: 446917: 2] 

The project will be supervised by professors at the school and the final product will be presented in the summer. To maintain the rigor of this task, we want to support our two trainees with: the daily trip from Sertã and Figueiró dos Vinhos to Trinhão, the trips by car with the owners to the properties when necessary, and the copies they will provide with the land register in paper and in digital format. 

Help us organize the territory of the Trinhão and its surroundings. The success of this work will allow a greater control in the cleaning of the land around the dwellings and, if there is interest from the owners, will lead to the creation of an organized and sustainable green space reducing the amount of fuel trees that exist around our villages. 

We hope, in the near future, to serve as an example for other neighboring villages in order to preserve the landscape of one of the most beautiful counties in Portugal. 

[IMAGE: 446917: 1] 

About the author

The members of the Trinhão no Mapa project were born or descended from the village of Trinhão.

Without allocating positions we list here, in alphabetical order, all the elements that were part of its foundation as well as other elements that have helped in the implementation of this project. To all of them our thanks: Ana Domingues, António Brazuna, António Gaspar, António Marmelo, Bruno Alves, Carlos Brazuna, Carlos Brito, Fernanda Garcia, Gonçalo Lopes, José Lourenço, José Garcia (Avelino), Júlia Garcia, Ludovina Lopes, Manuel Alves (Barco), Manuel Caetano, Manuel Antunes, Manuel Antunes, Manuel Francisco (Avelino), Manuel Mendes (Marmelo), Manuela Martins, Maria Emília Pontes, Marta Lopes, Norberto Alves, Nuno Martins, Ruben Lopes, Rui Mendes.

We also thank all the owners who have already shown their interest as well as all the support shown by inhabitants and descendants of neighboring villages.

Budget and due dates

Cost aid for trips to Trinhão: 70km per day for 40 days, with an estimated consumption of 9.5l / 100km = 345,80 euros

The remainder will revert to the production of copies of the records of the land in paper and digital format as well as for the necessary trips to the land of the owners.

Note: these donations do not cover the entire costs of this project, but Trinhão no Mapa will organize a lunch whose funds will revert to the same end. We also have the information that the Secção Desportiva e Cultural do Trinhão will finance half the cost of the internet, to them, thank you!

Cost of commission of the PPL 43.05 euros

The campaign will run until June 13.

Wed, 15/01/2025 - 03:30

Fri, 15/06/2018 - 10:32

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Anselmo Lopes

    Reflorestar Portugal e Defender o Ambiente

    A iniciativa do Trinhão no Mapa já mereceu o elogio da Proteção Civil e merece ser apoiada por todos os que desejam que possamos construir um mundo melhor, através da defesa do ambiente. A reflorestação ordenada e sustentável começa na identificação dos terrenos rústicos abandonados ou subaproveitados. A campanha de ajuda para os custos de georreferenciação do Trinhão no Mapa tem esse objetivo e todos podem colaborar com pequenos contributos.
    O Grupo de Trabalho para a Apoio à Reordenação do Território Trinhaense, agradece aos que já colaboraram ou se queiram associar a esta campanha.

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12 members of the PPL community
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  • 9
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  • Anonymous

    12/06/2018 - 23:03

    Foi uma boa iniciativa, embora esperassemos mais contribuintes

  • Anselmo Lopes

    12/06/2018 - 00:26

    Contributo do Canadá (Ilídio Brito)

  • Anonymous

    10/06/2018 - 18:51

  • Elizabeth Warner

    10/06/2018 - 11:35

    Obrigado por fazer um ótimo trabalho, muito útil para todos nós. Esta doação da minha família, para ajudar aqueles em nossa comunidade que não podem contribuir.

  • Catarina Brito

    07/06/2018 - 19:37

  • Anonymous

    02/06/2018 - 00:07

  • Anonymous

    12/05/2018 - 07:56

    O LC Lisboa Belém apoia a reflorestação com mais este donativo de um companheiro.

  • Anonymous

    12/05/2018 - 07:53

    O LC Lisboa Belém apoia a reflorestação com mais este donativo de um companheiro.

  • Anonymous

    12/05/2018 - 07:49

    O LC Lisboa Belém apoia a reflorestação com mais este donativo de um companheiro.

  • Anonymous

    09/05/2018 - 23:15

  • Anonymous

    25/04/2018 - 21:51

  • Anselmo Lopes

    21/04/2018 - 08:05

    Contributo do Canadá (Ilídio Brito)

  • Anonymous

    18/04/2018 - 21:42

    Ficamos a torcer para que esta iniciativa seja um sucesso! :)

  • Anonymous

    18/04/2018 - 15:02

    Votos de sucesso para o vosso projecto Trinhão e Portugal agradecem

  • Pedro Anjos

    16/04/2018 - 14:06

    Parabéns pela iniciativa e boa sorte com o projeto!

  • Anonymous

    14/04/2018 - 13:09

  • Anonymous

    13/04/2018 - 19:05