Mundubila - A new generation of Education
PPL Causas

Mundubila - A new generation of Education

Our goal is to provide technological tools to Boa Entrada School, allowing the teachers to have access to up-to-date teaching materials, training, and exchange ideas with Portug...

  • 3100


    124% of 2 500€

    57 backers

  • 15/01/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Our goal is to provide technological tools to Boa Entrada School, allowing the teachers to have access to up-to-date teaching materials, training, and exchange ideas with Portuguese teachers.

On our first visit to Boa Entrada Elementary School, we found only empty bookshelves. Textbooks as well as teaching materials were almost inexistent. We took some old textbooks with us that we have gathered with our friends' help and we set up a small printer and an old laptop. However, we felt that the aid provided was still insufficient because those were assorted old-fashioned textbooks, which makes it almost impossible to follow a structured school curriculum.


What is Mundubila project? Boa Entrada


This is a pilot project whose 1st Goal is to donate equipment to Boa Entrada Elementary School, in Lobata district in São Tomé e Príncipe: 15 Raspberry Pi (low-cost computers), peripherals (Display screen monitors, keyboards, mouses, MicroSD cards), UPS battery, projector screen, webcam, speakers set, and Internet connection.

With this material, we will be able to achieve our 2nd Goal: setting up a virtual learning environment that will allow teachers from Portugal to offer support to teachers and pupils from the School, by providing them with:

  • The latest teaching and learning material
  • More training
  • Reduce the printing material and giving preference to projection of content
  • Make Internet and technology part of pupils and teachers' school life
  • Create distance learning and offering extracurricular classes (e.g. coding classes)
Why Raspberry Pi 3?

Its market price is around €35, they are easy to pack and transport and use free or open-source Software. Also, they easy for remote administration, and the existence of a large Raspberry Pi community with focus on Education is an asset. The main advantage versus usual laptops is that in case of damage, it is only required to replace the broken peripheral.

For more information please visit our website:


What is Mundubila project? Two steps project

About the author

Hugo Lopes: "I believe in technology and Internet as tools to spread democratization of knowledge. As software engineer I am committed to work towards free access to learning for all."

Patrícia Longo: "Traveller by heart, pharmacist by education. Each person counts to make a huge difference in our world! Let's do it!"

Sofia Tonim: "Descendant of a Santomense family, I was born in Brazil and grew up in between hemispheres. Studied communication and work as an entrepeneur."

Carla Azevedo: "Teacher of Portuguese as a non-native language in Exeter University, UK. One of my dreams is to visit all Portuguese speaking countries and visiting São Tomé e Príncipe created a massive bound to not only portuguese language but Africa."

Margarida Azevedo: "Lawyer and human rights defender, I believe that education is the first step towards freedom and equal rights around the world."

Gilson Ramos: "Director of Boa Entrada School since 2014, I am dedicated to improve the education of these children and contribute to the development of São Tomé e Príncipe."

Budget and due dates

Computer Kit  (15 units) - Unit price = €178,55

This Kit contains: Raspberry Pi (€34,15) + Display screen monitor (€113,70) + Power supply (€7,30) +  Keyboard and mouse (€8,90) + MicroSD card (€14,50)

  • UPS battery - Unit price = €64,40
  • Router - Unit price = €100
  • Ethernet cable - Unit price = €10
  • Ethernet connector - Unit price = €5
  • Power strips (7 units) - Unit price = €11,10
  • Video projector - Unit price = €53,95
  • Projector screen -  Unit price = €20
  • Webcam - Unit price = €24,72
  • Speakers - Unit price = €35,53
  • External hard drive - Unit price = €55,35
  • Flight (2 units) - Unit price = €600
  • Internet (1 year) - €764,40

TOTAL = €5089,30

Our goal for now is getting half of the total needed value: 2500€. However, everyone's contribution is essential in order to raise the total value!

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    General thank-you e-mail

    Thank you e-mail. All help counts!

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Name and thank-you note on social networks

    With your help a keypad and a mouse were donated! We will publicly thank-you and put your name on Mundubila's social networks (+ general thank-you e-mail)

    18 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Personalized thank-you message written by teachers and students of Boa Entrada School

    Personalized thank-you message written by teachers and students of Boa Entrada Elementary School through e-mail, sent from the computers in the school. ( + general thank-you e-mail + Name and thank-you on note social networks)

    21 backers

  • Invest with
    35€ or more

    Personalized thank-you photo

    Yey! With this donation you contributed with one computer! You will receive a photo taken in Boa Entrada Elementary School, personalized with your name ( + general thank-you e-mail + Name and thank-you note on social networks + Personalized thank-you message written by teachers and students of Boa Entrada Elementary School)

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Thank-you video

    Thank-you video produced in Boa Entrada Elementary School after setting up the material ( + general thank-you e-mail + Name and thank-you note on social networks + Personalized thank-you message written by teachers and students of Boa Entrada Elementary School+ Personalized thank-you photo )

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    180€ or more

    Thank you very much!

    Thank you very much! This contribution will allow the school to get one Computer Kit (computer + all accessories)! We will name after you one of the computers in the school. (+ all the previous rewards)

    1 backer

Sat, 19/10/2024 - 15:23

Mon, 28/05/2018 - 11:59

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Sun, 21/01/2018 - 23:00

Mundubila - todos juntos conseguimos!

O mundo está a mudar e, graças à vossa ajuda, só poderá ser para melhor! Muito muito obrigado a todos, caros Mundubilianos! As palavras são escassas para expressar a gratidão...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 08/01/2018 - 10:55

Primeira meta alcançada!

Caros Mundubilianos, Estamos sem palavras... 2018 está a começar da melhor maneira para o Mundubila! E tudo graças à vossa ajuda :) Foi com o apoio de cada um de vocês que c...

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Campaign launched


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  • Hugo Lopes

    Mundubila - todos juntos conseguimos!

    O mundo está a mudar e, graças à vossa ajuda, só poderá ser para melhor! Muito muito obrigado a todos, caros Mundubilianos!

    As palavras são escassas para expressar a gratidão que temos por todo o apoio que vocês nos têm dado!
    A meta para esta campanha tinha sido traçada para metade do valor que foi orçamentado para o projecto. Mas vocês quiseram que o projecto Mundubila fosse mais longe e conseguiram aproximar-nos do objectivo total (5000€).

    Temos ainda um caminho a percorrer até conseguirmos concluir esta primeira fase do projecto mas, com o valor angariado com esta campanha, já podemos começar a compra do material informático. Para alcançarmos o resto do financiamento estamos a preparar alguns eventos e a trabalhar para algumas parcerias.

    Mais uma vez, obrigado por se juntarem a este projecto e estejam atentos às novidades da Escola Básica de Boa Entrada :)
    Continuem a seguir-nos em

    A equipa Mundubila

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  • Hugo Lopes

    Primeira meta alcançada!

    Caros Mundubilianos,

    Estamos sem palavras... 2018 está a começar da melhor maneira para o Mundubila! E tudo graças à vossa ajuda :)
    Foi com o apoio de cada um de vocês que chegámos ao valor que propusemos para a campanha.

    Mas o que quer isto dizer? Significa que alcançámos a primeira meta traçada: metade do valor total que precisamos para concretizar o projecto (5000€ - podem encontrar o orçamento inicial detalhado na página da campanha).

    Ainda temos pouco mais de uma semana para chegar ao objectivo total :D Assim, o que vos pedimos agora é que partilhem com a vossa rede de contactos, amigos e família para que possamos chegar a um maior número de pessoas que, como vocês, se identifiquem com esta causa.

    Não temos maneira de agradecer a todos os que nos têm apoiado! Muito obrigado a todos!

    Juntos vamos levar uma Educação de nova geração à Escola Básica de Boa Entrada :)
    Feliz 2018 a todos,

    A equipa Mundubila

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57 members of the PPL community
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  • 28
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  • 29
    recurrent backers

  • 25
    anonymous backers

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