Funtoche decides to go to São Tomé to encourage the children, but also help in the construction of bathrooms for the native families, for that reason we need to raise funds that will be delivered to the NGO Jocum! Help us to help!
FUNtoche is a Children's Animation company, based in Sintra since 2010, and its creators / founders have been in the area of children's events since 2002.
When we founded FUNtoche in 2010, in the same year we made a missionary trip to Mozambique (it was just me and Paulo - the founding couple of FUNtoche), where the focus was to bring joy and a little bit of what we knew to do to those children so unique and special, Many had never seen a balloon or a clown.
In 2017 we have the opportunity to challenge our team and travel to Sao Tome and Principe together!
Connected to the NGO - Youth (Youth with a Mission) we will encourage the children of the villages but also to lay the first stone in the construction of bathrooms for native families who do not have any basic sanitation.
Each animator will invest in this trip by paying for their ticket and stay. We are 12 travelers in total, the trip will be from June 6 to 20, 2017.
So we intend to challenge our customers, partners and followers to contribute monetarily to the construction project of the bathrooms, for this we have created this campaign for this purpose.
We will take the funds for the construction of the bathrooms, we will not build them, its construction will be in charge of the NGO Jocum, which has a day center and has been working for several years with the community of São Tomé.
The whole evolution of bathroom construction will be updated in a folder on our Facebook page and on our website.
Once the whole project has been presented, it is time to request your collaboration, helping us to spread this project!
We invite you to come and participate in our OPEN DAY meeting - it will be on May 7, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in Montes Claros, Lisbon Secret Spot, in Monsanto.
Choose to spend a different and supportive morning, supporting this cause! And celebrate Mother's Day in a FUNtastic way!
Conseguimos!!! Obrigado a todos vocês!
Bom dia,
Queremos agradecer-lhe de coração pelo seu donativo e por ter acreditado no nosso projeto!
Este vai possibilitar a FUNtoche ir a São Tomé e levar fundos para a construção de casas de banho para duas famílias nativas!
Sairemos de Lisboa já na próxima terça-feira, dia 6 de Junho rumo a África!
Acompanhem o desenrolar da nossa viagem e do nosso Projeto em São Tomé! Siga-nos na nossa página de Facebook e Instagram!
p.s. a recompensa virá desde São Tomé, fiquem atentos :)
Beijinhos de toda a equipa da FUNtoche!
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