Let's all give wings to BUTTERFLY CHILDREN!
PPL Causas

Let's all give wings to BUTTERFLY CHILDREN!

Even a small amount makes a whole difference. Help us reach our target to bring education to Butterfly children of Watdom Nak Village in Cambodia! This is the only way they 'll ...

  • 1771


    118% of 1 500€

    12 backers

  • 30/09/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Even a small amount makes a whole difference. Help us reach our target to bring education to Butterfly children of Watdom Nak Village in Cambodia! This is the only way they 'll have better opportunities in the future to rise above the extreme poverty in which they're living in today. Thank you so much!

This campaign aims to make the project BUTTERFLY ART STUDIO self-sustainable in order to keep its doors open to the children of the village of Wat Dom Nak in Cambodia . The center founded in February is a private initiative that offers them the possibility to participate in various activities 100 % FREE , such as English classes , Painting and Drawing , Sewing and Traditional Dance Classes . BUTTERFLY children are eager to learn and by having this additional learning opportunity, which is not offered in state schools , they can acquire knowledge and skills and apply them towards getting better jobs.

In addition to educating the village children , the center aids their families and also offers jobs to Cambodian locals.

About the author

The one woman founder, Ana Margarida Alberty, 60 years old, retired teacher, has devoted her life to teaching languages. She fell in love with volunteering in Cambodia when she visited for the first time in 2012. Since then she has been to Cambodia nine times, for two months at a time. She is unstobabble in her determination to start new projects, help build schools, teach English, Sewing and Arts while traveling miles in a makeshift school tuk-tuk. She stops in many different villages to distribute clothes, books and spread joy. Last February, she decided to give the children of Wat Svay an opportunity to learn year round. She founded the BUTTERFLY ART STUDIO, a project she is very dedicated to and proud of.

In December 2016, Margarida is focusing on a new project for her 10th mission to Cambodia, a mobile library filled with children's books. Cambodian children are eager to learn and are a pleasure to teach. Their smiles are what motivates and inspires her and volunteering has been a highly rewarding experience. However, she is aware that in order to keep the dream alive she needs a lot of help to continue with this very important mission. Sponsors for all Butterfly children are necesssary as well as volunteers whose help is precious too.

Budget and due dates

Butterfly Art Studio needs the support of anyone and everyone, who supports and believes in this important cause.  Below are a list of the main areas of concern that are necessary in guaranteeing the continuation of this recent undertaking.

1)- Rental of a property that includes a large playground area, a house with a sewing room, outside classroom, learning areas, reading and play corners.

2 ) - Monthly salaries for teachers who teach classes daily including weekends. There are two English teachers, a  sewing teacher,  an art teacher, a traditional dance teacher, a caretaker and a general manager.

3)- Educational materials and school supplies: White board and markers, English textbooks, for all the children with 3 different levels, notebooks, pencils, maps, posters, flashcards, paint, brushes, canvas, drawing paper, cardboard, glue, scissors, A4 paper, cds, etc.

4 ) - Material for the sewing room: fabric, ribbons, lace, buttons, zippers, thread, needles, etc.

5) Sewing machines and maintenance

6) - Fruit and clean drinking water for all the children

7)- Personal Hygiene: Shampoo, lice treatment and prevention, combs, toothbrushes and toothpaste, nail clippers, sponges, towels and soap.

8)- First aid kit and emergency visits to doctors and/or dentists 

9)- Clothes, shoes, pencil cases and school bags

10) - Butterfly Art Studio uniform consisting of a T-shirt with the  logo and a school bag

11)- Laptops and a printer to improve the quality of the lessons given  

12)- Costumes and props for Cambodian Traditional Dance Classes and appropriate Linoleum floor

13) - Assistance given to grandparents who live alone with their grandchildren and take care of them without having jobs and decent living conditions. 

They consistently need contributions for:  rice, house repairs, clothes and health care            

14)- Sanitary Conditions:  Information about health and safety in regards to waste disposal and hygiene within the home. 

15)- Library with story books for the reading corner at Butterfly Art Studio and for the mobile library (project to be implemented soon)                                

16)- Toys and games for the Play Corner ( Children in Cambodia do not have any toys ...)             

17)- Costs with the commission of 5% of PPL + VAT. 

All of the above  are daily needs and therefore are in constant demand. The fundraising campaign will cover only a part of these ongoing expenses but the hope is to make the project viable and self-sustainable.  There's a long way to go but with the your help the distance is shorter. If you are interested in volunteering and lending a helping hand, contact margaridalberty@sapo.pt

Funds will be properly documented on the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Butterfly-ART-Studio-Cambodia-132193047139987/ or also on this page: 


Thank you very much!

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Drawing made by a Butterfly Child

    Thank you on Facebook or via email . Drawing will be sent.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Two Fabric flowers

    Fabric flowers made by the grannies at Butterfly Art Studio

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    6 Butterflies

    6 Butterflies. Shipping costs included.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    A Totebag

    Totebag made at Butterfly Art Studio by the grannies. Shipping costs included.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    Rag Doll

    Rag Doll hand made at Butterfly Art Studio by the grannies. Shipping costs included.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    150€ or more


    Painting made on canvas 55cmx 45 cm by Butterfly Children with Acrylics. Shipping costs included.

    1 backer

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 00:31

Mon, 03/10/2016 - 14:21

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Fri, 19/08/2016 - 15:28

Muito obrigada a todos os apoiantes!

Caros apoiantes e amigos! Muito obrigada pelo vosso precioso contributo para com as crianças Butterfly, no Cambodja. Teria muito prazer em mandar-vos as respetivas recompens...

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Campaign launched


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12 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 8
    new backers

  • 4
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  • 6
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • jr_maeiro

    27/09/2016 - 21:37

  • sequel

    12/09/2016 - 16:06

  • Anonymous

    27/08/2016 - 20:35


  • Anonymous

    26/08/2016 - 21:58

  • Yoko Tondon

    24/08/2016 - 17:16

  • Anonymous

    23/08/2016 - 15:15

  • Anonymous

    22/08/2016 - 22:51

  • Anonymous

    22/08/2016 - 10:00

  • Filipe Alves

    22/08/2016 - 01:37

  • Luisa Silva Castro Marinho

    19/08/2016 - 14:59

    Uma bela iniciativa! Muitos parabéns, e espero que consigam continuar a desenvolver este projecto é que consigam concretizar muitos sonhos a estas crianças !

  • Anonymous

    19/08/2016 - 06:28

  • Anonymous

    18/08/2016 - 23:39

  • Madalena Bastos

    18/08/2016 - 14:46

    Força Margarida!!! Espero que o teu projecto tenha muito sucesso e crie muitas ASAS!!!