Loaf the mouse and Quixote the miller show us that heritage is not just old stuff, but it can be a gateway to know the past, understand the present and build the future.
The project Days of Bread is a new activity of the Archaeology Centre of Almada, in partnership with actress-puppeteer Ângela Ribeiro and inspired by the Museo Mundial project.
We are in the production stage and in May we'll present the first sessions.
With a puppet show and an educational session, we'll think about the heritage, the local economy and the eradication of hunger in the world.
In the puppet show, Loaf the mouse and Quixote the miller, will have an adventure in Almada's windmills. Their adventures remind us how these mills worked and the importance they had for the people of that place.
How does this relate to the local economy and the eradication of hunger in the world?
That's what we'll see in the educational session, through games and experiences that will help childreen learn while playing.
The Days of Bread is the result of a happy meeting between a school (which suggested us a completely new activity for their elementary students), the Archaeology Centre of Almada, the actress-puppeteer Ângela Ribeiro and the Museo Mundial project.
We have lots of arms, legs and heads helping us and that's what made possible to conceive this project, to write the story The Adventures of Loaf the Mouse and Quixote the Miller as well as create the educational session. Now we just need a litle push to launch this adventure.
At this point we need your help to build the puppet show; for the materials to be used in educational session and the resources for advertising wich will help us reach more schools.
Be a part of this project and support us with this Crowdfunding.
Oh, and by the way, spread the word! With you're help we'll go far!
About the author
The Archaeology Centre of Almada (CAA) is a non-profit association with a major impact in Almada's municipality in education / awareness of children and adults for the preservation of heritage.
It was founded in 1972 and is also an NGO (Non Governmental Organization Environment).
For 43 years it has been studying and disseminating archeology and heritage and local history through editions, exhibitions, books, guided tours, training courses, heritage educational activities, among others.
Ângela Ribeiro is an actress, puppeteer, stage director and artistic education mediator. She worked with The Puppet Lab, Royal de Luxe, Marionetas de Mandrágora, Real Pelágio, P.I.A - Projectos de Intervenção Teatral, Companhia de Actores, O Mundo do Espectáculo, João Lizardo, Maria Radich, Marina Nabais, Catarina Pé-Curto. She directed plays and shows such as Viajando com Violeta, O Fazedor de Vidas, Alice no País das Maravilhas, Bem me quer, Mal me quer, among others, and co-created Cais Vivo, Lusíadas a visual poem. In 2015 she starts her career as a storyteller with Companhia dos Lobos. Regularly conducts workshops for drama and puppet theater.
Besides Ângela Ribeiro, the team of this project consists of several members and friends of CAA participating in their areas of expertise:
Elisabete is the pedagogical coordinator of CAA and will also be the mediator in Days of Bread.
Ana is a museologist at CAA and concieved the financing plan as well as helping create Days of Bread.
Mike and Nuno from Vagalume Filmes made the promotional video.
Budget and due dates
The success of this crowdfunding will reduce the risk of the project, finance costs already entered and launch the project in schools.
Production of the puppet show - 1000€
Educational Session - 670€
Advertising - 300€
PPL - 130(5% + IVA)
At this stage we have completed the script of the project. By the first week of May we will have copleted the production of all the materials.
During May we will make the first performances at a theater festival - "Sementes" and at Almada's elementary schools.
Centro de Arqueologia de Almada
Faltam 3 semanas!
Olá a todos,
Queria lembrar-vos que falta pouco mais de três semanas para o fim desta campanha. Vamos lá fazer um esforço extra de divulgação? Este fim de semana divulguem a toda a gente! No almoço de família, no copo com os amigos, na saída com os míudos... Em qualquer lugar, a toda a gente!
Com a vossa ajuda vamos loooooonge!
Centro de Arqueologia de Almada
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