The Cello: games for children / prescriptions for grownups

The Cello: games for children / prescriptions for grownups

Supporting the publication of the book "The Cello: games for children / prescriptions for grownups"

  • 2854


    192% of 1 485€

    94 backers

  • 14/04/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Supporting the publication of the book "The Cello: games for children / prescriptions for grownups"

This campaign aims at partially financing the associated costs concerning the publication of a Cello teaching book intended for a very particular group of people: Students, Parents and Teachers of both Cello and other string instruments. The book will have a circulation of 500 printed copies in the first edition, published by Gradiva and scheduled for next April. In case this campaign succeeds in raising a higher financing than what had originally been intended, the remainder will be applied in the development of new publishing pedagogical projects. The book contains 170 games / exercises, with illustrations based upon drawings by Maria do Rosário Loureiro and photographs taken by Bruno Raposo.
"The writing of this book was born of a need I have always felt as cello teacher. In the beginning of my teaching career, I recall finding it very difficult to express all that had a meaning to me and which was the result of my experience as a cellist. Playing was, in this sense, something quite different from teaching.
Every string instrument teacher is faced with the need to convey to beginning students, especially the very young, concepts which are deceptively simple - how to sit properly, how to position the cello or how to hold the bow. At a time when I had not even a computer or Internet and I realized that there were no publications on the subject in Portuguese - and books in other languages were sometimes of difficult access -, I had to get to the introductory exercises I knew in a creative and appealing way to students who started studying their instrument. It was mainly through dialogue with other teachers and sharing ideas with colleagues that I got to build my own mental collection, or, as I say, my imaginary library.
The theme of this book is, therefore, a key point in the initiation of cello technique, intending to assist the day-to-day practice of both teacher and student, marked by a constant need to find new ideas to address the ongoing challenge of teaching string instruments. It results of an investigation over years of teaching experience and makes suggestions for theoretical and practical approaches that can serve all those who, like me, continue their quest for knowledge of the best ways of teaching. "
(Ana Raquel Pinheiro)
Book Credits:
Title: The Cello: games for children / prescriptions for grownups
Author: Ana Raquel Pinheiro
Illustrations: Maria do Rosário Júdice Maia Loureiro
Photograph: Bruno Raposo
Publisher: Gradiva
RRP: € 23.70

Capa provisória do livro

About the author

From a very early stage that education and the contact with students (from the youngest to the most advanced) is one of the author's predilections, who develops, as well as a long educational activity that results partially in the conception and making of this book, an intense career as a cellist, collaborating with numerous ensembles and orchestras in Portugal. She studied with several renowned teachers, in Portugal and abroad, both modern and baroque cello, as well as historically informed musical practice.


Budget and due dates

This campaign aims at partially financing the publication costs associated with the teaching book "The Cello: games for children / prescriptions for grownups". The book will be published by Gradiva publisher, with a circulation of 500 copies in the first edition scheduled for next April. The book is currently in the designing phase and will have a RRP of € 23.70. In case this campaign succeeds in raising a higher financing than originally intended,, the remainder will be applied in the development of new pedagogical publishing projects, always associated with String Instruments teaching.

Time: 1 month

Value raising : 1485 euros

RRP: € 23.70

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Private thanks message by e-mail

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    24€ or more

    Autographed book delivered to the month of July (delivery costs included to Portugal)

    66 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    2 Books + possibility of participation in Cello Masterclass given by the author at a time and place to be announced soon (delivery costs included to Portugal)

    10 backers

  • Invest with
    70€ or more

    3 Books + possibility of participation in Cello Masterclass given by the author at a time and place to be announced soon (delivery costs included to Portugal)

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    4 Books + possibility of participation in Cello Masterclass given by the author at a time and place to be announced soon (delivery costs included to Portugal)

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    10 Books (delivery costs included to Portugal) + possibility of holding a cello Masterclass and presentation of the book by the author (for institutions )

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sun, 20/10/2024 - 00:51

Fri, 17/06/2016 - 18:24

Olá a todos,

Olá a todos, Já passaram dois meses desde o final da nossa campanha e os livros já foram enviados por correio pela editora Gradiva. Caso alguém não tenha recebido o livro até...

Read more

Fri, 15/04/2016 - 12:23

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 07/04/2016 - 23:55

Olá a todos,

Olá a todos, Falta pouco para a nossa campanha terminar e desde já eu queria dizer que estou muito feliz por termos conseguido alcançar o objectivo graças a cada um de vocês....

Read more

Tue, 15/03/2016 - 19:13


Desde já um enorme muito obrigada a todos e aqui está uma notícia de última hora..... A nossa campanha foi mencionada na revista Glosas! Aqui fica a ligação:

Read more

Campaign launched


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  • Ana Raquel Pinheiro

    Olá a todos,

    Olá a todos,

    Já passaram dois meses desde o final da nossa campanha e os livros já foram enviados por correio pela editora Gradiva. Caso alguém não tenha recebido o livro até à presente data, por favor informe-me através do mail:
    Gostaria muito de receber os vossos comentários acerca do livro : )
    Um grande abraço para todos e obrigada pelo vosso apoio
    Ana Raquel

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  • Ana Raquel Pinheiro

    Olá a todos,

    Olá a todos,

    Falta pouco para a nossa campanha terminar e desde já eu queria dizer que estou muito feliz por termos conseguido alcançar o objectivo graças a cada um de vocês. Eu agradeço imenso por terem acreditado neste projecto pois sem a vossa ajuda não teria sido possível! O vosso apoio acreditar que de facto vale a pena : )
    Assim que a campanha termine entrarei em contacto com cada um de vocês para acertar os pormenores de entrega/envio dos livros. Já agora aproveito para vos dar conhecimento de que a editora tem a paginação do livro praticamente pronta e muito em breve estará a ser impresso : ))
    Um abraço e um Grande Obrigada!

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  • Ana Raquel Pinheiro


    Desde já um enorme muito obrigada a todos e aqui está uma notícia de última hora.....
    A nossa campanha foi mencionada na revista Glosas!
    Aqui fica a ligação: .

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94 members of the PPL community
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