Storytelling is possibly one of the oldest art forms used by man to create and transmit culture. Every community in the history of humanity built its identity from the wisd...
Storytelling is possibly one of the oldest art forms used by man to create and transmit culture. Every community in the history of humanity built its identity from the wisdom stored in its tales and legends. We think with words, we create with words, we fight with words.
Nowadays storytelling is being revived as a performance art and is conquering new audiences and venues. The traditional roots are reborn with contemporary themes and relevant content in an art form that is popular, endearing, affordable and creative. It reaches everyone because it allows local and foreign, and even contradictory voices to express themselves, thus contributing to cultural debate.
The TERRA INCÓGNITA - International Storytelling Festival of Lisbon will give more visibility to a profoundly humane art form, improving the quality of life of a city that has historically been a port of arrival and departure for cultures from all over the world.
Lisbon is the perfect venue for this festival: so many stories, such beautiful spots, so many faces, colours and sounds. Tradition and modernity are reinvented by the inclusion of the new voices that journey in, to and through this enchanting city.
Once upon a time…
And the time is the 7th, 8th and 9th of September 2012
Let’s fill the city with stories!
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dora batalim sottomayor
Entre o atarefadíssimo final de ano e a saída em férias só hoje cheguei aqui. Vejo que a meta era 2500 e o montante angariado já é superior, por isso presumo que se pode continuar a apoiar, para além do limite estabelecido. Só que não encontro a forma de o fazer aqui no site. Está neste momento definitivamente fechado?
Abraço a todos,
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orangedora batalim sottomayor
Sim, a campanha já terminou
Cara Dora,
Sim, o projecto atingiu o prazo para a angariação e conseguiu 2650€ graças a 49 apoiantes.
Caso esteja interessada em apoiar o projecto e a equipa de alguma forma, convidamo-la a entrar em contacto com os promotores:
Obrigado pelo interesse,
A equipa do PPL
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