TOP Party Game - A New Social Experience
  • Gaming
  • São João da Madeira, Portugal

TOP Party Game - A New Social Experience

TOP Party Game - A New Social Experience

  • 775


    103% of 3 000€

    54 backers

  • 21/12/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

TOP Party Game - A New Social Experience

How many times have you been stuck with your friends on their phones/laptops and so on?

Well, we got the solution, TOP!

TOP is a simple, funny and competitive game, and above all it's very easy to play.

Through HUMOR, TOP presents a new way of interaction, encouraging eye contact between players.


The duration and number of players is adaptive. Also, the content can be personalized based on the place you are playing or the people that you are playing with.


Join the TOP Comunity so we can make this project a reality, together!

About the author

This project was born about nine months ago and is the result of the imagination and effort of two young men . Henrique Sousa, experienced for more than six years in the commercial and retail area, and passionate management and business organization. And , Leandro Leite, a degree in Mechanical Engineering and excited to be able to come to discuss content and launch issues that otherwise would not be discussed .  

After several tests to friends , we conclude that the game truly amused people . So we have applied our project , " TOP " in a contest for startups, organized by ANJE (National Association of Young Entrepreneurs ) and In April , we were selected for the Top30 in more than 300 applications. There we were motivated and taught by professionals in the field.
With the money we aspire to receive thanks to crowdfunding , we have as objective to create the company " WelcomeToPiso3 " enhance "TOP" brand , as well as purchase all the necessary materials for the realization of the product itself .  

Budget and due dates

The idea has been around since February , and in the last six months we spend about € 1,500 in the development and design of the product. The game mechanics , content and visual identity are created , as well as the promotion video. In order to be sold at a price we thought fair , we need to do at least 200 units . Whereas the unit value of € 15 , put the minimum amount of fund on € 3,000 . We create joint objectives ( stretch lines) , in which we undertook to provide more letters or more game modes and surprises depending on the achievement of certain objectives ( 500/1000/5000 followers on social networks , for example).
  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Invite for "WELCOMETOPISO3 Crowdfunding" event

    Event TBB

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    TOP Starter Pack

    1 deck TOP Crowdfunding

    23 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more


    2 Deck's TOP Crowdfunding + 1 TOP Pocket

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    TOP Christmas

    4 Deck's TOP Crowdfunding + 4 TOP Pocket's

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    TOP Friends

    5 + 1 Deck's TOP + 10 TOP Pocket's + Surprise

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    500€ or more


    TOP FRIENDS + invite to get to know the co-creaters of the project

    2 backers

Tue, 18/03/2025 - 05:05

Tue, 22/12/2015 - 10:02

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Gonçalo Correia


    Ja desde que isto saiu que estamos a espera dos respetivos baralhos, ofertas, etc, apenas recebi uma caixa, e o resto? paguei muito para algo que "desistiram" e nem informam as pessoas, nem respondem aos respetivos email, mensagens no facebook, nada. Sao um bando de aldrabões, ao menos falavam com o publico sobre o sucedido, devolviam o dinheiro

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  • Laurie Eugenio


    Boa tarde :)
    Alguma notícia sobre a concretização?
    Obrigada por qualquer informação.
    Laurie Eugenio

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  • Bruno Macedo

    Muito bom, mas não é original...

    Existe o jogo Cards Against Humanity, esse sim, o original. :)
    A mecânica e o tipo de conteúdo que usam no vosso é apenas uma versão em portugues do jogo CAH.

    No entanto, boa sorte com o projeto! Talvez apoie o projeto!

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  • Henrique Sousa e Leandro LeiteBruno Macedo

    Criação do TOP e do que aí vem ;)

    Boa noite Bruno,

    Para quem conhece CAH, a forma mais fácil de ter uma ideia de que tipo de jogo o TOP é, é realmente dizer que é parecido com CAH, pois no fundo, a base de jogo são cartas com partes de frases para serem combinadas pelos jogadores.
    No entanto, não podemos dizer que o TOP é uma versão portuguesa de CAH, mas sim que jogos como CAH, UNO, Party&Company, Poker, e sobretudo os jogos "urbanos" jogados entre amigos estão na base da criação do TOP e do que aí vem ;)
    Gostariamos de te convidar a experimentar o jogo para rapidamente decidires, certamente, apoiar ;)
    Henrique Sousa e Leandro Leite

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