"Cape Verde and the Music – Dictionary of Personalities” - Includes artists (composers of the lyrics and music, singers and intrumentalists), groups, luthiers, professors and producers in Cape Verde or abroad.
Research carried out from 1997-2014.
This a dictionary of personalities of the music produced by Capeverdians and their descendents, living in Cape Verde and in diaspora, since mid XIX Century until the present.
Includes artists (composers of the lyrics and music, singers and intrumentalists), groups, luthiers, professors and producers in Cape Verde or abroad.
Trabalho de campo em Santiago em 1998
About the author
Gláucia Nogueira, journalist and anthropologist, has been working on Cape Verdean culture since the early 1990s.
In 1997, she began a long bibliographical research and about Cape Verdean music recordings, complemented by hundreds of interviews. While doing her investigation Ms. Nogueira published:
- O Tempo de B.Leza. Documentos e memórias (2006);
- Notícias que fazem a História. A música de Cabo Verde pela imprensa ao longo do século XX (2007);
- Batuku de Cabo Verde. Percurso histórico-musical (2015), subject of her master's thesis.
In 2015 she started her PhD at the University of Coimbra, continuing the research on the music of Cape Verde.
Budget and due dates
The funds to be raised will solely be intended for printing the dictionary. The author will pay for the layout expenses, the making of the presentation video, transportation of the books for release, PPL’s commision and sending specimens to potential supporters.
300 copies printing: 4,000 €
Paging: July / August 2015.
Print: September 2015.
Expected launch in November 2015 in Lisbon. In December 2015 in Cape Verde.
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Gláucia Nogueiracaboverdedelonge
Cabo Verde & a Música - Dicionário de Personagens
Muito obrigada por ajudar a divulgar esta iniciativa.
Gláucia Nogueira
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Gláucia Nogueira
67% já angariados !
Faltam apenas duas semanas, mas as contribuições avançam a bom ritmo. Obrigada a todos os que estão a colaborar, financeiramente ou divulgando esta iniciativa.
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Antonio Danise
Publicidade da campanha
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Gláucia Nogueira
Notícia no Publico.pt
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Gláucia Nogueira
Quando faltam 4 semanas para concluir a campanha, ainda há muito caminho pela frente, mas certamente chegaremos lá. Quem não puder fazer a contribuição online, pode optar por outras vias, como depósito em conta ou Multibanco (em Portugal), Vinti4 (em CV)...
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