Saber Saúde (Knowing Health)
BET24 2015

Saber Saúde (Knowing Health)

To provide health literacy for students of Portuguese schools through the creation of an online platform to guide interactive sessions with the help of teachers.

  • 260


    26% of 1 000€

    13 backers

  • 15/06/2015

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

To provide health literacy for students of Portuguese schools through the creation of an online platform to guide interactive sessions with the help of teachers.

The problem:

Health literacy video(Health Literacy Europe-context and importance:

 In Portugal  health literacy is problematic or inadequate in more than 60% of the population (Health Literacy Survey Europe2013/2014).The consequences of  low levels of health literacy can be devastating to quality of life. Decisions taken in terms of health are deficient, living habits often harmful and the ability to cope with health problems and solving them is insufficient. In the case of young people this will influence their entire journey of life; the risks taken, their habits (healthy or otherwise), their school performance and long-term income, productivity and future socio-economic level. In addition to lost productivity (years of life lost and years lived with disease or disability), society bears the high cost of the treatment of diseases that can be prevented or greatly reduced with better health literacy.

With the SABER SAÚDE project we aim:

To create an online platform that will guide teachers and pupils through  interactive learning sessions with debates, games, videos of sensitization for some subjects, challenges, key concepts,  notion of impact and critical evaluation of the quality of information sources.

The sessions will be focused on the areas with more impact for society and  quality of life (mental Health (pilot), substance  abuse, food habits, exercise and sexuality) which are shown to have impact in the qualification of students to be prepared for the challenges of a society that  is becoming increasingly more complex.

The sessions will be structured in accordance with models approved by national and international organizations in an inclusive and captivating way and in accordance with the opinion of specialists and its impact will be evaluated through surveys to the pupils and teachers.

 With passing of the time we will see a change in the reality of health in the country, from the level of habits and  risk behaviors, to resilience and illnesses related to the approached subjects.

 The World Health Organization ,Health Literacy Europe and the Portuguese Government with the National Plan of Portuguese Health support this type of intervention in the schools. However tools adjusted for its application are not available on a large scale.

 Ours project  brings a tool that we consider essential to a wide spread quality health literacy program so that many young students  increase their level of health literacy because  the voluntary organizations, composed of medicine students won´t  be able to reach a large population due to lack of resources. The teachers will be able to add dynamism to the session, already guided and structured in terms of content and activities without being responsible for its content and without a great deal of demanding work.

About the author

The Project started when Vasco Ricoca Peixoto and João Vaz Guedes met during the entrepreneurship  event  BET24Horas of the Catholic Lisbon School of Business and Economics. They participated in the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge, the project has been  selected by a jury as one of the three winners.

Vasco is a 5th year medicine student and is a monitor of the subject Physiopathology, and participated in reaserch programs in Portugal, Italy and in Holland and  health promotion programs for secondary schools in some places in the continent and islands, being current monitor of the Live it Up project for promotion of the health in schools, organanized by ANEM (National Association of Students of Medicine).

This background influenced the project's vision of the social reality of the literacy in Portugal and gave the notion of the importance of health literacy in the quality of life of future generations, believing that the solution consists of supplying contents and approaches of high quality with the  teachers guiding the session, improving health literacy in a larger population of students.

 João is 3rd year Civil Engineering student who is very interested in promoting positive behavior in young people and believes that education can solve many of the problems in Portugal and the rest of the world. His project management skills were instrumental in starting SABER SAÚDE.

Saber Saúde Vencedor Empreendedorismo Social BET Católica Lisbon

Budget and due dates

We intend to achieve thousand euros within a month to finance the creation, maintenance and updating of the online platform and the impact assessment system through online surveys.

Additionally, the investment will help support logistic associated with the implementation of the project (meetings, training, sessions exemplification etc.) If we meet this deadline we can begin the implementation in schools in September and will post the first results of implementation and of the surveys as soon as possible.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Thanks and ackowledgment on the project's Facebook page! (With possibility of SABER SAÚDE frame for picture)

    Thanks and acknowledgment for the contribution to empower young people in our society to have better health.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Access to the process of development and implementation at each step!

    Be the first to get the news throught an email with real time news and pictures of the project.

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Project Colaborator

    Your name and photo (optional) will appear in in the official collaborators album in our Facebook page + contact by email with real time news about the project.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Main Colaborator

    Your name and photo will appear in our Online Platform to guide the health literacy promotion sessions in schools+ main Colaborator picture on Facebook(optional) + T-shirt " Knowing Health : I contribute to health literacy" ( mail sending costs included for Portugal)

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Tue, 23/07/2024 - 10:01


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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