Holy Fire Reiki Undertaking - Holy Fire Energy

Holy Fire Reiki Undertaking - Holy Fire Energy

Discover the transformative power of Holy Fire Reiki! 15-minute online synchronous sessions, an energy channel to relieve pain and worries, helps you relax and heal.

  • 80


    1% of 15 000€

    4 backers

  • 31/12/2024

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Discover the transformative power of Holy Fire Reiki! 15-minute online synchronous sessions, an energy channel to relieve pain and worries, helps you relax and heal.

The sending of Holy Fire Reiki is done remotely online but in a synchronous session of 15 minutes for each person.

I want a physical space in the center of Porto, to be able to practice all this therapy that is the holy fire energy, but for that I need your support!

Holy fire energy, or Reiki holy fire, is a fantastic energy that comes from the universe and I, Nicole Anabela, am simply a channel of energy for the energy to reach you, for your pain, for all your day-to-day concerns, as it is a wonderful energy that will make you feel relaxed, calmer, which will help to alleviate and even heal, but that will only depend on you.

Because when we least expect it, the universe puts everything in its right place, in fact you are the reflection of life, because what you are inside is what you attract.

About the author

I am Nicole Anabela, I was born in Lisbon! Holy Fire Reiki Master, Holistic Therapist, trained in Quantum Hypnosis, Spiritual Hypnosis, Quantum Spirituality and I have the Advanced Course in Gerontology, however I started my professional life more than 30 years ago as a Certified Accountant, in addition to other courses such as: Macrobiotic Cooking, Football Referee, Contemporary Ballet Dance, Television Journalism and Communication, Communicating on Radio.

My hobby is studying, reading, taking workshops and various courses where I can evolve in all directions because I like to live each day intensely as if it were the last day of my life, my God and so many others that I do because I am passionate about life, I live each day only in the present, and I do not leave for tomorrow what I can do today, well, LIVE AS IF IT WERE ALREADY TRUE! Be grateful from the bottom of your soul, because many today ask for what you already have. Life is not short, but it is enough, because we waste time with beliefs and judgments, do not forget that we have free will and the responsibility of life!

If I am, if I feel, who am I?

Well, I like simple things, going out, playing, helping those who ask for help, giving love and affection, smiling, hugging, kissing, well, it's something like that, I created this page to be able to help those who need it and those who really want to be helped, that is, to receive Reiki Holy Fire online.

Budget and due dates

Material: couches, blankets, rugs, chairs, tables, all holistic material (€5,000)

Model House: €10,000

Total: €15,000

Schedule: 1 year, €1,250 per month

  • I send reiki holy fire online at a distance in a synchronous session for 15 minutes.

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    I send reiki holy fire online at a distance in a synchronous session for 15 minutes.

    I send Holy Fire Reiki online remotely for 15 minutes and you will feel a sense of relaxation, calm and satisfaction to alleviate your pain or cure your illnesses. Don't wait any longer and come receive this fantastic energy and by helping with my business you are receiving a gift from the universe.

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  • Sending holy fire reiki online at a distance for 30 minutes

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Sending holy fire reiki online at a distance for 30 minutes

    Sending holy fire energy remotely online for 30 minutes.

    4 backers

Sat, 01/03/2025 - 21:40


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Thu, 28/11/2024 - 08:03

Sou muito grata pelo teu apoio pois faz a diferença

Olá! Como estás? Espero que te encontres bem. Agradeço do fundo do meu coração o teu apoio e espero que experimentes esta energia maravilhosa que é o Reiki Holy Fire! Se gos...

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Wed, 20/11/2024 - 09:25

Sou muito grata a todos os

Sou muito grata a todos os que viram a campanha e também a quem quis contribuir! Sigam o vosso coração ou a vossa intuição e os vossos sonhos serão realizados! Um abraço de ...

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Campaign launched


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  • Nicole Anabela

    Sou muito grata pelo teu apoio pois faz a diferença

    Olá! Como estás?
    Espero que te encontres bem.
    Agradeço do fundo do meu coração o teu apoio e espero que experimentes esta energia maravilhosa que é o Reiki Holy Fire!
    Se gostares por favor divulga para poder chegar a quem precisa!
    Um grande abraço cheio de luz, e muita energia

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  • Nicole Anabela

    Sou muito grata a todos os

    Sou muito grata a todos os que viram a campanha e também a quem quis contribuir!
    Sigam o vosso coração ou a vossa intuição e os vossos sonhos serão realizados!
    Um abraço de luz para todo o planeta

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  • ijinleife dalintin

    Adoraria Ajudar a Sua Campanha a Alcançar Seus Objetivos – Vamos

    Olá, Nicole Anabela

    Encontrei a sua campanha e vejo o coração e a dedicação que você colocou nela—é inspirador! Trabalho com campanhas como a sua para ajudá-las a atingir todo o seu potencial e acredito que minha abordagem, o Okoye's Impact Marketing, pode realmente fazer a diferença.

    Minha estratégia usa uma base de dados única para criar um alcance personalizado, ajudando a manter seus apoiadores engajados e conectados à sua missão. Isso resulta em maior visibilidade e apoio, aproximando você dos seus objetivos.

    Se você quiser saber mais, fique à vontade para entrar em contato aqui: https://www.fiverr.com/dalintin042 ou pelo e-mail dalintin042@gmail.com.

    Aguardamos ansiosamente para ajudar a sua campanha a brilhar!

    Especialista em Crowdfunding

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4 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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  • 1
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Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    26/11/2024 - 11:50

    Este é sem duvida a mais BELA forma de apoiar um projeto q irá fazer diferença na vida de muita gente que precisa destas terapias. boa sorte.

  • Francisca Moura

    25/11/2024 - 01:26

  • Cristina Duarte

    20/11/2024 - 09:39

    Sou a tua fã !!!! És linda

  • Fernando Sousa

    05/11/2024 - 18:51

    Incentivo ao promotor! Tem todo o meu apoio!