Have you ever heard of autism? In Portugal, there are thousands of families who deal with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) every day. We need your help to create a community to support these parents.
Autism is a complex disorder that is estimated to affect one in every thousand children. It is a developmental disorder of the brain in which people have difficulty communicating and interacting socially, and may also exhibit unusual patterns of behavior, interests and activity.
Scientific studies show that parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) live with very high levels of stress, suffer from anxiety, frustration and, quite frequently, develop depression.
We want to create a community to support these parents by developing a platform that enables more experienced parents to help parents who are having more difficulty dealing with their children's neurodivergent condition. To make this project viable, we need to invest in creating a digital platform that allows people to share experiences and knowledge with each other. We also want to promote greater social awareness about this cause.
According to our survey, 60% of parents face situations every day where they struggle to deal with their autistic child’s behaviour . More than 80% of those surveyed want access to a counsellor to help them overcome the challenges faced as a result of their child’s condition.
Values: Sharing, overcoming, happiness, inspiration and learning |
Mission: To improve the quality of life of families living with children diagnosed with ASD. |
Objective: To establish a network of mentor parents capable of guiding and inspiring the greatest number of people who share their lives with children diagnosed with ASD. |
We believe that creating this community can make a difference in families' lives!
For more information visit www.autismo.guru
Pedro Santana Cepeda
Balanço da campanha
Bom dia,
Obrigado a todos que contribuíram para esta campanha, seja através da sua doação ou através da divulgação do projeto. Apesar de não conseguirmos atingir o objetivo de financiamento total do projeto, conseguimos angariar perto de 900€ graças à maioria dos apoios serem incondicionais.
Aqui chegados, queremos partilhar com a comunidade que graças à otimização dos custos e de um conjunto de voluntários que, durante a campanha, disponibilizaram os seus conhecimentos técnicos de forma gratuita, o projeto será uma realidade.
O valor angariado [925€ - 85,34€ (comissão PPL)], será aplicado na subscrição da plataforma de suporte ao site e do sistema de agendamento das sessões. Prevemos que o projeto fique operacional no início do mês de Dezembro e, nessa, altura partilhamos novas informações.
Obrigado a todos!
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