We want to bring the two greatest composers of the classical period to you in four magnificent concerts, and we need the help of all lovers of choral and symphonic music to make Christmas 2024 even more beautiful.
Do you know that moment when, close to Christmas, you enter a church in Lisbon, and the music brings you the beauty and support of a time of communion?
It's us - the Choir of Friends of the National Conservatory (CACN) - singing for you.
For this December, we will put on a choral-symphonic concert with works written by two of the greatest figures in musical classicism: Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. From Haydn we will assemble the Missa brevis Sancti Ioannis de Deo, the fifth and last mass brevis composed by Haydn. It was immensely popular during the composer's lifetime, but it was only recently that it entered the concert circuit and its status as a masterpiece was recognized. It has the particularity of being dedicated to a Portuguese saint, S. João de Deus.
The piece we chose by Mozart is the Solemn Vespers of the Confessor. It is a work of greater scope, both from an instrumental point of view and in terms of vocal soloists. It is a multifaceted work, firmly rooted in the tradition of the Vespers genre, and it is precisely within the framework of the restrictions imposed by tradition that Mozart displays his genius as a composer, with one foot in the baroque tradition and the other already moving towards romanticism.
Why is your help essential?
The Coro dos Amigos do Conservatório Nacional (CACN) needs partial funding to hire instrumentalists and soloists, so that we can offer these works to the city of Lisbon next Christmas. We are a choir entirely supported by the choristers' monthly fees and, without this contribution, we will not be able to perform these four concerts.
The motivation that brings together amateur singers around a project is the desire and pleasure of singing works that they would not otherwise be able to sing individually. We want to provide the public with close contact, in the neighborhood, and free of charge, with works accessible only through paid concerts in large concert halls.
The motivation of CACN and its Maestro Luís Lopes Cardoso is to bring to the public the result of many months of work by around 60 choristers - and, at a later stage, the work with orchestra and soloists -, so that classical music lovers can also can enjoy concerts in their parish and church. The rehearsed and meticulously prepared works are offered to the city of Lisbon, helping to foster a spirit of community and conviviality during one of the most festive times of the year - in this case, Christmas 2024.
This is where your small contribution comes in. In order for us to take these two pieces to the stage in four majestic concerts, we need to hire instrumentalists for an orchestra of sixteen members and four soloists. Your help is essential so that we can create this program and bring it to you.
It's going to be a wonderful Christmas with Haydn and Mozart, opening the doors free of charge to anyone who wants to listen to us, giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy this experience.
Ultrapassámos os €4000!
Ultrapassámos os €4000, e falta-nos apenas 9% do valor que precisamos de angariar! Obrigado a todos :)
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90% atingidos!
Atingimos 90% do nosso objectivo! o CACN agradece-lhe profundamente a sua contribuição.
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86% do objectivo já conseguido!
Estamos muito próximos do objectivo final com 86% da angariação completa. Obrigado a todos os que contribuíram até agora, o CACN fica-vos imensamente grato!
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Ultrapassámos os €3000!
Graças às vossas contribuições, já ultrapassámos os 3 mil euros! Obrigado a todos, continuamos a acreditar que chegaremos ao nosso objectivo. Um enorme obrigado do CACN.
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Chegámos aos 50%!
Chegámos aos 50% do nosso objectivo! Obrigado pela sua ajuda e contributo, vamos continuar para atingir o financiamento de que precisamos para termos um Natal de 2024 em cheio. O CACN agradece-lhe!
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Mais de €2000 angariados!
O nosso imenso obrigado a todos os que contribuíram até agora, estamos perto dos 50% em poucos dias de campanha!
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Utrapassámoa os €1500!
…em menos de 48h, graças ao vosso apoio! Um muito obrigado por parte do CACN pelas vossas contribuições.
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Chegámos a 25% do apoio pedido! Obrigado!
Obrigado a todos os apoiantes! Em pouco mais de 24h atingimos 25% do valor de que precisamos para concluir a nossa campanha. Um abraço de gratidão do CACN a todos.
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Ultrapassámos os €1000 em 24 horas!
O nosso imenso obrigado a todos os apoiantes que, em 24 horas, contribuíram mais de €1000 para a nossa campanha. Gratidão, gratidão, gratidão!
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15% em menos de 24 horas!
Obrigado a todos os que nos apoiaram até agora: €700 (15%) conseguidos antes das 24h de Campanha PPL activa. O CACN agradece-vos. Vamos aos 30 apoiantes?
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300€ angariados ao fim de poucas horas!
Obrigado a todos os apoiantes até ao momento. Se continuarmos assim, teremos um belo Natal cheio de música :)
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