Half Smiles
PPL Causas

Half Smiles

The Guarda District is aging. More than five thousand elderly people are in a vulnerable situation. There are few answers to the number of people that increases every year witho...

  • 1330


    44% of 3 000€

    55 backers

  • 12/12/2023

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The Guarda District is aging. More than five thousand elderly people are in a vulnerable situation. There are few answers to the number of people that increases every year without any type of family/social support.

The Guarda District is aging. Younger people leave in search of better conditions, leaving the elderly behind, often without any type of family/social support. Resilient people, who want to continue living their days in the tranquility of their homes and who do not want to abandon what they have spent their lives achieving. People as valid as those who leave and who do not yet carry the weight of a life.

These are the ones that Rugas de Sorrisos wants to support and help. We argue that institutionalization should be done, not by age, but by health condition. It makes no sense to us that autonomous people see themselves as “forced” to institutionalization, when they can have a life “out here” and freedom of choice in their daily routines, even with some background support.

We can be the answer, but to do that, we need you.

At this crucial stage of Rugas de Sorrisos, we appeal to all those who see themselves in our cause, to help us make a difference. As? By supporting this campaign you are sponsoring an elderly person!

"Alone we go faster, but together we go further!"

About the author

Rugas de Sorrisos - Social Support Association, with IPSS statutes, was formalized in October 2017 and has been promoting in the Guarda region a pioneering service of proximity and support to the elderly and their caregivers, allowing them to postpone or even avoid their institutionalization.

We emerged in a context of great needs at this level, which place the Guarda district in 2nd place, nationally, with more elderly people alone and isolated. These data, from the Senior Census, have worsened considerably in recent times, with more than 5 thousand elderly people in a vulnerable situation, which made us invest in expanding our responses.

To achieve this, networking was, and is, fundamental. If we achieved the objectives we set for ourselves, it was thanks to the financial support from the application of Partnerships for the Impact of the Public Initiative of Portugal Social Innovation and social investors, who recognized the relevance of our work and supported 70% and 30%, respectively, of our expenses over the last few years; On the ground we were able to expand our range of action and create more value for the situations we monitor thanks to the cooperation protocols made with the GNR and the PSP, which identified the most urgent and delicate situations, promoting their inclusion.

Through a multidisciplinary team, we have supported to date, with our services - home companionship, consultation support, shopping, treatments, services, visits to family members, individual and group activities for cognitive and sensory stimulation, health care and well-being. services that can be individual, such as help with bathing, physiotherapy treatments, massages, nursing care or holistic therapies and trips - 141 elderly people in the social inclusion register between the municipalities of Guarda, Mêda and Trancoso , and soon we will also be in Pinhel and Sabugal.

We believe we are the perfect accomplice in the day-to-day life of this age group, to whom we offer attention and emotions, in a simple, creative and competent way, adapting to their needs and tastes.

But to continue doing so we need your support!

Help us achieve this goal by dignifying someone's tomorrow!

Be the difference we need! Build it with us. Thanks!

Budget and due dates

Budget: 1 user, 1 year of social inclusion monitoring €2400

Advertising and dissemination: €350.00

PPL commissions: €276.75

Calendar: October 13th to December 12th

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    1 pen

    1 pen with the Rugas de Sorrisos logo

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    29 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Handwork *

    Manual work done by one of our users (key holder)

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Handwork ***

    Manual work done by one of our users (card)

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Handwork *****

    Manual work made by one of our users (cross stitch painting)

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more


    Personalized calendar with photos of our users

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    1 backer

Sat, 15/02/2025 - 10:57

Thu, 14/12/2023 - 16:09

Campanha Sorrisos a Meias

Queridos apoiantes Chegámos ao fim da campanha sem atingir o objetivo desejado, ainda assim, queremos agradecer a cada um de vós o contributo e partilhas. Muita gratidão pelo...

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Wed, 13/12/2023 - 17:53

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Tue, 28/11/2023 - 07:07

Sorrisos a Meias

Bom dia a todos, Faltam duas semanas para terminar a campanha e hoje estamos aqui para apelar mais uma vez aos vossos corações. Partilhem o link com os vossos amigos, conheci...

Read more

Wed, 15/11/2023 - 11:02

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Sat, 21/10/2023 - 08:50

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Rugas de Sorrisos

    Campanha Sorrisos a Meias

    Queridos apoiantes

    Chegámos ao fim da campanha sem atingir o objetivo desejado, ainda assim, queremos agradecer a cada um de vós o contributo e partilhas. Muita gratidão pelo vosso apoio.

    Aos poucos criamos mais valor e crescemos. Só é possível graças a quem continua a acreditar no nosso trabalho e nos ajuda a manter recursos humanos e logísticos.

    Bem haja!

    Ps: Continuem a acompanhar-nos! Um Santo e Feliz Natal para todos. Muita paz, saúde e alegria. Que o amor vos segure e salve, sempre.

    Helena Saraiva, Presidente da Direção.

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  • Rugas de Sorrisos

    Sorrisos a Meias

    Bom dia a todos,
    Faltam duas semanas para terminar a campanha e hoje estamos aqui para apelar mais uma vez aos vossos corações.
    Partilhem o link com os vossos amigos, conhecidos e expliquem a importância do contributo de cada um.
    Farão parte da vida de um utente e durante um ano contribuirão para melhorar os dias dessa pessoa.
    Obrigada a todos vós que acreditam, se preocupam e tentam construir um mundo melhor e igual para todos.
    Ajudem-nos a não deixar ninguém para trás.
    Com estima e gratidão,
    Helena Saraiva

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55 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 24
    new backers

  • 31
    recurrent backers

  • 16
    anonymous backers

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