Architecture of an impossibility

Architecture of an impossibility

Carlos Ruiz Carmona and Joel Brandão launch a fundraising campaign for the completion of a fiction feature film entitled "Architecture of an impossibility" filmed in the pandemi...

  • 10245


    102% of 10 000€

    82 backers

  • 05/05/2023

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Carlos Ruiz Carmona and Joel Brandão launch a fundraising campaign for the completion of a fiction feature film entitled "Architecture of an impossibility" filmed in the pandemic summer of 2021 in the city of Santo Tirso in the north of Portugal.

Architecture of an impossibility is a black and white fiction feature film, lasting 93 minutes, filmed in Santo Tirso (Portugal) between July and August 2021. It features the participation of Carla Chambel, Rúben Garcia and Pedro Almendra.


Architecture of an Impossibility tells the story of two lovers united by a love as strong as it is forbidden, haunted by the imminent presence of their unfulfilled desires and the guilt that follows them. Their relationship is founded on a shared lie, a guilt that torments them both, and an unrelenting desire that threatens to consume them both. They married young, not knowing the depths of love or passion, but when they met, they knew they had found their soulmate. The characters Luís and Ana, played by Carla Chambel and Rúben Garcia, are united by a passion that lasts for several years, supported by furtive encounters, declarations of love, conflicts and guilt. Architecture of an Impossibility presents a poetic and lyrical narrative of the complexities of desire, love and the lingering pain of living with the consequences.

The film, which is currently being finalized, was shot in the summer of 2021 in Santo Tirso (Portugal), with the support of the Garantia Cultura program and the Municipality of Santo Tirso. The budget raised was very limited, allowing only the completion of the shooting of the film.

Through this campaign, we aim to gather the necessary financial resources to complete the editing and sound mixing of the film, obtain the rights to create the soundtrack, apply image treatment and necessary visual effects, and finalize the mastering of the film for its public presentation.


Director's Note of Intent

Architecture of an Impossibility is a poetic representation of the enigmatic nature of desire, love and the persistent pain of living with the consequences of our actions. It tells the story of two lovers united by a love as strong as it is forbidden, haunted by the looming presence of their unfulfilled desires and the guilt that follows in their wake. The relationship is built on a foundation of presumed guilt stemming from the lie they both share. It is a bond created in secret and full of dangers, where passion and pain intertwine in an endless cycle of suffering. The course of their love is uncertain, driven by the discord between the strength of their attraction and the weight of their obligations.

The structure of the film is dreamlike, fluidly shifting between the past and the present, blurring the line between what is real and imagined. The scenes are inspired by love stories from classic black and white cinema. The lighting, with an expressionist approach, transforms the environment into a veritable labyrinth of emotions, where each shadow and reflection has its own narrative. The complexities of the characters' relationships are deeply intertwined with the complexities of desire and love.

The film poetically explores how desire can unravel the fabric of our lives, how it can compel us to act against our better judgment, taking us to unexpected places. It deepens the inextricable connection between love and pain, as the two are inexorably linked, woven into a tapestry of emotions that is as beautiful as it is tragic. The lovers find themselves trapped in a web of guilt, driven by the fascination of their love and the pain of the consequences they must bear. They are in a constant state of desire, unable to escape the anguish of their situation even as they struggle to find a way out. Their journey is a moving reminder of the fragility of the human condition, of how the most beautiful emotions can be a source of both salvation and destruction.


About the author

Carlos Ruiz Carmona | director

Carlos Ruiz, a director trained in London, has produced and directed several fiction and documentary short and feature films. He has received several awards for his work as a director and producer. In 1999, he directed his first fiction feature film, "To Anyone Who Can Hear Me," which was screened at film festivals in Taormina, Edinburgh, Madrid, Siena, Croatia, and Figueira da Foz. The film won two main prizes: the Grand Prize for Best Fiction Feature Film and the International Journalists Jury Prize. In 2001, Ruiz produced "Shadows," a film selected for the Rotterdam International Festival in January 2002. The film premiered at the Columbia Tri-Star Preview Theater in London in 2001. In 2004, Ruiz completed his second feature film, "Portrait," which was shown at international documentary festivals in Taiwan, Ankara, Rome, Madrid, Cádiz, Helsinki, DocLisboa, and Tui-PlayDoc. "Portrait" won the City of Madrid award for Best Spanish Feature Film at the Madrid International Documentary Film Festival. His latest work, "CRU," had its international premiere at the International Documentary Festival - Dok Leipzig in Germany in 2017. "Architecture of an Impossibility" represents his second fiction feature film.



Joel Brandão | Producer

Joel Brandão is a producer and director who has been working in the film and audiovisual industry since 2012. He produced a series of audiovisual projects and fiction and documentary films, as well as commercial and institutional videos for brands such as UBER, Flama, Bosch and Vulcano, among others. Between 2012 and 2016 he worked for several agencies as a director, producer and editor, developing a variety of audiovisual and commercial content. In 2015 he started producing his first fiction and documentary projects. In 2016 he directed and produced the film “Margem”, a project selected for several national and international festivals, where he received the distinction of semi-finalist at the film festival in Los Angeles. In 2022 he produced the documentary filmed in the city of Macao “You are what you see”, which is being distributed to several film festivals. Since he started his activity as a producer, some of his projects have been selected for important film festivals, from Rome (RICF), Los Angeles (LACF), Richmond, USA (RIFF), Sophia Awards, Portugal, Lisbon Estoril Film Festival (LEFEST), Porto Postdoc, among others.




Budget and due dates

This film project is planned and scheduled to be completed in four months of post-production and finalization. In order to fulfill this objective, we need to raise a minimum of 10,000 euros to cover essential post-production expenses, listed below.

The completion of the work will be divided into four main areas: design, editing and sound mixing; creation of the soundtrack; image processing and visual effects; and mastering.

Summary of the project completion schedule:

  • Design, editing and sound mixing: 8 weeks of work
  • Creation of the soundtrack: 4 weeks of work
  • Image processing and visual effects: 4 weeks of work
  • Mastering: production of opening and closing credits, subtitles in different languages, creation of the film's coherent graphic line and creation of the final master for exhibition on different platforms. 4 weeks of work

1- Design, editing and sound mixing - 8 weeks                                                                        

The first phase of our project involves editing and mixing the actors' dialogue, producing and mixing foley and sound effects, creating and mixing soundscapes, and composing various musical melodies, all of which are essential in conveying the characters' story. Finally, this phase also involves producing the final sound master and the final mix of all the edited/equalized soundtracks throughout the entire process


2- Soundtrack - 4 weeks                                                                                                      

For the second phase of our project, we require financial support to create a soundtrack that effectively conveys the various emotional states portrayed in the narrative. We estimate that this task will require a month of work to complete. The soundtrack plays a crucial role in building the story and developing the psychological and emotional profile of the characters

3- Image treatment - 4 weeks                                                                                                              
The third area involves grading the image and applying visual effects to bring the film's aesthetic closer to the black and white classics of the 1930s and 1940s. black and white in each of the images that make up the narrative. It is a specialized and delicate work that requires careful treatment of each image, in order to refine each of the aesthetic elements that constitute it. We estimate four weeks for completion.

4- Mastering - 4 weeks         
Finally, mastering involves the production of various contents for the creation of the final master of the film and the materials necessary for the promotion and dissemination of the film, organized in the following phases:

  • production of opening and closing credits, production of subtitles and dialogues of the film, in different languages, for presentation in the international market of film festivals.
  • application of motion graphics effects and filters to finalize the overall image aesthetics intended for the film. It involves adjusting the composition in each plane, correcting camera movements, stabilizing the image when necessary, among others.
  • production of the final master for the exhibition and diffusion of the film in festivals, movie theaters and different platforms. This process involves merging the final image master and the final sound master to produce different masters in different formats.
  • production of a trailer and a teaser, as well as the creation of a coherent graphic line for the promotion and dissemination of the film in film festivals and in the national and international film market.

We estimate 4 weeks of work to complete this phase. It is important to remember that these deadlines are just estimates and can be adjusted during the creative process, depending on the specific needs of each stage.





  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    thank you email

    You will receive a personalized thank you email from the production team.

    26 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Thanks in the movie credits

    Your name will appear in the movie credits.

    37 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Access to Making off + Signed poster

    1. Your name will appear in the movie credits. 2. You will also have exclusive access to making of and production images of the film. 3. A poster of the film signed by the director, producer and actors of the film (A2 format) will be sent.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    Exclusive access to the film to watch at home

    1. Your name will appear in the movie credits with a special thank you. 2. You will have exclusive access to footage from the making of and production of the film. 3. A poster of the film signed by the director, producer and actors of the film (A2 format) will be sent. 4. You will have exclusive access to the film to watch at home (online format)

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    4 backers

    Limited to 40 units. 36 remaining

  • Invest with
    300€ or more

    Invitation to the movie premiere

    1. Your name will appear in the film credits as a single card credit for supporting the film's production. 2. You will have exclusive access to footage from the making of and production of the film. 3. A poster of the film signed by the director, producer and actors of the film (A2 format) will be sent. 4. You will have exclusive access to the film to watch at home (online format) 5. An invitation will be sent to the film's premiere where you will be able to meet with members of the technical team and actors.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    7 backers

    Limited to 25 units. 18 remaining

Wed, 02/10/2024 - 08:13

Tue, 09/05/2023 - 18:29

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Fri, 05/05/2023 - 17:42

Atingimos o objetivo definido !

Boa tarde caros apoiantes! Conseguimos!! Obrigado a todos pelo vosso contributo, juntos conseguimos atingir o grande objetivo. O cinema português agradece. Um grande obrig...

Read more

Thu, 04/05/2023 - 10:46

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Thu, 27/04/2023 - 11:33

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 17/03/2023 - 12:56

Já ultrapassamos os 2.000€

Bom dia caros apoiantes! Bem hajam por acreditarem no nosso projeto! Nestes primeiros 10 dias de campanha conseguimos ultrapassar os 2.000€ graças ao vosso apoio. Vamos con...

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Fri, 10/03/2023 - 23:30

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 09/03/2023 - 09:49

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Carlos Ruiz Carmona

    Atingimos o objetivo definido !

    Boa tarde caros apoiantes! Conseguimos!!
    Obrigado a todos pelo vosso contributo, juntos conseguimos atingir o grande objetivo.
    O cinema português agradece.

    Um grande obrigado da equipa.

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  • Carlos Ruiz Carmona

    Já ultrapassamos os 2.000€

    Bom dia caros apoiantes!

    Bem hajam por acreditarem no nosso projeto!
    Nestes primeiros 10 dias de campanha conseguimos ultrapassar os 2.000€ graças ao vosso apoio.
    Vamos continuar a trabalhar para divulgar esta projeto a chegar ao objetivo final, 10.000€
    Cada donativo conta!

    Um obrigado da equipa.

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82 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

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    new backers

  • 16
    recurrent backers

  • 19
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