We are a 100% Portuguese radio with a focus on rock, metal, punk and indie. Will you help us equip the Neo Distorção radio?
Radio Neo Distortion (in a nutshell)
Mission, Vision and Purpose
Our mission is to connect, serve, support, expand and demystify Portuguese underground music. Our vision is to create the national reference platform and community for underground music made in Portugal. There is a hole in the market. There are a lot of artists, a lot of acting spaces and a lot of public, but they all badly need an intermediary to connect and expand this common passion. We cannot let art die, spaces close, artists give up, angry young people convinced that our country's music is no good ... NO NO!
Goals and Commitment
Express and expand the passion for Portuguese punk by showing the unexplored side of DIY musical culture in our country. Be the ally of launching, supporting and connecting underground music through online radio and media platforms. The young audience really cares for authenticity, uniqueness and freedom, a passionate social radio, free of taboos, transparent, conscious, informed and social, in turn there must be a place where all of this fits together. There are many social duties involved that we must fulfill, especially that of uniting love for music and culture.
To start from scratch we need all passionate punks - outsiders, hipsters, rebels, artists, revolutionaries, activists ... The destination of your help goes not only to the proper licenses and publicity, but also to the construction of a small studio in a small room in the place where we live, to achieve the minimum viability worthy of radio programs, interviews and concerts to make known this vast world of Portuguese rock, punk, metal and indie.
About the author
Pedro Cardoso - Gestor de Projeto
In the final stretch of his Multimedia Course in 2016, Pedro set up a 100% Portuguese metal, rock and punk radio. Rádio 7Omega received a warm welcome from both bands and listeners and was on the air for half a year. Despite being an old dream, studies would continue and all the work done by a single student, urgently needed a team to share all the countless tasks and possible future costs. From the dream, 4 years later, this was how Neo Distortion was born.
Marta Amaral - Diretora de Arte
In 2016, Marta began her journey as a Communication Designer for Fashion Revolution Portugal - a non-profit association focused on consumer awareness in the face of the problems behind the fashion industry - in which she was in charge of all digital design for 3 years , as well as, presenting and praying events of the same. He studied Fashion Design in Portugal and the United Kingdom, and currently seeks to bring his artistic and conscious vision to the radio Neo Distorção.
Josué Monteiro - Diretor de Tecnologia
Josué is 20 years old studied Programming and currently works as a Full-Stack Developer. Has experience in building webapps and cross-platform mobile applications. He is currently engaged in the process of developing a mobile sports betting application for the North American market. He also has experience in setting up and maintaining computer networks, as well as developing robots that give signals to the Foreign Exchange market.
Carlos - Gestor de Redes Sociais
Since 1999, Carlos has no hands to measure all the concerts and festivals he has ever been to in Portugal. It is an active social presence in what is done here and is always up to date with underground news. In April 2020, he was part of the team behind the solidarity festival "Entre 4 Paredes", an exclusive online event dedicated to Portuguese music rising from the underground, reverting his donations to the Ordem dos Médicos.
Budget and due dates
Radio launch: May 2021
Radio Pre-Launch: April 2021
Sending rewards: April 2021
The amount of € 1740, intended for this campaign, will help to cover the following expenses:
Studio Material (includes insulation, microphones, cables, cranes, mixing console, capture board, desks and chairs) - 690 €
1 year of Electricity Expenses - 600 €
1 Year of Radio Licenses and Copyright - 240 €
Social Media Promotion - 50 €
PPL commission (7.5% + 23% VAT): 160.52 €
Total € 1580 + PPL Commission: € 1740
Rádio Neo Distorção
Querides Undies, Chegámos aos 100%!
Querides Undies,
Não poderíamos estar mais entusiasmados! Ultrapassámos os 100% e, como tal, muito em breve teremos o estúdio da Rádio Neo Distorção de pé! Um grande e profundo obrigade a todes os que contribuíram para que este "sonho" seja agora uma realidade :,) De momento, estamos a preparar todas as vossas recompensas cujas quais serão enviadas muito em breve. Infelizmente, estão em falta bastantes moradas o que acaba por atrasar todo o processo de envio. Pedimos com carinho que por favor verifiquem os vossos emails, pois pode ser o teu caso receber um email nosso a pedir a morada de envio das recompensas!
Um bem-haja e forte Abraço a todos os Undies,
A Vossa Rádio Neo Distorção
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Rádio Neo Distorção
Ultrapassámos os 60% ! Oh yeah <3
Querides Undies,
É com muito entusiasmo e emoção que podemos dizer que chegámos até aqui, aos 60%. O que seria de nós sem vocês, hum? Um grande obirgade a todes aqueles que com muito carinho fizeram questão em dar um pouco de si para este projeto ser concretizável. Graças a vocês estamos cada vez mais perto de passar do sonho à realidade. Este estúdio vai existir em breve e será de todos vós!
Mais uma vez, estamos gratos por vos ter e apesar de já ser pedir muito, apelamos que partilhem deste vosso entusiasmo com amigos, familiares e colegas., pois quem sabe se nao serão eles a completar o valor pretendido para esta campanha.
Um grande e forte abraço a todos os Undies,
A Vossa Rádio Neo Distorção
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Rádio Neo Distorção
Querides Undies, Vocês ROCK!
Querides Undies,
Estamos de coração cheio com todo o vosso feedback, mensagens e apoio.
Obrigade, OBRIGADE, OBRIGADE. Principalmente àqueles que com o pouco que têm e em tempos díficeis, contribuíram por acreditar neste projeto.
Já faltou mais, vamos continuar a acreditar e fazer valer os vossos esforços financeiros.
Nós enviámos um email a cada um de vós com o link para o nosso Discord, caso não tenhas recebido por favor envia-nos mensagem! O registo por facebook impede-nos de aceder ao respectivo email, por isso se puderem ignorem essa opção.
Um grande e forte abraço a todes os Undies,
A Vossa Rádio Neo Distorção
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