Images of violence and calm on the magnificent Sea of Nazaré, accompanied by vivid narratives from some of the best big wave surfers in the world. A tribute to the power of Nature and the courage of those who confront it.
In a year of crisis when work has been scarce, giving me more free time than usual, I decided to collect some of my best photographs of Nazaré in a book. The central idea - the contrast between the calm of the village and the chaos that surrounds surfers at sea - took the shape of a visual narrative based on the accounts of three great names in big wave surfing - Andrew Cotton, Alex Botelho, and João de Macedo - who did not hesitate to share their thoughts, fears, and intense experiences when facing what are considered to be the biggest and most dangerous waves in the world. I also requested the participation of João Valente - our most respected national surf journalist - and Pedro Adão e Silva - a political commentator and university professor, also a dedicated surfer - in writing the two prefaces that open this book.
There are more than 100 pages in 20x25 cm format, properly protected by a hardcover and printed on magnificent 170 g matte couche paper! Seeing this book published would be, on the one hand, a way to mitigate the very significant drop in income that I’ve experienced in 2020, and on the other, to gain satisfaction in the knowledge that these images and texts will become part of other lives - for me, the greatest value of a book - and not be lost in the rapid pace of social networks.
Acquiring a work of art that you can browse from time to time, having the pleasure of looking through the images and imagining what it is like to be in that majestic ocean, reading the accounts and discovering the mental processes of these modern-day gladiators, offering a special Christmas gift to a friend and/or family member who loves images of the sea or stories of triumph, or the simple pleasure of helping a photographer continue to exercise his art — there is no shortage of reasons to participate in a project that can only come to fruition when we reach the goal of 200 books ordered.
This is “just" the homestretch of the trip, but also the all-or-nothing moment, where your help makes all the difference in crossing the finish line. Starting at 10 € you are already part of the adventure, with 30 € + postage you receive a signed and numbered book and a 13x18 cm print!

The stage and the backstage.
About the author
Lisbon is where I was born, grew up, and studied. I've been bodyboarding since the age of 13. I am married and have two daughters. I currently live and have a photography studio in Paço de Arcos, 15 minutes from Lisbon, overlooking the Tagus and the Atlantic. I shoot photographs on land, in water, and in the air.
As a teenager, I bought my first camera and realized that shooting pictures was all that I knew how to do, although I sometimes dare to also write about photographs. At ETIC, Ar.Co and Cenjor, I learned with the best, creating solid foundations. I had six-month stints at two advertising photography studios, wearing a white coat to sell Kodak Express rolls and prints. I’ve had, and continue to have, exhibitions, have written articles and editorials, have won some prizes, and have been rewarded by some magazine covers that I am proud of, but discreetly, because true victories come in other ways. I know that I take photos to share moments, to question and understand what surrounds me, to create memories, to explore dreams, to communicate, and, by the way, to have a profession. Most of all, I take photos just because.
For more than two decades, I was a photographer and a photo editor for several major surf publications. From days and years spent gazing at the sea, I’ve learned how to discern subtleties of light. I take pictures both for and with clients, listening to suggestions and challenges that I like to embrace and overcome. Be it a house, a hotel, the giant waves of Nazaré, the blue sea of Ericeira, a 1960 Maserati, a photo for a professional profile on LinkedIn, or an underwater portrait in the Maldives, I make a point of giving each photoshoot a personal stamp. | @ricarbravo | @image_mker

First Light
Budget and due dates
My financial goal corresponds to the production of a first edition of 200 copies of the book with a sale price of 30 € each (+ shipping)
International shipping costs on request
There are 9 ways to fund this first edition:
1) For the love of art! For those who do not want to have the book, but want to help the project succeed. Contribution of 6 € or more.
2) I want a book, but I will get it! For those who prefer to save on shipping costs, I can deliver by hand in the Paço de Arcos / Oeiras area. Special edition: hardcover, numbered, signed by the author + one 13x18 cm photograph included with each book. Contribution: 30 € or more
3) I want a book - please send it to me! Special edition: hardcover, numbered, signed by the author + one 13x18 cm photograph. Shipping costs included to Portugal only. Contribution: 36 € or more.
4) 2 books! A book for me and another one for my friend, but I will get them! For those who prefer to save on shipping costs, I can deliver by hand in the Paço de Arcos / Oeiras area. Special edition: hardcover, numbered, signed by the author + one 13x18 cm photograph included with each book. Contribution: 55 € or more.
5) 2 books! A book for me and another one for my friend! Both books delivered to the same address. Special edition: hardcover, numbered, signed by the author + one 13x18 cm photograph included with each book. Shipping costs included to Portugal only. Contribution: 65 € or more
6) For large families! Pack of 5 books that make for perfect Christmas gifts. For those who prefer to save on shipping costs, I can deliver by hand in the Paço de Arcos / Oeiras area. Special edition: hardcover, numbered, signed by the author + one 13x18 cm photograph included with each book. Contribution: 130€ or more.
7) For my large family! Pack of 5 books delivered to the same address. Special edition: hardcover, numbered, signed by the author + one 13x18 cm photograph included with each book. Shipping costs included to Portugal only. Contribution: 150 € or more.
8) Big Print! Special edition: hardcover, numbered, signed by the author + one 13x18 cm photograph + one 50x75 cm print on fine art photographic paper. Shipping costs included for Portugal only. Contribution: 195 € or more.
9) Go Surf! One Special Edition book: hardcover, numbered, signed by the author + one 13x18 cm photograph + a photo session with Ricardo Bravo. Shipping costs included for Portugal only. Contribution: 250 €
International shipping costs on request

Andrew Cotton
1: 14 Nov: project launch on social networks.
2: 16 Nov: launch on PPL / promotion / order link goes live.
3: 18 Nov: send press release to the media.
4: Deadline of December 1st to reach 200 orders to proceed with the printing of the book that takes two weeks to produce.
5: 15 December: shipping/delivery of books begins
6: PPL runs until 16 December (after that it is impossible to guarantee delivery before Christmas)
Ricardo Bravo Santos
Caro/a apoiante desta campanha:
Espero que se encontre bem e que o livro "Nazaré" continue a ser uma boa companhia para ver e rever o magnífico Mar da Nazaré.
Desde a sua publicação, que muitos dos apoiantes me perguntam se é possível adquirir algumas das imagens que constam no livro, mas em formato de poster e com um preço mais acessível.
Pois bem, os posters já estão disponíveis em formato 93X73cm (!) e para todos os que me ajudaram nesta aventura, criei um código promocional: basta inserir o código "POSTER5_25" para ter um desconto de 25% sobre o pvp dos posters que estão disponíveis no seguinte link:
Aproveitem e obrigado!
Basta inserir o código "POSTER5_25" na altura de fazer o pagamento.
(A promoção é limitada no tempo, em nº de posters por cliente e ao stock existente)
Dear supporter:
I hope you are well and that the book "Nazaré" continues to be a good company to revisit the magnificent Sea of Nazaré.
Since its publication, many of the supporters have asked me if it is possible to purchase some of the images in the book, but in poster format, therefore at a more affordable price.
Well, the posters are now available (!) and for everyone who helped me on this adventure, I've just created a promotional code: just enter the code "POSTER5_25" to get a 25% discount on the pvp of the posters that are available in the following link:
Enjoy and thank you!
Just insert the promo code at checkout: POSTER5_25
(The promotion is limited in time , quantity and to existing stock)
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Ricardo Bravo Santos
Ponto de Situação
Caro apoiante,
Terminada a época das festas, entro em contacto para lhe desejar um óptimo 2021 e deixar breves notas:
1) Se optou por levantar o livro na loja Quiksilver Carcavelos e ainda não o fez, peço-lhe (se possível) que o faça esta terça ou quarta-feira (antes de começar o novo confinamento). Tanto para poder matar a curiosidade e desfrutar do seu livro, como para libertar um pouco de espaço no armazém da loja.
2) Se optou por entrega por correio e ainda não recebeu o seu livro, ficam as minhas desculpas, mas desde o início da pandemia que os serviços de entregas estão com muitos problemas de funcionamento. Responda por favor a esta mensagem utilizando o mesmo nome e mail que usou para encomendar o livro e exponha a sua situação, para poder verificar o que se passa e resolver o mais depressa possível.
3) Se me quiser enviar uma fotografia, a sua opinião sobre o livro, um elogio ou uma crítica construtiva, é um feedback precioso que agradeço desde já.
O livro encontra-se agora à venda através do meu site
Bom ano e até breve!
Ricardo Bravo
Dear Nazaré Campaign Supporter,
Now that the holiday season is over, I'd like to wish you a great 2021 and ask for 5 minutes of your time for the following:
1) If you have chosen to pick up the book at the Quiksilver Carcavelos store and have not yet done so, I would ask you (if possible) to do so before this Thursday as it's quite probable ( new lockdown starting) that the store will be closed for a period of at least two weeks.
2) If you have chosen delivery by mail and have not yet received your book, my apologies for any inconvenience. Please respond to this message using the same name and email you've used to order the book. Every book was sent by registered mail, so it shouldn't be too difficult to sort things out.
3) If you'd like to send a photo, your opinion about the book, a compliment or a useful idea on anything you consider it could be better or different about the book, that would be a valuable and most appreciated feedback .
The book is now on sale through my website
Happy new year and see you soon!
Ricardo Bravo
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Ricardo Bravo Santos
Livro pronto! / Book ready!
Livro pronto!
Caro apoiante desta campanha,
Depois de tantas aventuras, o livro está na fase de acabamentos e com chegada marcada para 21 de Dezembro à tarde ao meu estúdio. Fica “só” a faltar assinar e numerar cada um dos mais de 400 (!) livros que os 231 generosos apoiantes adquiriram.
Peço-lhe que leia com atenção. Qualquer dúvida, estou à disposição.
Se optou por levantar o livro em mãos: A partir de dia 22 (inclusive), pode dirigir-se à loja Quiksilver na Praia de Carcavelos, Av. Marginal n.6, 2775-604 Carcavelos no horário das 10 às 19h (confirme sempre horários em função da situação de pandemia)
Se escolheu portes de entrega para Portugal e…
reside nos concelhos de Oeiras, Cascais
ou Lisboa, o livro será entregue diretamente em sua casa.
Responda a este email indicando por favor um contacto telefónico para
agendamento da hora de entrega nos dias 22 e 23 de Dezembro.
reside noutros concelhos: o seu livro será enviado por correio verde registado no
dia 21 de Dezembro com entrega até dia 23.
Se indicou uma morada no estrangeiro: o livro será enviado por correio registado no dia 21 de Dezembro.
Este é um esforço final para que o livro chegue o mais cedo possível à sua casa. Acredito que mesmo com todas as limitações actuais, o livro vai chegar a sua casa antes do Natal.
Vamos a isto!
Dear Nazaré Campaign Supporter,
After so many adventures, the book is in the final phase and is scheduled to arrive at my studio on December 21 in the afternoon. The “only” thing left will be to sign and number each of the more than 400 (!) copies that 231 generous supporters have purchased.
Please read the following carefully. Any questions, I am available.
If you chose to pick up the book in person:
Starting on the 22nd (inclusive), you can go to the Quiksilver store at Praia de Carcavelos, Av. Marginal n.6, 2775-604 Carcavelos between 10 am and 7 pm (pay attention to possible changes in opening hours depending on the pandemic situation).
If you chose shipping costs to Portugal and
You live in Oeiras, Cascais or Lisbon county, the book will be delivered directly to your
home. Please reply to this email by indicating a telephone contact to schedule the
delivery time on December 22 and 23.
You live in another town: your book will be sent by registered "green mail" on
December 21.
If you have provided an address in another country: the book will be sent by
registered mail on December 22.
This is a final effort to get the book to your home as soon as possible. I believe (based on information given to me by the post office) that even with all the current limitations, the book will arrive in time for Xmas. Fingers crossed, here we go!
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Miguel Bento LopesRicardo Bravo Santos
Livro hoje recebido
Boa tarde. O livro foi hoje recebido e é magnifico. Ansioso por lhe poder dedicar a atenção que merece. Obrigado por todo o esforço na sua elaboração e entrega atempada. Votos de boas festas e excelente ano de 2021
Miguel Bento Lopes
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Ricardo Bravo Santos
Quase lá!
Caro apoiante desta campanha,
Após a minha mensagem de 4 de Dezembro, muita coisa aconteceu e achei que estava na altura de dar notícias: este louco ano de 2020 voltou a mostrar a sua cara! No dia 3 de Dezembro, foi-me garantido que o livro entrava em produção na manhã seguinte, mas uns dias depois venho a descobrir que afinal o processo nem sequer tinha começado e que ninguém me ia garantir uma data de entrega ou sequer de início de produção. Entretanto, o valor que avancei do meu bolso para o arranque da produção, andou 6 dias a passear algures no ciberespaço sem que ninguém o encontrasse, até que felizmente aterrou de novo em segurança na minha conta. No meio disto tudo, fiquei sem produtor e sem gráfica!
Como 2020 não pode ser mais forte que nós, peguei no telefone e não descansei enquanto um dos meus muitos amigos designers não me arranjou uma nova gráfica disposta a produzir o livro com a mesma qualidade e em tempo recorde… contra todas as probabilidades (nesta época do ano as gráficas estão a trabalhar a 200%) consegui! Melhor ainda, com mais qualidade e sem um acréscimo de custo significativo, que podia deitar todo o projecto por terra.
Confesso que já custa a acreditar que isto vai mesmo acontecer, mas cá estou eu a escrever-vos directamente da gráfica onde acompanho a saída do livro das máquinas. A capa está impressa, o miolo do livro vai entrar (e sair, espero!) na máquina daqui a 30 minutos e amanhã vão ambos passear até ao norte para aplicação da capa dura e acabamentos finais.
Mais uma vez obrigado por acreditar neste projecto, estamos mesmo na recta final!
Mais notícias em breve.
Ricardo Bravo
Dear Nazaré Campaign Supporter,
A lot has happened since my December 4 message and I think it’s time to update you: this crazy year 2020 has shown its face again! On December 3, I was assured that the book would go into production the following morning but a few days later I learned that the process had not even started at all and that no one was going to guarantee me a delivery date or even a start date for production. In the meantime, the amount that I had advanced out of pocket to start production vanished into cyberspace without a trace for six days, until luckily it landed again safely in my account. In the midst of all this, I found myself without a producer and without a printing company!
Refusing to be defeated by 2020, I starting phoning my many designer friends nonstop until one of them found me a new print shop willing to produce a book of equivalent quality and in record time ... Against all odds (at this time of year printers are working at 200%), I did it! Better still, with higher quality and without a significant cost increase that could have shelved the entire project.
I confess that it’s hard to believe this is really happening, but here I am writing to you directly from the print shop where I am watching the book emerge from the machines. The cover is printed, the core of the book will enter (and exit, I hope!) the machine in 30 minutes and tomorrow they will both head north to Porto to apply the hard cover and finishing touches.
Thanks again for believing in this project, we are on the straightaway!
More news soon.
Ricardo Bravo
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Ricardo Bravo Santos
Morada e contribuinte
Caro apoiante desta campanha,
Demos início à produção do livro em gráfica, com prazo previsto de entrega no meu estúdio no dia 15 de Dezembro, seguindo-se o envio por correio verde para que chegue a casa de todos antes do Natal.
Para quem preferiu levantar em mãos, está prevista a entrega dos mesmos na loja da Quiksilver de Carcavelos, em data e hora a confirmar.
Se ainda não o fez, peço que envie um email para com o assunto “Livro Nazaré - morada e contribuinte” onde indica:
1) Nome e morada completa para envio (se tiver escolhido uma opção com portes)
2) Nome e contribuinte para emissão de factura
Recordo que a campanha prossegue até dia 11 de Dezembro e continua a ser possível adquirir livros e experiências associadas:
Muito obrigado e até breve!
Ricardo Bravo
Dear ‘Nazaré’ Campaign Supporter,
The book is now on full production at the print house and it should arrive at my studio on December 15. It will be shipped right away, so that you can have it in time for Xmas.
If you’ve chosen to pick up the book yourself, I’m yet to confirm a final date and time, but the plan is to meet at Quiksilver Carcavelos surf shop to hand over the books and chat for a minute. More on this soon.
If you haven’t already, now would be the perfect timing for dropping an email to with subject “address and tax number” and the following info:
1) Name and full address for shipment (if you paid for shipment)
2) Name and tax number for invoice
Don’t forget: the campaign remains active until December 11 and until then, it is still possible to order books and associated experiences.
As the game is still on, please keep spreading the word - every single book sold counts for the final result.
Thank you very much for your trust and support!
Ricardo Bravo
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Ricardo Bravo Santos
Caro apoiante desta campanha,
Com a ajuda de todos os envolvidos, chegámos ao objectivo e o livro pode seguir para produção.
Muito obrigado pelo seu apoio e por acreditar neste projecto!
Previsão calendário:
1 de Dezembro encomenda para produção.
15 de Dezembro chegada dos livros ao meu estúdio.
16 a 19 de Dezembro - envio e entrega dos livros em mão.
A campanha continua activa até dia 11 de Dezembro, pelo que continua a ser possível encomendar livros e respectivas experiências associadas.
Agradeço desde já toda a divulgação que possa fazer até essa data, porque mesmo que seja só mais um livro vendido, vai fazer a diferença no resultado final.
Muito obrigado e até breve!
Ricardo Bravo
Dear ‘Nazaré’ Campaign Supporter,
With the help of everyone involved, we reached the goal and the book can now follow to production.
Thank you very much for your trust and support!
Next steps:
December 1 - production starts.
December 15 - books arrive at my studio.
December 15 to 19 - shipping.
The campaign remains active until December 11 and until then, it is still possible to order books and associated experiences.
As the game is still on, please keep spreading the word - every single book sold counts for the final result.
Thank you once again!
Ricardo Bravo
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Ricardo Bravo Santos
Livro Nazaré
Caro apoiante desta campanha,
Vai daqui um sentido obrigado pela sua contribuição! Nunca esperei um resultado tão bom em tão pouco tempo!
Neste momento estamos a atingir 80% do valor necessário para que este livro chegue à fase de impressão.
Para que todos possamos ter o livro a tempo do Natal, precisamos chegar aos 100% (7200€) até dia 1 de Dezembro, e é nesse sentido que venho pedir um pequena ajuda: fale por favor com os seus amigos e familiares, diga-lhes que já comprou o livro e que é uma excelente prenda para este Natal e que o momento é agora enviando o link:
Os pontos fortes de promoção são:
1) Não se trata de comprar "apenas" um livro especial, mas também de apoiar um artista.
2)Esta primeira edição tem um preço especial, será numerada e assinada. Inclui ainda a oferta de um print 13X18cm.
3) Para além de fotografias únicas do mar da Nazaré, há belíssimos textos e depoimentos de alguns dos melhores surfistas de ondas grandes do mundo. Eles, melhor do que ninguém, podem descrever o que significa enfrentar aquelas ondas.
Se quiser, pode usar as imagens que envio em anexo para posts nas redes sociais e/ou enviar por WhatsApp aos seus amigos e familiares.
Mais uma vez, muito obrigado! (Estamos quase lá!)
Ricardo Bravo
Dear ‘Nazaré’ Campaign Supporter,
Thank you for your contribution! I never expected such great results in such a short time!
We are now at almost 80% of the amount needed for the book to reach the printing stage.
In order for everyone to get it in time for Christmas, we need a push to reach 100% (7200€) by December 1st, and this is why I’m asking for a little more help from you: please talk to your friends and family, tell them that you have already bought the book, suggest they do the same since it’s an excellent holiday gift and that the time is NOW, and be sure to include the link:
The best “selling points” are:
1) It is not about buying "just" a special book, but also about supporting an artist.
2) This first edition is signed, numbered, and offered at a special price, along with a 13X18 cm print.
3) In addition to unique photographs, there are beautiful texts and testimonials from some of the best big wave surfers in the world. They, better than anyone, can describe what it means to confront those waves at Nazaré.
If you want, you can use the attached images for posts on social networks and/or WhatsApp messages to friends and family.
Thank you once again! (We are almost there!)
Ricardo Bravo
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