The theater company Ardemente is about to fulfill its dream of presenting its most recent show "O Navio Night", in Brazil. We need your help to get there!
Ardemente is a theatre company based in Viseu, Portugal. Our most recent production, "O Navio Night", premiered in January to great reception.
It's a show based on the book "Le Navire Night", by French author Marguerite Duras. It includes a diverse cast re-imagining the plot of the book and dealing with questions of self-identity.
Recently we received the chance to perform a little tour of the play in Brazil, but we're still a bit far from the budget required to give our team the proper conditions.
We hope that with your help we'll be able to show our hard work overseas.
You can see our work on Instagram or Facebook.
All help is welcomed!
Thank you,
The Ardemente team

Isis Jet em "O Navio Night"
About the author
Ardemente is a theater company based in Viseu. In the genesis of his theatrical production there is a concern for the search for his own aesthetics and language, trying to repeatedly create a bridge between local artists and artists from the rest of the country. In addition to theatrical creation, they experiment with other types of artistic objects within performance and installation. The decentralization of culture turns out to be an inherent result of its work, thus promoting a diversified cultural offer in the region where it operates.

Isis Jet, Ricardo Augusto, Débora Aguiar, Rafaela Jacinto e Emanuel Santoz em "O Navio Night"
Budget and due dates
Ardemente has the possibility of presenting the show "O Navio Night" in Salvador - Baía, on the 14th and 15th of March 2024 and in Goiânia - Goiás from the 22nd to the 24th of March 2024. For that we need to be in Brazil from March 10th to 26th.
We have already secured transport, accommodation and food expenses, but unfortunately the funding we have does not cover the fees of our beautiful guest team (interpreters and light designer). We believe that no one should work for free, and in order to combat precariousness in the cultural sector, we need your contribution.
Team fees: 2000€
PPL Commission: 200€
Companhia Ardemente
Olá a todes!
Queremos agraceder a toda a gente pelo vosso apoio! Estamos cada vez mais perto da nossa viagem, e só será possível por causa da vossa ajuda.
Em breve daremos novidades.
O nosso próximo espetáculo estreia nos dias 8 e 9 de Dezembro em Viseu, e contamos com a vossa presença.
Até lá podem acompanhar o nosso trabalho no instagram @ardemente
Um grande abraço,
A equipa Ardemente
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