From eucalyptus to native woods
  • Green
  • Vouzela, Portugal

From eucalyptus to native woods

Convert the eucalyptus trees from the properties that MONTIS bought in Pampilhosa da Serra

  • 20021


    107% of 18 730€

    353 backers

  • 04/12/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Convert the eucalyptus trees from the properties that MONTIS bought in Pampilhosa da Serra

MONTIS manages marginal areas for the purpose of nature conservation.

In 2019, we bought 6 parcels in the municipality of Pampilhosa da Serra. Two of them, Covões and Barroco Frio, are partially occupied by eucalyptus with no interest for conservation or production.

Covões, with 2.6 ha, is occupied, in 70%, by abandoned eucalyptus. In the rest of the area there are Mediterranean scrubland with strawberry trees, cork and Holm oak, and also a riparian gallery next to the Unhais river, with alders, willows, and others.

Barroco Frio, with 2.3 ha, is occupied, in 40%, by eucalyptus. The rest of the area also includes Mediterranean scrub and, to the south, the Unhais riparian gallery.

After some time looking for solutions and partners for its conversion, it was decided to proceed based on MONTIS’ own resources, and on the resources from those who want to see these examples, with easily working techniques, increasing their pedagogical value and replicability.

The investment is aimed at converting the eucalyptus into native flora and natural regeneration of the bush areas. This includes the cutting of the eucalyptus and the formative pruning of the native species, stimulating growth in height, the shading of the soil to control brushwood and the vertical discontinuity of fuels. If feasible, a controlled fire, will help to make the forest more resilient to fire and climate change.”

Vista da envolvente das propriedades Covões e Barroco Frio


To reconvert the eucalyptus trees that MONTIS bought, of reduced economic or ecological interest, into biodiverse native woods.


  • With clearcutting of the eucalyptus, without removing stumps, and managing the sprouting that results from the cutting (today, each stump has several branches, due to the lack of management) until the energy accumulated in the stumps and roots is exhausted. This less technically demanding option, although more demanding in work, will take 3 to 4 years until eucalyptus dies by exhaustion
  • If feasible, with a controlled fire after the cutting, to reduce fuel accumulation and make nutrients available to plants
  • With soil retention actions, increasing natural capital and improving the conditions for the evolution of native flora
  • Conducting natural regeneration to accelerate the recovery process
  • If reasonable, with seedlings of indigenous species and localized plantations
  • With the collection, in parallel, of biodiversity data that allows the evaluation of management effects (direct observation, photo-trapping and bioblitz), registering it in public biodiversity data platforms

These options, not being the fastest or most efficient to produce results, allow ordinary people to be involved in the process, based on volunteering. Community involvement is central to the project and has a pedagogical component that aims to stimulate the critical spirit necessary for better management for the conservation of biodiversity.

Galeria rípicola do rio Unhais

About the author

MONTIS - Association for the management and conservation of Nature is a non-governmental, and non-profit, nationwide organization. Its headquarters are in Vouzela, Viseu, was created on March 23rd, 2014, and its main objective is to manage territories, with relevance to the conservation of natural values.

The central objectives of this association, which currently has about 483 members, both Portuguese and foreign, are to guarantee the development of natural processes, to promote the conservation of native species, to wisely manage forest fires and other natural risks, and to increase the value of the biodiversity market.

Budget and due dates

Budget for 5 years of implementation (2020-2024): € 18 730

Eucalyptus clearcutting (in case that there are no interested ones in the clearcutting): € 3,877

Management of fine forest fuels (for example: control of scrub and litter, namely through controlled fire): 2 900 €

Management activities (including volunteering weekends, corporate volunteering, one day volunteering, bioblitz, etc.): 6 100 €

Management costs (administrative, communication, and personnel costs for organizing and monitoring activities): 4 125 €

Commissions on the PPL platform: 1,728 €

If the campaign exceeds the amount to be raised, the surplus will be used to purchase land for nature conservation.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Report + Voucher (5 €)

    1) Digital annual report, indicating the actions and results obtained with the interventions 2) Voucher, in the amount of the donation, for an activity on MONTIS’ properties or surrounding areas

    59 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Report + Voucher (10 €)

    1) Digital annual report, indicating the actions and results obtained with the interventions 2) Voucher, in the amount of the donation, for an activity on MONTIS’ properties or surrounding areas

    86 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Report + Voucher (20 €)

    1) Digital annual report, indicating the actions and results obtained with the interventions 2) Voucher, in the amount of the donation, for an activity on MONTIS’ properties or surrounding areas

    135 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Report + Tour or activity (maximum 5 people)

    1) Digital annual report, indicating the actions and results obtained with the interventions 2) Tour through the MONTIS’ properties or surrounding areas OR Tour onto one mountain river (alternatively, a specific route can be designed according to the interests and characteristics of the group, including the use of a joellete, for people with reduced mobility, on non-adapted routes) OR Activity to discuss, organized by MONTIS in its properties or surrounding areas. Note: Activities listed as a reward for higher donations will not be considered in the selection

    73 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Report + Tour or activity (maximum 15 people)

    1) Digital annual report, indicating the actions and results obtained with the interventions 2) Tour through MONTIS’ properties or surrounding areas OR Tour onto one mountain river (alternatively, a specific route can be designed according to the interests and characteristics of the group, including the use of a joellete, for people with reduced mobility, on non-adapted routes) OR Activity to discuss, organized by MONTIS in its properties or surrounding areas. Note: Activities listed as a reward for higher donations will not be considered in the selection

    50 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Report + Tour or activity (maximum 40 people) OR Bird identification workshop (4 people)

    1) Digital annual report, indicating the actions and results obtained with the interventions 2) Tour through MONTIS’ properties or surrounding areas OR Tour onto one mountain river (alternatively, a specific route can be designed according to the interests and characteristics of the group, including the use of a joellete, for people with reduced mobility, on non-adapted routes) OR Activity to discuss, organized by MONTIS in its properties or surrounding areas. Note: The activities listed as a reward for higher donations will not be considered in the selection. 3) Birdl identification workshop in MONTIS properties or surrounding area (4 people).

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Report + Training program OR Nature discovery activity (maximum 5 people; 2 days) OR Team building activity (maximum 50 people)

    1) Digital annual report, indicating the actions and results obtained with the interventions 2) Training program / nature discovery activity (with conservation specialists) for a group of 5 people, for 2 days OR Team building activity up to 50 people designed according to the interests and characteristics of the group.

    6 backers

Thu, 06/02/2025 - 14:10

Wed, 09/12/2020 - 09:33

"Do eucaliptal até à mata" - Agradecimento

Caros doadores, Venho agradecer a todos, os contributos que permitiram que a campanha “Do Eucaliptal até à Mata” atingisse os seus objetivos. Muito, muito, obrigado pela c...

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Mon, 07/12/2020 - 12:02

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 01/12/2020 - 23:58

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Fri, 27/11/2020 - 12:13

Do Eucaliptal até à Mata

Caros apoiantes Queremos antes de mais agradecer os vossos donativos e todo o apoio que deram na divulgação da campanha de crowdfunding “Do eucaliptal até à mata”. Como sabem ...

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Fri, 06/11/2020 - 02:24

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Wed, 07/10/2020 - 18:35

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Campaign launched


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  • MONTIS - Associação para a Gestão e Conservação da Natureza

    "Do eucaliptal até à mata" - Agradecimento

    Caros doadores,

    Venho agradecer a todos, os contributos que permitiram que a campanha “Do Eucaliptal até à Mata” atingisse os seus objetivos.

    Muito, muito, obrigado pela confiança.

    A todos os apoiantes, sobre os quais temos informação suficiente, iremos emitir os respetivos recibos, onde consta a referência à lei do mecenato que permite a obtenção de um benefício fiscal. E a todos os que se inscreveram para uma recompensa será enviado o voucher correspondente.

    A todos os apoiantes anónimos, sobre os quais não temos informação suficiente pedimos, caso queiram que seja passado o respetivo recibo, que nos identifiquem a operação a que diz respeito (dia, montante do contributo) e em que nome e número fiscal devem ser passados os recibos.

    Caso tenham feito doações em nome pessoal na plataforma, mas pretendem que o recibo seja passado noutro nome, digam-nos também, por favor.

    Queria  que me desculpassem por receberem este mail, em duplicado, via MONTIS e via plataforma do PPL.  A MONTIS não tem acesso ao mail dos  anónimos que contribuíram para a campanha;  não querendo deixar de  agradecer a todos, optei por enviar o meu agradecimento, também,   através da plataforma do PPL, garantido desta forma que todos recebem este mail. 

    Aproveito para convidar os doadores individuais, que não são sócios da MONTIS, a fazer parte da nossa associação, de maneira a que possam acompanhar, mais de perto o que faremos com o dinheiro que nos entregaram.

    Inscreva-se já como sócio  e só passará a pagar uma quota, de apenas 20 euros anuais, a partir de 2021.  Esta é uma outra forma de nos ajudar a crescer. Não deixe para amanhã! Basta preencher o formulário em

    Pedro Oliveira
    Presidente da Direção da MONTIS

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  • MONTIS - Associação para a Gestão e Conservação da Natureza

    Do Eucaliptal até à Mata

    Caros apoiantes
    Queremos antes de mais agradecer os vossos donativos e todo o apoio que deram na divulgação da campanha de crowdfunding “Do eucaliptal até à mata”.
    Como sabem a campanha é “tudo ou nada”, ou seja só será bem sucedida se chegar a 100%! E neste momento falta muito pouco para os 100%, mas também já só temos uma semana para garantir que poderemos vir a transformar, numa mata biodiversa, os nossos eucaliptais da Pampilhosa da Serra.
    Para que os vossos apoios não sejam perdidos pedimos que se juntem a nós num último esforço de divulgação da campanha.

    A Natureza agradece! e a MONTIS também!

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353 members of the PPL community
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  • 131
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  • 222
    recurrent backers

  • 74
    anonymous backers

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