The dream of the Good drink is real! In our 2nd crowdfunding campaign we want to share with you our current challenges and objectives in search of a more sustainable and efficient operation.
We did our first crowdfunding almost 3 years ago asking for support to continue our project and overcome the initial challenges of creating a business.
And it worked! We have evolved and managed to fulfill our mission of spreading the word about kombucha in Portugal. In this 2nd campaign we need your help to transform a problem into a solution to start a new stage of the company.
Our journey has been a great adventure! Growing an artisanal production of kombucha, maintaining the tradition of natural fermentation, is not a simple task . And in the midst of this, if this challenge wasn't enough, we also launched kombucha vinegars, ginger shots, new flavors and created a reverse logistics process to reuse 75cl bottles. We also dedicate our time to spreading knowledge about fermentation, with workshops, management of starter kits, SCOBYS, tea and tools for home production .
We love to foster innovation , but the excess of new things has overloaded our operation and now we see the need to give a step back before taking two steps forward . This campaign represents the beginning of the journey towards our goal of simplifying and focusing.
We have a problem to overcome, which we decided to transform into an action, to start a new cycle of our project. The kombuchas produced at the end of the 3rd quarter have the wrong expiration date and despite being perfect , the date set for 12/2023 will make it impossible to sell.
We need to drain 6 thousand bottles of 25cl kombucha, produced at the end of September, which are at the ideal point of fermentation, but with expiry labels. Let's turn this stock into a reward, at an unmissable price, for everyone who supports this campaign.
The success of the campaign will allow us to avoid waste /damage from this batch and prepare us for our next objectives:
- End a cycle . We want to end this year with our stocks updated and start 2024 organized to improve our processes.
- Simplify . Reduce from 7 flavors to 4 and from 32 raw material items to be managed to 1 8. We will temporarily pause the production of the Pineapple & Cayena Pepper flavor.
- Sustainability . improve our reverse logistics, bottle washing and ginger shot process, more details in Plan and Calendar.
- Invest . With the proceeds from the campaign, we will invest in tools for sanitizing and washing reusable bottles and in new equipment to support the production of our ginger shot.
Campaign links:
1- Crowdfunding PPL 1 (05/07/2021) -
2- Crowdlending 1 GoParity (07/02/2022) -
3- Crowdlending 2 GoParity (25/05/2022) -
4- Crowdlending 3 GoParity (01/07/2022) -

Gonçalo Campos
Queremos expressar o nosso
Queremos expressar o nosso sincero agradecimento pelo teu apoio incrível ao projeto Bebida do Bem!
A campanha está a progredir em direção à meta, e as recompensas já estão perfeitas e prontas a aguardar para serem entregues.
O envio das Kombuchas ocorrerá após o término bem-sucedido da campanha. Em caso de não atingirmos a meta, o dinheiro será prontamente devolvido.
Este apoio não é apenas um impulso para superar um desafio, mas também uma grande injeção de ânimo para a próxima fase do nosso projeto!
De coração, muito obrigado!
Seguimos a fermentar!
MAI Kombucha
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