John Collage was born as a story but soon materialized in a movement for children courage.
John Collage is a creative, resilient child who is somehow different from other children. His personal development makes him bold, and his boldness allows him to think differently from every other child.
Welcome to John Collage, a story towards a self-conscious, courageous life. This is a compelling narrative to reveal an extraordinary journey of kindness, inspiring us while fostering an attitude of authenticity to unveil the gift of imperfection.

mesa de trabalho
John Collage is both a book and a social movement. The message goes beyond the book itself through the collages, revealing the storyline and characters. The book is greater than format alone, relating words and imagery to compel change through the rich semiotics of every visual element. Together, words and visuals create a visual approach that enables the understanding of what we define as courage literacy.
Courage literacy is an original approach designed to encourage youths and children. Our goal is to inspire children to grow up being strong, creating a more compassionate generation; one that is confidently creative and able to defend their unique values. John Collage is the captain of this movement for courage and boldness in youth and childhood, nourishing a natural loving attitude to inspire children and families, at home and at school.
John Collage epitomizes what we, as authors, wish for our children: creativity, resilience and courage. This book is the face of a more significant project, including a creative/pedagogical tool and a partnership with Nuvem Vitória, an amazing association that works with hospitalized children. Together, we aim to frame the courage literacy movement.
The magic box is a creative, plastic and pedagogical box for families and schools. The magic box transforms the book into something real that we can shape. With innovative and plastic tools, plus the pedagogical instruments, the magic box can foster creativity and create magical moments at home and at school.
Nuvem Vitória was founded in 2016 to develop singular volunteering. Every night, the volunteer teams read bedtime stories to children in hospital, who are far from their familiar environments. A total of 54,454 stories have been read, and we strive to include John Collage as part of the stories told by Nuvem Vitória. Plus, for every book sold, John Collage will donate €3 to Nuvem Vitória, fueling their ambitious mission of reading bedtime stories to every child lying in a hospital bed.
Why Nuvem Vitória? Undoubtedly, their work makes them our perfect partner: the mission, the nature of their work, the emotional attachment of the volunteers and the significance of every story that is read to a sick child in bed. Nuvem Vitória represents an exceptional opportunity to express John Collage, empowering hospitalized children in terms of courage literacy.
We dream of bringing this book to life, in print form and distributed throughout the country to spread courage to children and families, revealing the beauty of overcoming our differences. This project comes to life as a result of some sort of cosmic combination of people and their actions, plus the kindness we’ve experienced, proving that love conquers all. So, here we are, asking you to be part of this, helping us to bring this book to life, sharing indestructible magic and courage to our kids.

materiais e técnicas
Maria João Trindade
Olá, espero-vos bem!
gostaria de ter notícias sobre o projeto. Estão em que fase? Existe alguma previsão para o envio do livro/caixa?
Até breve!
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Patrícia AguiarMaria João Trindade
Olá Maria João!
Olá Maria João!
Obrigada pelo seu contacto.
Os livros estão em produção na gráfica.
Contamos no final deste mês estarmos a fazer os envios dos livros e caixas mágicas.
Convidamo-la a acompanhar a página de Instagram do projeto @j_o_a_o____ onde comunicamos toda a informação e notícias.
Até breve!
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